
epark Member Posts: 339
So I'm here at the hospital waiting to get my port put in so I started to read suzanne somers book her book an oncologist states that if you have IDC (invasive) than chemo is basically a waste time (he didn't say it in those exact words) blah blah blah...that book gave me a scare...anyone else read it?


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    I'll see her oncologist, and raise her 2 oncologists...
    I'm sorry, but I also had IDC, and have 2 oncologists (one a breast cancer specialist) who beg to differ.

    I did 4 rounds of Taxotere/Cytoxan, and have no regrets at all. For me, it was vital to do everything I could -- I would not have been able to live with myself if my cancer ever recurs, and I was left thinking, "what if I'd done chemo...?"

    I haven't read any of Suzanne Somers' books, and have no plans to. I just don't consider her a credible resource on, well, anything. I would suggest you check out Dr. Susan Love's book, or Anticancer by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber. Both were recommended to me by my doctors.

  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    I haven't read it
    I haven't read it personally, but I've heard some gripes about it here and there on this website. I can personally attest first hand that chemo first before surgery worked for me. I had stage III IDC with a large tumor in my outer lower quadrant (left breast). My initial MRI showed it's massive size. With three rounds of chemo (1 every 3 weeks of TAC)my tumor shrank drastically. My final follow-up MRI showed the tumor not only shrank to half it's size it also became less dense in matter. I had a skin sparing mastectomy and doing chemo first allowed my doctors to save my skin tissue for reconstruction.

    I'm curious to hear others opinion on Suzanne's book. Personally if you want a good read buy Dr. Susan Love's "The Breast Book" or "Uplift" by Barbara Delinsky. The first book I mentioned is the breast bible. Everything you wanted to know about breast cancer and more... The second book called Uplift is just that. It's paragraphs upon paragraphs of women just like us, who have survived breast cancer. This book is told through their eyes and ears. Very rewarding read...

    Good luck with port surgery,.
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Really? I haven't read it, but mistake or not I have no regrets. Who is this Onco (may be a Noncologist!) - and Chen may agree with this).
  • BMS
    BMS Member Posts: 127
    I agree
    I have to agree with Lorrie. I also had chemo before surgery (neo-adjuvent chemo) which shrunk the 3 tumors I had drastically. When I had my MRI before my lumpectomy, the two smaller tumors were gone. The third one, the largest was down by nearly 50%. After the lumpectomy I finished up more chemo and rads.

    I also felt that I would do whatever I had to do to take care of this and don't want the "what ifs..." down the road.

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    BMS said:

    I agree
    I have to agree with Lorrie. I also had chemo before surgery (neo-adjuvent chemo) which shrunk the 3 tumors I had drastically. When I had my MRI before my lumpectomy, the two smaller tumors were gone. The third one, the largest was down by nearly 50%. After the lumpectomy I finished up more chemo and rads.

    I also felt that I would do whatever I had to do to take care of this and don't want the "what ifs..." down the road.


    Don't have much faith in S.S.
    My onc got on line and showed me the studies and stats and the latest protocol. Keep in mind that things go out of date rather quickly, especially from Suzanne. I had the chemo first, diagnosed with IDC, and the tumor shrank to less than half the original size. I had a mastectomy with 3 of 9 nodes removed showing involvemnet. The repeat PET scan was clear! I still did the 33 rads, just to be sure. My onc pronounced me in complete remission in June. Even if it comes back it was worth it!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    skipper54 said:

    Don't have much faith in S.S.
    My onc got on line and showed me the studies and stats and the latest protocol. Keep in mind that things go out of date rather quickly, especially from Suzanne. I had the chemo first, diagnosed with IDC, and the tumor shrank to less than half the original size. I had a mastectomy with 3 of 9 nodes removed showing involvemnet. The repeat PET scan was clear! I still did the 33 rads, just to be sure. My onc pronounced me in complete remission in June. Even if it comes back it was worth it!

    I, personally, think Suzanne is of crap! Remember, her acting career is over....she's in the business of selling books and "her vitamins". I have seen her on numerous shows over the years...she won't say what kind of bc she had...where she was treated, etc...... When she has MD after her name.....
    I take no stock in anything she has to say....
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    Nope, didn't
    Nope, didn't read it and don't think I want to. Too many women diagonosed with IDC are here today because chemo saved their lives. I plan on us being added to that list!

    Good luck with your port - mine was more sore than I expected it to be - keeping ice on it helps!

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Snake Oil Saleswoman/ Carney Barker
    I have not read any of SS's books nor will I waste my time on them. I have seen her on 'talk shows' and as far as I'm concerned she is a "Snake Oil Saleswomen" or a "Carney Barker" and has done a lot more harm than good - other than making cash for herself.

  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    Rague said:

    Snake Oil Saleswoman/ Carney Barker
    I have not read any of SS's books nor will I waste my time on them. I have seen her on 'talk shows' and as far as I'm concerned she is a "Snake Oil Saleswomen" or a "Carney Barker" and has done a lot more harm than good - other than making cash for herself.


    you guys are right...someone gave it to me because it was suppose to have great info..

    Thanks for the book recommendation..I'm sending my husband to get them for love him...

    by the way, the port is in and ready to kick some cancer @SS...i was sore afterward but they gave me some great "cocktails" and i'm feeling grrreat.

    You guys are great
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    epark said:

    you guys are right...someone gave it to me because it was suppose to have great info..

