surgery again cuz 5 yr pill not working

jo jo
jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
I went for my 6 month follow up with my breast specialist who oversees the cancer and reconstruction of it all. She was unaware they took me off the tamoxifen and put me on anastrozole (believe its a generic form of arimidex). I told her they switched me cuz i was allergic to the tamoxifen.
She kinda freaked over my case my cancer is highly estrogen fed and im premenapausal. So you cant put someone on anastrozole/arimidex if they are premenapausal and expect it to work unless you had a hysterectomy. She said even with me being on this pill my body is still making estrogen. So she said i at least need a partial hysterectomy to be on this drug and since i cant take the tamoxifen. I asked her why they just couldnt put me on another family member of the tamoxifen...she said there is none, tamoxifen is the only one of its kind. I was tryin to figure out a way i didnt need to get this surgery.. but it wasnt happening!
She said in my case being on anastrozole and being premenapausal and my body still making estrogen im basically on an expensive sugar pill...its doing me no good and if i dont have a partial hysterectomy my cancer has a higher percentage of returning.
Well now aint this a just healing from what i thought was my last surgery and just starting to work on my body to get it back in shape to only find this so bummed about this! Yet also worried why my onc did not know this or inform me about this.


  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Oh the joys...
    of having cancer and more than 1 doc. Thank goodness somebody figured this out and you didn't waste too much time on the wrong meds.

    I am sorry you have to look this in the face, you have had WAAAAAAAAAAY too much to deal with these last couple of months.

    Please keep us posted so we can be there to cheer you on.

    Hang in there tough Pink Warrior,

  • jphilpo
    jphilpo Member Posts: 177
    I am so sorry this happened! You are so strong and I know you are shocked at the news, but make sure you have all the info you need and you will know just what to do!

    I hope all goes well and take care,

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Gosh... sorry to hear about
    Gosh... sorry to hear about the latest news, but so glad to hear your breast specialist is on top of things. It's not easy news to take in, especially since you just underwent surgery and are in recovery. As the saying goes, one step at a time.

    JoJo... was wondering, how do you feel about your oncologist? I know you have a lot on your plate, but this is something to consider. Not sure how long your oncologist has been in practice, but he/or she should know when to prescribe pre/post menopausal drugs.

    Don't mean to add to your worry. That's not my intention, it's just that this is a glaring oversight on the part of your doctor.

    Hugs to you. Take care, God bless.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175

    Gosh... sorry to hear about
    Gosh... sorry to hear about the latest news, but so glad to hear your breast specialist is on top of things. It's not easy news to take in, especially since you just underwent surgery and are in recovery. As the saying goes, one step at a time.

    JoJo... was wondering, how do you feel about your oncologist? I know you have a lot on your plate, but this is something to consider. Not sure how long your oncologist has been in practice, but he/or she should know when to prescribe pre/post menopausal drugs.

    Don't mean to add to your worry. That's not my intention, it's just that this is a glaring oversight on the part of your doctor.

    Hugs to you. Take care, God bless.

    Bella Luna
    This is my 2nd oncologist. This one is suppose to be one of the best in the area for Breast cancer. I have had my doubts about her before and of course now with this. Yet to be fair she has done things to help also. So im really confused about her. Im just thankful i have my breast specialist cuz shes the one i go to about everything cuz she does her research and will explain everything in detail until you understand it and most of all she knows what shes talking about. So her i trust no doubt. As long as i have my BS in my corner im ok. BS is bringing this to my onc's attention!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Gosh... sorry to hear about
    Gosh... sorry to hear about the latest news, but so glad to hear your breast specialist is on top of things. It's not easy news to take in, especially since you just underwent surgery and are in recovery. As the saying goes, one step at a time.

    JoJo... was wondering, how do you feel about your oncologist? I know you have a lot on your plate, but this is something to consider. Not sure how long your oncologist has been in practice, but he/or she should know when to prescribe pre/post menopausal drugs.

    Don't mean to add to your worry. That's not my intention, it's just that this is a glaring oversight on the part of your doctor.

