The enrollment date is not when you first had the cancer, but when you joined our roll call group. The diagnosed date will be listed. The following format is shown: Name, state, Diagnosed type/date, date enrolled and date checked back in. When enrolling or reporting back, you need not provide the date since it will be automatically posted.
When you check in, provide a brief summary so others can read on your status. The information will update those reading the roll call information, but will not be in the roll call update roster.
The next update will be in January 2012.
Aloha and Mahalo
HAWVET (Hawaii Veteran)
Johnny to you and my friends
54 now enrolled
Adamson 091654, state unk, HPV-16 neck cancer in January 2011. Tumor removed 01/03/2011. Enrolled January 24, 2011.
Agatha, Toronto, Canada, DX stage IV left side of tongue in 2010. Enrolled on January 4, 2011.
Adventurebob, California, diagnosed Nasopharyngeal stage IV in May 2010, enrolled August 21, 2010. Checked in January 20, 2011.
Aeromech, state unk, DX stage 1 SCC right tonsil on September 24, 2011, enrolled July 21, 2011
Army_Guy, Maryland, diagnosed SCC right base of tongue-April 30, 2010, left salivary gland-May 2010. Enrolled January 15, 2010. Enrolled January 16, 2011
Areomech, Cincinnati, Ohio, DX I1N0M0 on September 24, 2010, enrolled January 5, 2011. Checked in July 21, 2011.
Arjenkins, state unk, enrolled dad diagnosed stage IV cancer base of tongue w/lymph node on both sides. Enrolled January 20, 1011.
Arndog64, DX left tongue base tumor w/lymph node invasion on January 28, 2011. Enrolled April 18, 2011.
Ballonk, Lousiana, DX SCC left tongue in 2001, enrolled on 02-04-2010. Checked in August 4, 2011
BrianKrashpad, Florida, DX SCC left tonsil in November 2010. Enrolled on January 5, 2011. Checked in August 6, 2011.
Buzz99, New Mexico, DX with BOT in August 2010, enrolled January 5, 2011.
CajunEagle, Lousiana, 2009, checked in 02-03-2010, DX Stage 4, left tonsilar cancer in 2009. Enrolled on February 3, 2010. Checked in August 4, 2011
Caspercamp, McKinney, Texas, Diagnosed SCC right tonsil, stage IV on May 26, 2010. Enrolled January 3, 2011.
Christmas, California, diagnosed Nasopharyngeal in 2004, enrolled July 8, 2008, had been absent and reported back on August 22, 2010. Checked in January 23, 2011.
CLRRN, Maryland, reporting for partner Mike, DX SCC left tonsillar basloid, enrolled on 07-13-2010, Checked in August 7, 2011
Connieprice1, Texas, DX SCC stage IV, base of tongue in October 2010. Enrolled July 17, 2011.
D Lewis, Sierra foothills, California, DX SCC base on tongue, January, 2010, enrolled February 5, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010. Checked back on January 16, 2011.
Dazey, New York, diagnosed SCC unknown primary in 2009, DX SCC, enrolled on 01-31-2010, checked back in December 29, 2010. Checked in July 15, 2011.
Debbiejeanne, Cincinnati, Ohio, DX larynx cancer in August 2009, enrolled on 07-11-2010. Checked in on January 17, 2011.
Dennis318, Spring Hill, Tennessee, DX stage IV, throat cancer in November 2009. Enrolled on March 17, 2010, Checked in 07-12-2010 with update. Botched surgery when reported back on January 3, 2011 and will try hard to make positive strides in 2011.
Donna340, Walkerton, Indiana, DX SCC right side of tongue in 2003 and returned in 2010. Enrolled January 2, 2011. Checked in March 6, 2011 and reported due for another surgery.
Dragons7-7-2010, Texas, diagnosed SCC right tonsil in July 2010, enrolled August 21, 2010, Checked in January 16, 2011
Ed_PortOrange, state unk, diagnosed SCC of Valledupar-December 2009. Enrolled on January 17, 2011. Checked in July 29, 2011.
Ekdeennie, Oklahoma, diagnosed Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of hard palate w/growth into maxillary sinus-June 30, 2010. Enrolled on January 17, 2011.
Glenna M, New Hampshire, diagnosed SCC laryngeal and NSCLC Aden carcinoma in left lung in May 2009, enrolled on 1-31-2010. Checked back in on January 1, 2011. Checked in March 6, 2011. Checked in July 29, 2011.
GraceLibby, Renton, Washington, diagnosed Stage 3 SCC, right tonsil primary, enrolled in 07-14-2010. Checked in January 16, 2011.
