TC... doc wants to go from 4 to 6 need thoughts

dmdudra Member Posts: 50
is anybody doing TC Taxotere and Cytoxan... My doctor wants me to go from 4 treatments to 6.. I will compromise with 5 and he is fine with that... is anybody else doing 6 treatments of this and not 4? My hair is gone... but not all of it I have fuzz... I am wondering if that is hair that fell out over a week ago and is coming back in... did any of you have hair growing while you where doing TC treatment? I appreciate all your feed back and sorry it has taken me so long to write back on how I am doing... I am hanging in there being strong for my kids, my significant other and myself.... thanks again D


  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Destroy the Beast!
    I did 4 AC (adriamiacin/cytoxin) and 12 taxol (similar to taxotere). I would go for broke as far as throwing at it what ever the doctor wants.
    My hair started coming back during taxol but my eyebrows and lashes fell out! Everything is growing back fine now. I don't have to wear any thing on my head!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    mamolady said:

    Destroy the Beast!
    I did 4 AC (adriamiacin/cytoxin) and 12 taxol (similar to taxotere). I would go for broke as far as throwing at it what ever the doctor wants.
    My hair started coming back during taxol but my eyebrows and lashes fell out! Everything is growing back fine now. I don't have to wear any thing on my head!


    I had 6 in 2008
    I hace had 6 in 2008 exactly 3 years ago. Was not fun for sure I had a little growth fuzzie like a baby We shaved them twice after I finished Chemo looking back hair was the easiest part so far I never got back my beautiful yet lashes
    Wishing you an easy time
    New Flower
  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112

    I had 6 in 2008
    I hace had 6 in 2008 exactly 3 years ago. Was not fun for sure I had a little growth fuzzie like a baby We shaved them twice after I finished Chemo looking back hair was the easiest part so far I never got back my beautiful yet lashes
    Wishing you an easy time
    New Flower

    Hi D....
    I am scheduled for 6 T/C/H (H-Herceptin) Second round this past Monday. 4 more to go! Gotta do what it takes to slay the beast. It is a little rough at times, but you gotta do what you gotta do! My hair is just coming out for good. Is your hair coming back in? My hair feels like fuzz, but it is like it is disconnected and dead there. Still have brows and lashes - but for how long? :(

    Be sure to stay strong for your family. Wishing you well on your journey.

    Hugs, pp
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi :) I had 4 founds of AC
    Hi :) I had 4 founds of AC followed by 2 rounds of taxotere. I had tiny stubbles on my head all the time. When I finished AC, my hair started growing back in. Hang in there, soon you'll be done with chemo & can rest & recover. For me the most difficult part came right after treatment ended. It was just an emotional roller coaster. But I'm 10 months out of chemo, I've already had 2 haircuts, I joined a gym, and am getting my life back. It's a long process. Wishing you all the best. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing - being strong & hanging in there.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    mamolady said:

    Destroy the Beast!
    I did 4 AC (adriamiacin/cytoxin) and 12 taxol (similar to taxotere). I would go for broke as far as throwing at it what ever the doctor wants.
    My hair started coming back during taxol but my eyebrows and lashes fell out! Everything is growing back fine now. I don't have to wear any thing on my head!


    I didn't have this D, but, I
    I didn't have this D, but, I am sending you strength, support and cyber hugs!
  • margz35
    margz35 Member Posts: 53
    Get a 2nd opinion
    Hi D:
    I had 4 x rounds of TC even though I had DCIS, an invasive cell of 3.5mm was found in my 1st sentinel node and my surgeon was adamant of 4 rounds of TC. I have seen this posting before and I asked my onc. He said I did not need 6 but some cases do - so that is why I am suggesting a 2nd opinion - perhaps another onc in the practice?

    Re hair: My last TC chemo was July 1 and I have 1/4" (at the shortest!) of baby hair all over my head 5 weeks later. I still have a number of long strands of brown hair pre-chemo (I kept those to keep the faith!!!)
    I was really scared that it would not grow back but when it did, I did the happy dance - I am very vain about my hair. At this rate I am hoping to have 5 inches by Christmas. What do you think?

    Hang in there - get through your treatment first and then think about your hair. I started using Nioxin once I finished chemo and I think it might be fertilizing my hair!

