
Double Whammy
Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
Hey, Re and others - this was on the uterine cancer board:

from CancerWatch "The effects of chemotherapy greatly weaken the liver's detoxification abilities. For example, chemotherapy and radiotherapy kill cells. Some cancer cells, some normal cells. And the dead cells pass to the liver, which has to work hard to break them down and pass them out into the intestines. Cholesterol builds up around some of the dead cells to form stones, sometimes several thousands of them. These in turn block the bile ducts and prevent the elimination of toxins. One US estimate was that virtually every cancer patient had gallstones because the effects of chemo greatly lessens the liver's detoxification ability."

Interesting. It does seem like many have developed gallstones, doesn't it?



  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Very interesting Suzanne, thanks for re-posting it! I am signing off now for a day or two, surgery early in the a.m. Take care everyone!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Very interesting Suzanne, thanks for re-posting it! I am signing off now for a day or two, surgery early in the a.m. Take care everyone!

  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    Suzanne, Detox from Rads and Chemo
    Any idea if Detoxification works or any studies done? I was about to start detox myself for all the chemo and raidation treatments...any info would be healpful. Thanks. Sinee
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    My first MRI (mid Aug '09) I
    My first MRI (mid Aug '09) I had no issues. Second MRI Jan 28 '10 (last day of 2nd batch of Chemo) I had Gall Bladder Sludge (yes that is a medical term). Nov '10 last MRI - have Gall Stones. Still have had no issues - just shows on MRI.

    The way I understood it from my PA is that because of the massive amount of cells being killed during Chemo, they are an overload on the gall bladder and become Sludge in it. Once Chemo stops, you have a 50/50 chance of the Sludge resolving itself or it goes on to form Stones - in my case it formed stones but without an MRI I wouldn't know they were there.