    Thanks for the book recommendation..I'm sending my husband to get them for love him...

    by the way, the port is in and ready to kick some cancer @SS...i was sore afterward but they gave me some great "cocktails" and i'm feeling grrreat.

    You guys are great

    In anti cancer the Dr.
    In anti cancer the Dr. believes in complementary treatments along with traditional meds. This i believe in. SS is full of sh#t in my hmble opinion, but she really ticks me off. So glad the port went well!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    epark said:

    you guys are right...someone gave it to me because it was suppose to have great info..

    Thanks for the book recommendation..I'm sending my husband to get them for love him...

    by the way, the port is in and ready to kick some cancer @SS...i was sore afterward but they gave me some great "cocktails" and i'm feeling grrreat.

    You guys are great

    Ask your BC Navigator
    Ask your Breast Cancer Navigator at the Center for info - mine gave me a lot of books/pamplets. She can also give you info about "Look Good - Feel Better" classes So amny other sources of info should come grom her and answer questions. Can also call your local ACS for help. My local ACS called me the day I came home from mod. rad. mast. and put a lot of info in the mail and a 'fluff' to use tilk I got my 'good' pros.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Suzanne Somers is full of
    Suzanne Somers is full of crap...we have a long thread about her books/advice about cancer on here somewhere...i'd throw the book out if I were you-those books will make you second guess everything & nothing she says in them is based on science, just quack doctors & alternative therapy swamis...i mean, if taking a buttload of vitamins & meditating cured cancer - wouldn't we ALL be some chanting, vitamin taking people??!!
    Sorry to sound like such a downer, but i just really dont like her way of hawking her books & preaching anti-chemo when it's saving our lives every day.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    TraciInLA said:

    I'll see her oncologist, and raise her 2 oncologists...
    I'm sorry, but I also had IDC, and have 2 oncologists (one a breast cancer specialist) who beg to differ.

    I did 4 rounds of Taxotere/Cytoxan, and have no regrets at all. For me, it was vital to do everything I could -- I would not have been able to live with myself if my cancer ever recurs, and I was left thinking, "what if I'd done chemo...?"

    I haven't read any of Suzanne Somers' books, and have no plans to. I just don't consider her a credible resource on, well, anything. I would suggest you check out Dr. Susan Love's book, or Anticancer by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber. Both were recommended to me by my doctors.


    Traci, I bought the
    Anticancer book. It's very interesting and makes a lot of sense. I have to agree with you, although I have nothing against Susan Sommers, I don't think her book should be taken to heart.


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Suzanne Somers is full of
    Suzanne Somers is full of crap...we have a long thread about her books/advice about cancer on here somewhere...i'd throw the book out if I were you-those books will make you second guess everything & nothing she says in them is based on science, just quack doctors & alternative therapy swamis...i mean, if taking a buttload of vitamins & meditating cured cancer - wouldn't we ALL be some chanting, vitamin taking people??!!
    Sorry to sound like such a downer, but i just really dont like her way of hawking her books & preaching anti-chemo when it's saving our lives every day.

    You ladies make me laugh!
    I was trying to tread lightly -- I mean, Eva's new here on the board, for all I knew, Suzanne Somers was her childhood idol, or her dearest friend in all the world gave her that book, or maybe she feels the Thighmaster saved her life....

    You guys, on the other hand, don't pull any punches: SHE'S FULL OF CRAAAAAP!! Tell it like it is, ladies -- you make me laugh!

    Penny, I completely agree with you about complementary medicine -- I think too many people confuse "alternative" with "complementary." I believe 150% in using standard medicine to fight cancer -- when I was diagnosed, I was like, bring on the pharmaceuticals! Bring on the toxic chemicals, and the life-size microwave!

    I would NEVER choose to use other treatments as an *alternative* to standard medicine, but there's lots of respected scientific evidence showing that many safe *complementary* practices, such as exercise, yoga, meditation, and acupuncture, can really help in getting through treatment, physically as well as emotionally, and even some evidence that they might help reduce the chances of a recurrence.

  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    TraciInLA said:

    You ladies make me laugh!
    I was trying to tread lightly -- I mean, Eva's new here on the board, for all I knew, Suzanne Somers was her childhood idol, or her dearest friend in all the world gave her that book, or maybe she feels the Thighmaster saved her life....

    You guys, on the other hand, don't pull any punches: SHE'S FULL OF CRAAAAAP!! Tell it like it is, ladies -- you make me laugh!

    Penny, I completely agree with you about complementary medicine -- I think too many people confuse "alternative" with "complementary." I believe 150% in using standard medicine to fight cancer -- when I was diagnosed, I was like, bring on the pharmaceuticals! Bring on the toxic chemicals, and the life-size microwave!

    I would NEVER choose to use other treatments as an *alternative* to standard medicine, but there's lots of respected scientific evidence showing that many safe *complementary* practices, such as exercise, yoga, meditation, and acupuncture, can really help in getting through treatment, physically as well as emotionally, and even some evidence that they might help reduce the chances of a recurrence.


    you guys...
    you guys are glad i found this forum....thanks for bringing me back to reality..the books are gone....for now on if i have any questions i wil turn to you guys...people who actually experienced it all...

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    sea60 said:

    Traci, I bought the
    Anticancer book. It's very interesting and makes a lot of sense. I have to agree with you, although I have nothing against Susan Sommers, I don't think her book should be taken to heart.



    Nothing against Suzanne
    Nothing against Suzanne Somers, but, I really don't believe most of what she says or writes. She is NOT an oncologist and is not an expert in the field.

    Hugs, Jan