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    margz35 said:

    Get a 2nd opinion
    Hi D:
    I had 4 x rounds of TC even though I had DCIS, an invasive cell of 3.5mm was found in my 1st sentinel node and my surgeon was adamant of 4 rounds of TC. I have seen this posting before and I asked my onc. He said I did not need 6 but some cases do - so that is why I am suggesting a 2nd opinion - perhaps another onc in the practice?

    Re hair: My last TC chemo was July 1 and I have 1/4" (at the shortest!) of baby hair all over my head 5 weeks later. I still have a number of long strands of brown hair pre-chemo (I kept those to keep the faith!!!)
    I was really scared that it would not grow back but when it did, I did the happy dance - I am very vain about my hair. At this rate I am hoping to have 5 inches by Christmas. What do you think?

    Hang in there - get through your treatment first and then think about your hair. I started using Nioxin once I finished chemo and I think it might be fertilizing my hair!


    I had 6 rounds of TAC
    My onc. was very definite about it--and I followed her advice to the "T". Not fun, but at least I won't look back and think, gee, maybe I should have done . . .

    My hair did not start growing back until a few weeks after treatment stopped--very slowly, but surely.

    Good luck with your decision.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    Rounds of TC
    I was diagnosed with Stage 2B triple negative last year. My onc said I would do either 4 or 6 rounds of TC. (I ended up only doing 2). Anyway, he said that typically they recommend one or the other (4 or 6). He said that in his opinion 6 can be better than 4 but they just really don't know. He said he pushes patients to up it to 6 if they can tolerate the chemo. So there it is. I guess you do what in your heart feels right to you. For me, I did what treatment I could and have not looked back. Dealing with bc is hard enough withhout second guessing yourself. As for hair, I really started to lose mine right around my second treatment. I made the decision to shave my head. I looked at it as simplifying my morning routine. My hair did start growing back after my treatments. I think everyone is different with this because I've read some ladies saying they also lost their lashes which I did not. Hang in there. You will get to the other side of this!

  • ender
    ender Member Posts: 167
    Hair did grow in between treatments
    Hi there!

    I just finished 4 rounds of Cytoxan Taxotere. My MO never discussed the possibility of 6 treatments, so I don't have input on that. I can tell you that my hair did start to grow back in between each treatment. I would get little prickles, and then they would fall out with the next treatment.

    Hope this was useful.

    Good luck!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    mamolady said:

    Destroy the Beast!
    I did 4 AC (adriamiacin/cytoxin) and 12 taxol (similar to taxotere). I would go for broke as far as throwing at it what ever the doctor wants.
    My hair started coming back during taxol but my eyebrows and lashes fell out! Everything is growing back fine now. I don't have to wear any thing on my head!


    I don't know anything about
    I don't know anything about chemo, but, it's good to see you posting again and I will keep you in my prayers.

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    My onc said I could
    do either 4 or 6 rounds of T/C. I did 4 of Taxotere/Cytoxan and then switch for the last 2 to Taxol/Cytoxan because of swelling in my ankles. My onc gave me the choice, but I wanted to do everything I could and since I tolerated the 4 rounds, I went ahead and did 2 more.
    My hair started growing in about 2 weeks after I finished chemo and now is about 3" long and curly...salt and pepper, gray.
    Good luck!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    From the beginning
    my onc said 4 - 6 treatments of TC. In the end I had 6. I wanted to do whatever he felt best.
    Yes, the chemo is accumulative and so I was more tired but we get through it. Wishing you positive thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    missrenee said:

    I had 6 rounds of TAC
    My onc. was very definite about it--and I followed her advice to the "T". Not fun, but at least I won't look back and think, gee, maybe I should have done . . .

    My hair did not start growing back until a few weeks after treatment stopped--very slowly, but surely.

    Good luck with your decision.

