Chemo before surgery?

lccollins Member Posts: 10
I just want to thank everyone who responded so much for the love and support. It meant so much to read the heart-felt advice. I met with the oncologist who was wonderful, and he spent almost 2 hours with my husband and I discussing the proposed treatment. I still need to meet with the surgeon. I will likely have chemo first due to the size of the tumor- 4 to 5 cm. I was wondering if anyone has had chemo first, then surgery? Also, the doctor has explained that everyone feels different during chemo. I am terrified. I need to work and was wondering if others could share if they worked during chemo or not. This is life-altering for sure, and terrifying. Thanks so much for being here. I can't tell you that enough how much it means. Linda.


  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Wishing you a smooth recovery.
    Hi Linda-- Many of our pink sisters have had chemo before surgery so they will be responding to you soon. Glad you found us. I just wanted to wish you a smooth recovery.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    Wishing you a smooth recovery.
    Hi Linda-- Many of our pink sisters have had chemo before surgery so they will be responding to you soon. Glad you found us. I just wanted to wish you a smooth recovery.

    Chemo first
    My tumor was rather large too and the onc suggested chemo first if I was willing. His rationale was that you're doing something right away, trying to shrink the tumor, as welll as hopefully heading off metastises. He also pointed out that the old wives tale of cancer spreading when exposed to air was NOT an old wives tale. Sounded good to me so I went with his suggested plan. I had 4 rounds of a/c cocktail and 4 rounds of taxotere. The tumor shrank to the point that my surgeon offered a lumpectomy instead if I wanted it but still preferred the mastectomy. I went with the mastectomy - felt as though I wanted the best chance NOT to be back in years or months. I don't regret that decision. I also went on to 33 rads after the surgery. I don't get paid to work outside the home, I'm what many would call a professional volunteer so I can't speak as well to that side of the story but I was able to keep up most things, recognizing that I tired easily and had to be VERY careful around people, using hand sanitizer etc. a LOT. Also no picnics, salad bars etc.
    I wish you all the best! We'll be here for you along the way and you can always send a private message to someone if you want to discuss a question further without everyone weighing in. It doesn't happen often but sometimes people are more comfortable. We've all been through this. I wish I had found this board as early in my journey as youhave found it in yours. No matter what, try to focus on the positive. What you can do instead of what you can't. How many people you know who have come through this and won. Know that you'll receive a lot of prayers from your pink sisters!
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Chemo first
    I had chemo first. My oncologist used the masses to gauge if the chemo was working. (some people use chemo for breast conservation) It did work. Of the 3 masses, one shrank to 10% of the original size, one to 5% and one disappeared. It was nice to see that it worked so well!
    Chemo is totally doable. I did not work because I work with patients and it was cold and flu season so I did not want to get sick! If I had a desk job I could have kept working, a really physically demanding job may have been difficult. I did 4 rounds of AC and 12 rounds of Taxol.

    All the best,
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I did chemo first, 6 rounds
    I did chemo first, 6 rounds of TAC on a three week cycle. It wasn't fun, but it was doable and I got through it. I chose to take a medical leave from my job. I was the manager at a bank and didn't feel it was fair to my team, my customers, or my company to have the erratic attendance chemo would have required. However, there are many here who have worked through their treatments. You have to do what is right for you and your family.

    I hope this helps. Please come back with any other questions you might have, and to let us know how you're doing.