    Hugs to you. Take care, God bless.

    Ask about Lupron injections
    jo jo, if you don't want to have surgery (or want to take some more time to consider it, not be rushed into it), please ask your doctor about Lupron injections.

    Lupron is a monthly injection that shuts down your ovaries, thereby putting you into temporary "menopause," so you can then take Arimidex.

    I'm also premenopausal, and -- while I'm lucky to be doing well on Tamoxifen -- I've talked preliminarily with my doctors about what I'll do after I finish it, since I'll still be young enough to be menstruating. Both my oncologist and gynecologist favor Lupron injections over having my ovaries removed. Please ask your doctors about this option.

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    jo jo said:

    Bella Luna
    This is my 2nd oncologist. This one is suppose to be one of the best in the area for Breast cancer. I have had my doubts about her before and of course now with this. Yet to be fair she has done things to help also. So im really confused about her. Im just thankful i have my breast specialist cuz shes the one i go to about everything cuz she does her research and will explain everything in detail until you understand it and most of all she knows what shes talking about. So her i trust no doubt. As long as i have my BS in my corner im ok. BS is bringing this to my onc's attention!

    Jo Jo, who ever switched you
    Jo Jo, who ever switched you to the arimidex should have known that it doesn't work when you have your ovaries. The good thing is, typically, they can take out the ovaries very easily. It was an outpatient procedure. I was up and about the next day. It did really kick up the hot flashes a notch though.
    Let this be the last bump in the road!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    TraciInLA said:

    Ask about Lupron injections
    jo jo, if you don't want to have surgery (or want to take some more time to consider it, not be rushed into it), please ask your doctor about Lupron injections.

    Lupron is a monthly injection that shuts down your ovaries, thereby putting you into temporary "menopause," so you can then take Arimidex.

    I'm also premenopausal, and -- while I'm lucky to be doing well on Tamoxifen -- I've talked preliminarily with my doctors about what I'll do after I finish it, since I'll still be young enough to be menstruating. Both my oncologist and gynecologist favor Lupron injections over having my ovaries removed. Please ask your doctors about this option.


    My BS did say

    My BS did say something about this monthly shot but had to do some research on how it effects me having an ablation years this may not be an option for me. Im hoping she calls and tells me some good news that this would work but it didnt sound hopeful.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    TraciInLA said:

    Ask about Lupron injections
    jo jo, if you don't want to have surgery (or want to take some more time to consider it, not be rushed into it), please ask your doctor about Lupron injections.

    Lupron is a monthly injection that shuts down your ovaries, thereby putting you into temporary "menopause," so you can then take Arimidex.

    I'm also premenopausal, and -- while I'm lucky to be doing well on Tamoxifen -- I've talked preliminarily with my doctors about what I'll do after I finish it, since I'll still be young enough to be menstruating. Both my oncologist and gynecologist favor Lupron injections over having my ovaries removed. Please ask your doctors about this option.


    Zoladex injection
    Both drugs Zoladex and Lupron can be used instead of surgery. They provide suppression of estrogen production by ovaries and give less menopausal side effects than surgery.
    Ask your doctor. I was on Zoladex for 10 months
  • jendrey
    jendrey Member Posts: 377

    Zoladex injection
    Both drugs Zoladex and Lupron can be used instead of surgery. They provide suppression of estrogen production by ovaries and give less menopausal side effects than surgery.
    Ask your doctor. I was on Zoladex for 10 months

    What about Tamoxifen's less evil cousin Raloxifene?

    Ah but maybe it's just too close in composition, one to the other...if you don't want to have surgery, take some time and explore what other options there could be for you. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing this; I'd tell her it's not like you can take it back or anything. =)

  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    so sorry JoJo
    I agree with the Thank God someone caught it. I am on the same medication but I am way over menopause. Another surgery would have me on the phone to the onc. that prescribed the medication and letting them know I am not happy with the info I just got. They should be made aware of there error, so they don't do it to someone else. OMG what a shame. Do keep this doc in the loop of any changes in the future, sounds like she knows what she is doing~ Thankfully it was only 6 months, but give the other doctor hell!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member hear all this hear all this going on..I had been on tamoxfen for 2 1/2 yrs started having issues-taken off it for few months then hysterectomy in May back on tmaoxifen about 2mths now...

