I have breast cancer.



  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    n2summer said:

    Surgeons Meeting
    Okay folks... This is the news I got:

    invasive ductal carcinoma,er &pr positive, grade 1 stage 1.. less than 5mm..

    I am scheduled for breast MRI next week, assuming that this is clear doctor says lumpectomy with radiation would be appropriate. She said that I had one of the best scenarios she has seen in a long time. She said they would also remove and test a lymph node while in surgery but she really didn't think anything was there.

    She said this cancer was not aggressive and it would have probably taking another 3 years for me to feel it.

    As silly as it sounds I almost feel like I have won the lottery. I really like this doctor she was very informative and had a great disposition.

    Never been through anything like this before...what are your thoughts? Thanks so much

    Having cancer is terrible,
    Having cancer is terrible, but given that you have it, you got great news!

    hugs and prayers,

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Oh wow...
    You did receive good news. You are the most common form of BC and being ER & PR positive that's a good thing. I am sure when you are done with surgery and radiation you will be given medication (hormone therapy) for a few years. I am currently in this phase myself. I have been through everything you have just mentioned except my tumor was too big to save the breast. I opted for a double mastectomy and I am currently in the reconstruction phase.

    I am so glad things went well for you and please keep us up to date on your journey. You are afterall part of the family now.


    This is good news for you.
    This is good news for you. Good luck with your surgery and rads!

    Hugs, Jan
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    cctiz said:

    give it time
    dear Janet you are going to need some time to digest the news, first is the shocking moment and then you have to accept it, process it and time to make decisions - take a time, perhaps you will need your best friend to rant and cry for a while - and then is time to pick yourself up and give the battle of your life, we all went trough exactly the same, in the mean time receive our love and best wishes for a good outcome

    We are here for you Janet
    We are here for you Janet and we are all praying for you and here to support you!

    Hugs, Diane
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    fauxma said:

    good advise from all the
    good advise from all the ladies. My prayers are with you.

    Good thoughts, strength and
    Good thoughts, strength and prayers for you!
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    n2summer said:

    Surgeons Meeting
    Okay folks... This is the news I got:

    invasive ductal carcinoma,er &pr positive, grade 1 stage 1.. less than 5mm..

    I am scheduled for breast MRI next week, assuming that this is clear doctor says lumpectomy with radiation would be appropriate. She said that I had one of the best scenarios she has seen in a long time. She said they would also remove and test a lymph node while in surgery but she really didn't think anything was there.

    She said this cancer was not aggressive and it would have probably taking another 3 years for me to feel it.

    As silly as it sounds I almost feel like I have won the lottery. I really like this doctor she was very informative and had a great disposition.

    Never been through anything like this before...what are your thoughts? Thanks so much

    I know how you feel
    Great news! I had a similar dx in 2004. I called it "happy cancer" because of the positive prognosis and the relatively non-burdensome treatment. Now I realize that "happy cancer" is anything that is treatable that will give me at least few more years with my family. And I am still happy!
  • starseed
    starseed Member Posts: 62
    Pretty close
    to my diagnosis also.

    Janet-how old are you?I'm 57. Ask for the Onco Type DX test. It's a test they run to see
    whether or not chemo will help you.It has something to do with some research that they've found
    some women won't benefit from chemo..plus I was post menopausal and I think that comes into play also.If you google Oncotype DX the website is pretty informative. There's a benchmark number and if you're under
    it, in all likelihood you won't have to have chemo--just rad. Also--find out if you
    are node negative.I was but my surgeon took the nearest single node out from under
    my left arm--just to be safe.I had a lumpectomy--I'm just over a year into my path and
    I'm doing great. Stay positive and read this board-ALOT! You will find more love and
    support than just about anyplace else.
    Keep us posted.
  • youngnana
    youngnana Member Posts: 41
    n2summer said:

    Surgeons Meeting
    Okay folks... This is the news I got:

    invasive ductal carcinoma,er &pr positive, grade 1 stage 1.. less than 5mm..

    I am scheduled for breast MRI next week, assuming that this is clear doctor says lumpectomy with radiation would be appropriate. She said that I had one of the best scenarios she has seen in a long time. She said they would also remove and test a lymph node while in surgery but she really didn't think anything was there.

    She said this cancer was not aggressive and it would have probably taking another 3 years for me to feel it.

    As silly as it sounds I almost feel like I have won the lottery. I really like this doctor she was very informative and had a great disposition.

    Never been through anything like this before...what are your thoughts? Thanks so much

    Similar, as well..
    I havent posted in quite some time, but felt the need to check in. I was diagnosed Feb 2010, IDC stage 1, grade 1, .8mm, clear nodes. I chose a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I did not have chemo, or radiation. I know that sounds extreme, but I wanted to kick it from the very start, and take my life back. I knew I would continually worry if the breasts remained. I have never regretted my decision. The grief over the loss of my breasts was very real. I think we never forget for a moment how this has changed our lives. We truly appreciate each day. I feel blessed that my story has brought me here, where I am today. I wish you the very best in your story. The women here are amazing...they are strong, and will support you when you are uncertain, or confused. Lean on them, they (we) are tough.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    I watched
    I watched many of the educational movies put out on breast cancer by the american cancer society. I formed a list of questions pertinent to my particular form of breast cancer and got them on my computer. I took my laptop into the surgeons office so that I could type the answers to the questions. He stated no one had ever done this before. It was my way of gathering information without getting emotional about the answers. I had my melt down later when I got the facts processed in my mind.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    bring spouse, friend anyone
    bring spouse, friend anyone with more ears to listen...i know I was doing fine listeing and registering all said until DR said survival rate...from ther on lost thinking! IT really helped to have 2 others with me (ONE BC survivor few times)

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    debi.18 said:

    First, Welcome to the most supportive, informative, loving, caring,awesome group of Pink Sisters ever. You will find tons of information and advise from ones who have gone through exactly what you are going through now.

    Second, In the world of cancer "Not Aggressive" is wonderful news. I so happy to hear that ....and that your doc said yours is the one of the best scenarios she has seen.

    Keep that wonderful postitive attitude!!


    You've come to the right
    You've come to the right place for support and encouragement. We will do all that we can for you.

    Keep fighting and keep a positive attitude!

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    I watched
    I watched many of the educational movies put out on breast cancer by the american cancer society. I formed a list of questions pertinent to my particular form of breast cancer and got them on my computer. I took my laptop into the surgeons office so that I could type the answers to the questions. He stated no one had ever done this before. It was my way of gathering information without getting emotional about the answers. I had my melt down later when I got the facts processed in my mind.

    I haven't seen you post
    I haven't seen you post again Janet. How are you doing? We tend to worry in here.

    Hugs, Noel