    Linda too
  • mruczko
    mruczko Member Posts: 110
    chemo first
    Linda, my dear:
    I had chemo first. Was diagnosed with IDC, Stage IIB, Herceptin pos. in left breast. 2 tumors, one 3.5 cm, one .9 cm, it had spread to the axillary lymph nodes. I had 12 weekly sessions of Taxol and Herceptin, then 4 sessions of Cytoxan/Epirubicin/5FU every 3 weeks, Herceptin every week. I was originally told I'd have to have a mastectomy, however at the end of the 3 months Taxol PET scans and mammogram showed no tumors. I was offered the option of lumpectomy followed by radiation, which I chose. Lymph nodes were removed as well. There was no indication of cancer. Out dear friend, NED, No Evidence of disease. Reason why I chose lumpectomy - I was 77 at that time. Survival rate for lumpectomy vs. mastectomy at my age and stage cancer is about the same. For younger women it's a different ball game. At my support group I heard from a number of younger women that they continued to work during chemo, although they may have had to shorten their work week a little. No-one reacts the same to chemo. We on this board know all too well what it means to hear this diagnosis and we will be with you all the way.
    Many warm hugs, Marlene
  • mruczko
    mruczko Member Posts: 110
    Chemo first
    I may not have used the correct terminology - my cancer was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.
  • lafera12
    lafera12 Member Posts: 63
    Had chemo first
    I had chemo firstto shrink the tumor, then surgery-left side mastectomy,
    then started radiation and the balance of Herceptin at the same time..
    I had to work while I went for chemo, thankfully I felt good enough,
    but I cut my days down to four, that's all I could manage.

  • lafera12
    lafera12 Member Posts: 63
    Had chemo first
    I had chemo first to shrink the tumor, then surgery-left side mastectomy,
    then started radiation and the balance of Herceptin at the same time..
    I had to work while I went for chemo, thankfully I felt good enough,
    but I cut my days down to four, that's all I could manage.

  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    lafera12 said:

    Had chemo first
    I had chemo first to shrink the tumor, then surgery-left side mastectomy,
    then started radiation and the balance of Herceptin at the same time..
    I had to work while I went for chemo, thankfully I felt good enough,
    but I cut my days down to four, that's all I could manage.


    Also had chemo first...
    Hi Linda...

    I Also had chemo first to shrink the tumor. I was scheduled for 6 rounds of chemo prior to surgery. However by the 3rd round of chemo, my white blood count was too low to proceed with chemo. Fotrunatly at that time, my tumor shrank and was no longer present. We proceeded with a double mas. After about 2 months, I proceeded with the remaining 3 rounds of chemo. My last round of chemo is next week.

    So far, so good... Thanks and Praise to GOD no real side effects from the chemo. I could have worked, however chose to take an extended leave of absence from work. I'm feeling GREAT and ready to proceed with the last round of chemo next week. Although I felt well enough to work, the time off from my stressful pace and demands of work has been Perfect!!!

    Yes, the diagnosis and treatment plan is def scary at first, but doable. You'll do fine. We're all here for support. The sisters on this site are Outstanding!!! You've def come to the right place for tons of love and support.

    Wishing YOU all the BEST!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Hi Linda,
    I had chemo first My Dr, recommended it and I am so happy I did it. My tumor was large. By the time I had surgery they couldn't find the tumor at all. My pathology came back clean. I still had Radiation because I had inflammatory breast cancer. My Dr said Inflammatory is the worst kind of breast cancer to have. I didn't do to bad on chemo. I did everything I could find out to do to make it better. Drank ensure, took vits, drank allot of water. By the end I needed iron supplement too. I would feel the worst about 3to4 days after chemo and that would last a few days. I did get the neulasta shot the day after chemo. That helps keep your blood work right. But it also causes bone pain. But you are right everyone is different. You may feel fine. I took the weeks of chemo off. All of this started last June ( 2010 ) I'm still doing well You will figure out what works for you. It is do-able. Just remember it does end but it is a long journey. We will be here for you every step of the way. And with all the ladies here you can get any question answered. Take care be kind to your self and take it one day at a time. Kay
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Linda
    In sept 09 I had 4 and a half centimeter tumor in right breast and underarm. Had chemo first, took it away, then a lumpectomy, then radiation. Thought everything was fine until July of this year. I'm triple neg and came back mets to other areas. I wish you luck. Chemo is rough for some. This time it seems worse for me.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Mitzi333 said:

    Also had chemo first...
    Hi Linda...

    I Also had chemo first to shrink the tumor. I was scheduled for 6 rounds of chemo prior to surgery. However by the 3rd round of chemo, my white blood count was too low to proceed with chemo. Fotrunatly at that time, my tumor shrank and was no longer present. We proceeded with a double mas. After about 2 months, I proceeded with the remaining 3 rounds of chemo. My last round of chemo is next week.