    I HOPE things work

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    it seems never ending sometimes........ I'm so sorry you have to go through another operation. Your dr is right. I'm postmenopausal and on Arimidex (Anastrozole). All I can say is when you know the date of your surgery, let us know and we'll get on the pink bus for you and make sure all is going well.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    It's never ending especially for you! You have been going through your share of turmoil and I am very sorry to hear of this now. Make it stop! It's much stress can you take. But I know how strong you are and that sense of humor is so will see you through. You are in my thoughts. We will all be on the pink bus with you dear sister.
    Hugs to you,
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Ask about Lupron injections
    jo jo, if you don't want to have surgery (or want to take some more time to consider it, not be rushed into it), please ask your doctor about Lupron injections.

    Lupron is a monthly injection that shuts down your ovaries, thereby putting you into temporary "menopause," so you can then take Arimidex.

    I'm also premenopausal, and -- while I'm lucky to be doing well on Tamoxifen -- I've talked preliminarily with my doctors about what I'll do after I finish it, since I'll still be young enough to be menstruating. Both my oncologist and gynecologist favor Lupron injections over having my ovaries removed. Please ask your doctors about this option.


    I also was wondering if you
    I also was wondering if you could have the Lupron injections too. Then you could take Arimidex Jo Jo.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • deeb111
    deeb111 Member Posts: 141 Member
    Very sorry to hear but first do whats most important take care of your health and then question why this was allowed to happen dont let doc off hook so easy u want to make sure in future they dot there i and cross there t my onc told me same tamoxifen or hysterectomy then different drug its not to be mean to them but to advocate for the best health care that you deserve and i hope things start looking up for u soon
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Oh Jojo, with everything you
    Oh Jojo, with everything you have been through you certainly did not need this. I am so sorry you are going through this. You are in my prayers sweetheart. {{{{HUGS}}}} Kay
  • renee616
    renee616 Member Posts: 181

    Oh Jojo, with everything you
    Oh Jojo, with everything you have been through you certainly did not need this. I am so sorry you are going through this. You are in my prayers sweetheart. {{{{HUGS}}}} Kay

    Hi JoJo
    I'm sorry about

    Hi JoJo
    I'm sorry about this! It might only be 6 months...but in treatment time....Thats a long time!! My Onc just put me on tamoxifen & He said..are you still having your periods? Ummm duh! Check your records! My period stopped during chemo 6 mths ago...He said he would put me on it for 6 mths but if my period didnt restart...He'd have tp put me on some thing else. There are those that take tamoxifen that are well over menopause...Does that mean its useless to them just like the drug your on only the opposite? I know a 80 year old woman that was just put on tamoxifen......Anyways Good luck with whatever you decide....
    Hugs, Renee
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    renee616 said:

    Hi JoJo
    I'm sorry about

    Hi JoJo
    I'm sorry about this! It might only be 6 months...but in treatment time....Thats a long time!! My Onc just put me on tamoxifen & He said..are you still having your periods? Ummm duh! Check your records! My period stopped during chemo 6 mths ago...He said he would put me on it for 6 mths but if my period didnt restart...He'd have tp put me on some thing else. There are those that take tamoxifen that are well over menopause...Does that mean its useless to them just like the drug your on only the opposite? I know a 80 year old woman that was just put on tamoxifen......Anyways Good luck with whatever you decide....
    Hugs, Renee

    No, Renee -- doesn't work the same way the other direction

    Tamoxifen was originally developed (in the 1970s) and used for postmenopausal women with breast cancer metastases, and is often still used for this purpose (I believe the first treatment ChenHeart on this board had for her metastasis a a year or so ago was Tamoxifen.). Tamoxifen is not useless for postmenopausal women -- it's only somewhat recently that aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex became an option for them.