    Hugs, Renee

    I don't really have any
    I don't really have any advice for you, but, just want you to know that I am praying for you and I know that you will make the right decision.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    From the beginning
    my onc said 4 - 6 treatments of TC. In the end I had 6. I wanted to do whatever he felt best.
    Yes, the chemo is accumulative and so I was more tired but we get through it. Wishing you positive thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Not exactly the same but
    I had 4 rounds of A/C and then 4 rounds of Taxotere. I initially thought just the first 4 but took a big "gulp" and went for the second 4. I'm glad I did. I can look back with no regrets - we did everything we could. My hair started growing back while on the Tax. As a side note, I was diagnosed last July and finished chemo the day before Thanksgiving. Also had surgery and rads and was pronounced in complete remission in June. Like I said, I have no regrets - gave it everything we had, and it worked.
  • skipper54 said:

    Not exactly the same but
    I had 4 rounds of A/C and then 4 rounds of Taxotere. I initially thought just the first 4 but took a big "gulp" and went for the second 4. I'm glad I did. I can look back with no regrets - we did everything we could. My hair started growing back while on the Tax. As a side note, I was diagnosed last July and finished chemo the day before Thanksgiving. Also had surgery and rads and was pronounced in complete remission in June. Like I said, I have no regrets - gave it everything we had, and it worked.

    Think Olive Oil Lotion works!
    I had 6 rounds of Taxotere and Carboplatin. One set of docs said 4 would be ok, but both groups said 6 would give me a better %. I had ER+/PR+/HER2+ BC, a bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction, and have one more treatment of Herceptin to go before I can ring that bell I've been looking at for over a year now in the chemo room. Even though I can not wait, I am aprehensive about going off the Herceptin because it IS what's been giving me the highest percentage because of the HER2+. I like my wig, but the summer has been so hot that I've had to say good-bye to being so cute. My girlfriend told me to put olive oil on my hair once or twice a week and so I found some Olive Oil Lotion at Sally's Beauty supply that said it stimulated hair growth at the root. I really think it's been working. I've also been taking Biotin (a vitamin) suggested by a couple of different beauticians. So, I do have my head covered with short 1.5" hair, but it is nothing like my beautiful wig. Oh well.
  • Kaycee47
    Kaycee47 Member Posts: 9
    I found I was allergic to
    I found I was allergic to taxotere. So sick I was hospitalized twice. Had 3 treatments 3 weeks apart. they then changed me to taxol for the last 3. so yea 6 in all. now I am 4 months past chemo and 2 months past radiation. feels good coming out the other side but its there. lost hair in october and still have just a butch as it grows in very slowly. I wear a baseball cap. getting use to it.
  • sabinedettlinger
    sabinedettlinger Member Posts: 1
    I know exactly how you feel, the same thing happened to me. My Dr. said 4, if you tolerate well 6. I said the same thing,I will split the difference and do 5. But then I thought about it and decided, you know, I already lost my hair, I have to go anyways, it allows the chemo to fight cancer cells over a longer span of time and I really do not want to do that again, so I did all 6. For me the chemo was really not that bad, I was angry, but just did what I needed to do. In hindsight, I feel good about doing all 6 so I can say I did everything I could. Everyone has their own reasons for deciding on their treatment, you have to do what feels right for you. Good luck!
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member

    I know exactly how you feel, the same thing happened to me. My Dr. said 4, if you tolerate well 6. I said the same thing,I will split the difference and do 5. But then I thought about it and decided, you know, I already lost my hair, I have to go anyways, it allows the chemo to fight cancer cells over a longer span of time and I really do not want to do that again, so I did all 6. For me the chemo was really not that bad, I was angry, but just did what I needed to do. In hindsight, I feel good about doing all 6 so I can say I did everything I could. Everyone has their own reasons for deciding on their treatment, you have to do what feels right for you. Good luck!

    Just finished with 6 rounds of Tax and Carboplatin...
    I had 3 rounds of Tax and Carbo and had to stop as a result to low WBC... then had bilateral. I recently resumed and completed the remaining 3 rounds of chemo on Wed. During the 2 month break from Chemo, my hair began to rapidly grow back... 2" growth. When I resumed with the remaining 3 rounds I have not loss as much hair this time around. Onc says it may still fall out... time will tell... But I have to say the hair loss is a minor se compared to the chemo of slaying the beast. I did well with the Tax and Carbo. Few se's. And after the first 3 rounds, there was no signs of the beast...the large tumor was gone and no lymph node involvement... Praise God!!!

    Wishing You all the best on this journey. and... not to worry, the hair grows back. Have fun with the wiggies in the meantime.

    Mitzi ;0)