    So far, so good... Thanks and Praise to GOD no real side effects from the chemo. I could have worked, however chose to take an extended leave of absence from work. I'm feeling GREAT and ready to proceed with the last round of chemo next week. Although I felt well enough to work, the time off from my stressful pace and demands of work has been Perfect!!!

    Yes, the diagnosis and treatment plan is def scary at first, but doable. You'll do fine. We're all here for support. The sisters on this site are Outstanding!!! You've def come to the right place for tons of love and support.

    Wishing YOU all the BEST!!!

    Mitzi ;0)

    bumping up

    bumping up
  • midnight10
    midnight10 Member Posts: 74
    Chemo first
    I too had chemo first, then bilateral mascetomy and 30 rads....Onc said chemo first to shrink tumors prior to surgery. Triple Neg.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    I did chemo first, 6 rounds
    I did chemo first, 6 rounds of TAC on a three week cycle. It wasn't fun, but it was doable and I got through it. I chose to take a medical leave from my job. I was the manager at a bank and didn't feel it was fair to my team, my customers, or my company to have the erratic attendance chemo would have required. However, there are many here who have worked through their treatments. You have to do what is right for you and your family.

    I hope this helps. Please come back with any other questions you might have, and to let us know how you're doing.


    Linda too

    I didn't have chemo, but,
    I didn't have chemo, but, had a lumpectomy with rads. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck!

    Hugs, Diane
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member

    Chemo first
    I too had chemo first, then bilateral mascetomy and 30 rads....Onc said chemo first to shrink tumors prior to surgery. Triple Neg.

    I also had chemo first,
    12 rounds of Taxol and then 4 rounds of FEC every three weeks. The Taxol I did fine with, they actually had to reduce my steriods because I had too much energy and was waking up at 5:30 am all revved up. The FEC was a little rougher, I would be knocked out for 3-4 days after each round. But overall chemo was not nearly as bad as I had feared. I think the anxiety about it was worse than the reality, at least for me. After the first one was over I was much calmer and took it that I was doing something positive to get rid of the cancer. When I felt really bad with the FEC I would tell myself that if the chemo was kicking my a**, that meant it was also kicking the cancer's a** and that was a good thing!

  • Tkitty
    Tkitty Member Posts: 56
    Chemo first
    I had chemo first. I took my chemo day off work due to the length of time it took, but was able to keep working thru it. Had chemo every two weeks for 16 weeks. Was off for three weeks after the mastectomy. Am still working while getting the radiation treatments for the next 6.5 weeks. The fuzzy brain from the chemo bothered me a bit as I didn't feel as "sharp" as I wanted to be. My advice is to make time to rest. Whenever I would sit down in my chair at home, I would take a nap. My body insisted.
  • BMS
    BMS Member Posts: 127
    Chemo first
    I also had chemo first. I had three tumors - the largest being nearly 5 cm. I had 4 of 6 TCH treatments every 3 weeks. I had to stop due to elevated liver enzymes. Had my lumpectomy in January 2011 and then resumed chemo with 5 of 6 weekly Taxol treatments. Had to stop again because of the liver. Then had 33 radiation treatments. Now I am finishing up my Herceptin, which was one year's worth. Doing the chemo first greatly reduced the size of my tumors to the point where the 2 smaller ones were basically gone. Clear margins were obtained during the lumpectomy and the 11 nodes removed were clean.

    I worked through it all, maybe not all day every day, but worked a lot. I had chemo on Thursdays and my Neulasta shot on Friday. I would take off the whole day Thursday and go to work after the shot on Friday. Mondays were a crap shoot depending on how I felt, but by Tuesday I was back at work. My boss allowed me to bring in a cot, close my door, and rest when needed. And I did!

    The effects of chemo are cumulative, so it got tougher as it went on and I used more time off. I had my lumpectomy on a Tuesday and was back to work on Monday.