I think I may be in trouble

Pam5 Member Posts: 232
Last night my lungs started to burn. I didn't have any asthma because they were dry but I still couldn't stop coughing. I was really surprised because I'm still on 50mg of prednisone. I call the onc doc today and he called me back saying I may be reacting to he chemo drugs. He's only seen this happen about 4 times in his career where it affects the lungs so badly but it does happen. We thought we'd wait a few days to see if it cleared up but it's worse tonight. He wants to do a ct scan and see what's going on - then probably switch the drugs. I can only imagine what he'll come up with. I think I'm really a little scared but I trust my onc doc and my breast surgeon so we'll see what happens tomorrow. One day at a time - sometimes one hour at a time. Anybody else have reactions to chemo where they had to switch out?

Thanks for your input and support!



  • fighting4five
    fighting4five Member Posts: 71
    Pam...My thoughts and
    Pam...My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    God Bless
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Pam...My thoughts and
    Pam...My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    God Bless

    If your symptoms are worse,
    If your symptoms are worse, do you think you should wait a few days? I haven't heard of this side effect, but I got side effects I hadn't heard of either. Are you running a fever? When was your chemo?

    Listen to your body. If you're feeling apprehensive about waiting, go to the ER. Better safe than sorry.

    In the meantime, I'll add my prayers and thoughts that this will pass.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    If your symptoms are worse,
    If your symptoms are worse, do you think you should wait a few days? I haven't heard of this side effect, but I got side effects I hadn't heard of either. Are you running a fever? When was your chemo?

    Listen to your body. If you're feeling apprehensive about waiting, go to the ER. Better safe than sorry.

    In the meantime, I'll add my prayers and thoughts that this will pass.


    I concer with Suzanne --- Listen to your body,
    and things continue .. go to ER! The ER may also provide a 2nd opinion as to what is going on.

    Same here with side efforts --- a few of my SE's blew my Oncologists mind - -- 'off Bell Standard charts' he stated -- over 30 years of Oncology experience...

    Stay focused on you and your health .. if you can not get in today --- to see your Doctor -- drive, walk, run to ER.

    Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way, Pam.

    Vicki Sam
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    VickiSam said:

    I concer with Suzanne --- Listen to your body,
    and things continue .. go to ER! The ER may also provide a 2nd opinion as to what is going on.

    Same here with side efforts --- a few of my SE's blew my Oncologists mind - -- 'off Bell Standard charts' he stated -- over 30 years of Oncology experience...

    Stay focused on you and your health .. if you can not get in today --- to see your Doctor -- drive, walk, run to ER.

    Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way, Pam.

    Vicki Sam

    Go with your "gut"!
    If you would feel better about it go to the ER or call the onc and let him know what's happening and how you feel.

    Sending prayers!!!!!!!
  • Pam5
    Pam5 Member Posts: 232
    skipper54 said:

    Go with your "gut"!
    If you would feel better about it go to the ER or call the onc and let him know what's happening and how you feel.

    Sending prayers!!!!!!!

    I did call the oncologist
    I did call the oncologist yesterday and he called me back. He said we need to keep an eye on this but we're coming up on a weekend. I don't want to get in the ER over the weekend. I just got a call from the doc's office - I'm scheduled for a contrast ct scan at 6:00 tonight. Maybe I'll find out what's going on. My lungs are always such a problem for me.

    Thanks for your input and good wishes.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    If your symptoms are worse,
    If your symptoms are worse, do you think you should wait a few days? I haven't heard of this side effect, but I got side effects I hadn't heard of either. Are you running a fever? When was your chemo?

    Listen to your body. If you're feeling apprehensive about waiting, go to the ER. Better safe than sorry.

    In the meantime, I'll add my prayers and thoughts that this will pass.


    Praying for you Pam!
    Sue :)

    Praying for you Pam!

    Sue :)
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Ritzy said:

    Praying for you Pam!
    Sue :)

    Praying for you Pam!