Greg53, Missouri, DX SCC right tonsil, enrolled 07-20-2010. Checked in July 19, 2011.
Hal61, California, diagnosed stage 3 SCC base of tongue in November 2009, enrolled 03-29-2010, checked in August 6, 2011
HAWVET, Hawaii, DX Nasopharyngeal January 1998, Enrolled in January 2008. Checked in August 4, 2011
Hondo, Lafayette, Louisiana, diagnosed Nasopharyngeal, enrolled on 01-31-2010. Second time in 2005 and last in March 2006. Checked back in July 25, 2010. Reported back in on January 20, 2011. Will be five years from treatment in March 2011.
Janymac, UK, DX in 2002, enrolled on April 18, 2011.
Jim and i, had not enrolled but posted on August 7, 2011.
Jimbo55, from Chicago working in Bangkok Thailand, SCC BOT in May 2010, enrolled July 22-2010. Checked back in July 16, 2011.
Joe14, Rochester, New ork, SCC unknown primary in April 2010, enrolled July 22, 2010. Checked in August 7, 2011
Kent Cass, Quad cities, Midwest, NPC unknown primary in 2009, enrolled July 22, 2010. Checked in January 20, 2011.
Kingcole42005, California, DX Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma in 2010. Enrolled January 3, 2011
Kteacher, California, DX SCC HPV - Spindel cell varient, perineural involvement, enrolled July 20, 2011.
Ktjt, state unk, diagnosed SCC NPC in May 2010, SCC on check, Mohs Sx, BCC Jan 2011 Mohs Sx, enrolled January 24, 2011.
Landranger25, state unk 2009, enrolled on 01-31-2010. Checked in January 24, 2011
Lena Rose, New Jersey, Husband DX w/ BOT SCC HPV+ in March 2010, Enrolled July 14, 2010. Checked back in January 16, 2011.
Luv2cut1, Myka Landry, Colorado, husband DX SCC supraglottis in May 2008, recurrence in neck-March 2009. Enrolled January 6, 2011. Checked in July 17, 2011.
Luv4lacrosse, St Louis-Missouri, SCC right tonsil in June 2010, enrolled December 28, 2010. Checked in July 15 and August 5, 2011.
MarkN_Ct, Connecticut, DX SCC recurrent Tongue. Enrolled January 3, 2011.
Meinken, Georgia, DX nasopharyngeal in January 2007, enrolled July 12, 2010. Checked in January 21, 2011.
Miccmill, state unknown, reporting for spouse Glenn, DX with SCC on April 7, 2010, enrolled July 23, 2010. Checked in August 4, 2011
Olybee, Washington, DX March 2011 on tonsil/lymph node. Enrolled July 21, 2011.
Pattyanny, New York, Undiagnosed primary head and neck in June 2009. Enrolled November 27, 2010. Checked back in January 1, 2011. Welcome back. Checked in August 1, 2011.
Pascotty, Bunbury, Western Australia, diagnosed SCC right tonsil in November 2009. Enrolled January 7, 2011.
Rarph123 responded to an entry on January 17, 2011 but did not enroll.
Ratface, Illinois, DX July 2009 BOT, T1N2BMX, enrolled July 21, 2011. Checked in August 4, 2011
Ron49, San Diego, California, DX SCC Mestasized to left lymph node, path reported Epitheleal Neoplasm in December 2009. Enrolled on January 4, 2011. Checked back January 16, 2011.
Rozaroo, Ontario, Canada, DX stage 4b cancer of the tonsil on December 18, 2009, enrolled January 6, 2011.
Rush1958, Kansas City, Kansas, SCC base of tongue January 12, 2010, enrolled July 20,2010. Checked in July 23, 2010. Checked back January 16, 2011.
RushFan, Cypress, Texas, diagnosed HPV=T) N2b MO unk primary in January 2010, Enrolled August 3, 2010. Checked back in January 17, 2011.
Sash, Florida, DX SCC base of tongue September 2009, enrolled August 24, 2008. Checked in okay, Jan 20 2009. Checked in okay, 11-30-2009, Okay in July 23, 2010. Okay on August 10, 2011.
Scottied, state unknown, SCC base of tongue ending treatment in December 2009, enrolled, December 28, 2010. Checked in August 10, 2011
SeenanN, Maryland, DX 2004 NPC state 4 metastasis to lung, enrolled July 21, 2011.
Skilffin16, Lakeland, Florida, DX right tonsil, January 2009, enrolled January 31, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010, rechecked on January 5, 2011. Checked in July 15, 2011.