    Sue :)

    I have asthma and got an
    I have asthma and got an infection while going thru chemo, took prednisone and a prescription cough med, got worse, wound up in ER and found out I had bronchitis. Hoping the drs find out whats going on and take care of it. Keeping you in my prayers and praying for a good result quickly.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I have asthma and got an
    I have asthma and got an infection while going thru chemo, took prednisone and a prescription cough med, got worse, wound up in ER and found out I had bronchitis. Hoping the drs find out whats going on and take care of it. Keeping you in my prayers and praying for a good result quickly.

    Glad to hear you've got that scan scheduled!
    You'll be in our prayers! Who knows? The pink bus might even show up. I'm willing to drive even we have to break the speed limit. After all, the police can't see us anyway! Please keep us posted.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I'm keeping you in my
    I'm keeping you in my prayers. Please let us know how your test turned out. I hope you are feeling better Take care Kay.
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    I'm keeping you in my
    I'm keeping you in my prayers. Please let us know how your test turned out. I hope you are feeling better Take care Kay.

    more prayers
    More prayers and postive thoughts headed your way.

    Lots of hugs,
  • debi.18 said:

    more prayers
    More prayers and postive thoughts headed your way.

    Lots of hugs,

    Sending prayers of Wisdom for the docs
    I took Carboplatin and Taxitear chemos and my lungs felt like they were filling with something strange, but it went away. When I mentioned it to my onc. he said that it was normal for the hair folicals in the lungs to ... do something - I forget, but it DID go away... whatever it was. I hope yours goes away too. Please be careful in the ER. Go ahead and ask for a mask and a private room or corner to sit and wait in. No matter what the price, you certainly don't want to catch anything while waiting your turn in the ER! One time I had to go to ER and after a long wait, I phoned my onc on call and he spoke with the ER clerk and I was brought back to a private room where the ER doc finally saw me. I had a fever and severe cramps. They gave me an antibiotic that didn't seem to help, so, I took an acidolpholus capsule and the pain finally went away. Best of prayers are being sent your way for your protection, your healing, and wisdom for your docs. Hugs, because I never got enough when times were a bit scarey. You WILL have better days!
  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    A friend that has been going through chemo had a simular reaction, and they finally discovered she had pnemonia, sorry I am probably spelling that wrong. Any ways have them check for that too...especially if you have been around someone who is ill. Hope that is what it is, because they can give you a high dose of antibiotics and a good rest~love to you, and let us know.. sinee
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    sinee said:

    A friend that has been going through chemo had a simular reaction, and they finally discovered she had pnemonia, sorry I am probably spelling that wrong. Any ways have them check for that too...especially if you have been around someone who is ill. Hope that is what it is, because they can give you a high dose of antibiotics and a good rest~love to you, and let us know.. sinee

    if your white blood counts are low
    as someone else mentioned, make sure you get a room that is closed/sealed in the ER (if you end up going) and everyone around you is wearing a mask. I had to go to the ER once during my chemo treatment for a fever and they put me in a total germ free bubble zone which was very good.

  • Teresa45
    Teresa45 Member Posts: 4
    I am sorry!

    I am sorry that you are going through this.
    I just wanted to share my experience. Maybe it will help.

    I started being short of breath when doing any activity. (Dishes, getting ready for work, any walking) My husband noticed before I did about 4 months ago. I finished FAC on December 28, 2010, Taxol (12 treatments) April 15, 2011.

    Once it became noticeable to me in my everyday activity (about 2 months, I started with a dry asthma cough) While taking a walk with my Friday a couple of weeks ago, I noticed she was not even breathing hard and I was huffing and buffing.

    I told my dr about it and he did a lung x-ray. It came back that I had interstitial changes (lung disease) I spent a week scared to death. When to see a lung specialist yesterday. He ran a ct to confirm his findings but he thinks it was my new implants that the radiologist thought was a lung disease. He thought my shortness of breath is asthma. He said that the chemo can cause the asthma. He told me that he had a patient once that had only had two treatments when she was in his office with asthma symptoms.

    You could have the same problem. I hope this helped you some way.