Staceya, state unk, DX stage 1 NPC in 2009, Enrolled February 2, 2010. Checked back in July 28, 2010. Checked back January 16, 2011. Checked in Augus 5, 2011.
Stevenl, Fort Worth, Texas, DX SCC right tonsil, enrolled January 31, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010. Checked back in January 7, 2011.
Susan0803, New Jersey, enrolling husband Joe, SCC of left tonsil (primary tumor)-August 3, 2010, enrolled January 20, 2011.
Swartpb, state unk, DX SCC right side tongue on July 21, 2010. Enrolled March 6, 2011.
Sweetblood22, Pennsylvania, SCC HNC unknown primary stage 4 DX December 2008. Enrolled 03-18-2010. Checked back in July 23, 2010. Checked back in on January 5, 2011. Checked in July 19, 2011.
Tanager75, state unknown, diagnosed SCC left tonsil in July 2009, enrolled July 26, 2010. Checked in August 4, 2011.
Terryscarlet, state unknown, DX SCC left tonsil in July 2010, enrolled January 1, 2011.
Timreichhart, Ohio, DX NPC March 2010. Enrolled January 16, 2011.
Tonyanddenise, Central Ohio, DX primary in left tonsil, enrolled July 12, 2010. Checked back in on January 2, 2011.
Vermont Liz, Vermont, husband DX with SCC, stage IV base of tongue in December 2009, enrolled January 5, 2011.
Wife for Life, Missouri, husband diagnosed with stage IV SCC base of tongue. Enrolled April 15, 2010. Checked in January 20, 2011.
Hunpot, Massachusetts, Mom passed away, August 18, 2008 (Squamous cell carcinoma top voice box). Checked in Jan 2009 Name Tracy
MOM674, Passed away in December 2008. Was a brief member, fought hard…reported by knobby
Mswijik, New York, husband Patrick diagnosed laryngeal stage 4 - September 2010, enrolled January 16, 2010.
Condolences extended. Reported on March 6, 2011 that Patrick passed away on February 17, 2011.
Bany, Canada, 2008, Dad (TR2), SCC of the maxillary sinus (located near Canada). Enrolled on July 30, 2009.. Dad completed treatment 03-2009, Dad lost 70 pounds. Bany later reported that dad passed away on 11-02-2009.
Thank you for being included in our roll call roster. Here is an update. I completed treatment in June 1998 and was NPC cancer free about two years later. My saliva is now very very limited and have about 60 percent of my taste. I have learned to cope with these disabilities and am just happy to still be here 13 years later. Johnny0 -
surgery, remove 42 lymphnodes in neck resection, remove tumor from left side of tongue(left from middle numb,nerve cut)35 rads. getting used to new norm. Had to convert to being a vegetarian because of lack of saliva(cooked vegs and tofu more moist). Surgeon says after a year what you have is what you will have. Happy to be alive and enjoying my friends and family. this board is the greatest. It has answered most of my questions and gave me hope.0 -
still seeing my doctors for visual examination to check for changes or regrowth...none so far! doing great and expecting my 4th child in a few months (complete surprise, but what a blessing). will be having surgery on sinuses as well as a PET scan after baby is born.0 -
10 missing checked backekdennie said:update:
still seeing my doctors for visual examination to check for changes or regrowth...none so far! doing great and expecting my 4th child in a few months (complete surprise, but what a blessing). will be having surgery on sinuses as well as a PET scan after baby is born.
The list has been updated to include those who have checked back in on the missing from rolls roster. If you had not checked in in calendar year 2011, please check in and give your latest status.0 -
G'day JohnnyHAWVET said:Update
Thank you for being included in our roll call roster. Here is an update. I completed treatment in June 1998 and was NPC cancer free about two years later. My saliva is now very very limited and have about 60 percent of my taste. I have learned to cope with these disabilities and am just happy to still be here 13 years later. Johnny
Just a word of thanks for keeping up with everyone here. It also giving me a lot of hope also having NPC to see you still alive and doing well for so many years.
Hondo0 -
Hello new hereHAWVET said:10 missing checked back
The list has been updated to include those who have checked back in on the missing from rolls roster. If you had not checked in in calendar year 2011, please check in and give your latest status.
My husband is also NPC lasts treated in 2006, he has a lot of problems but not with the NPC mostly with side effects from the treatment
Hondo0 -
doing well here!akotke said:hello
Alotke, tonsil cancer right tonsil primary, stage 4b scc, diagnosed november 2010, finished treatment may 2011, ned as of july 2011, from alabama.
August 2011 and we are doing well..0
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