Dear New Chemo Patients

Double Whammy
Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
There are quite a few posts from women having a lot of ugly side effects with chemotherapy lately. Prior to my chemotherapy a year ago, most posts were about how few side effects women were having. Or, maybe it was just lots of encouragement that chemotherapy was "doable". While I was, of course, pretty uptight about beginning chemo, I marveled at the women here who made it through in spite of feeling like crap. And for me it was a short time (12 weeks) that I knew would pass. I started counting down the day I began.

I just want to assure those of you who are awaiting or just starting chemotherapy that yes, side effects do happen but for most of us, chemotherapy was yucky but doable. We're all different and I did have some unpleasant side effects, but even then I remember clearly thinking I felt bad, but not horrible and with each cycle, I learned the sequence of events and could look forward to feeling better by Day X.

I would not want to wish chemotherapy on anyone, but the thing is, it does what it's supposed to do and you all can do it. I know you can. Hang tough, girlfriends.



  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Well Said!
    Very well said. I had less trouble than I expected. It was 20 weeks of yucky but I am done and it is but a distant memory..... Ok not so distant but I feel fine now.

    All the best to those starting out!

  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    mamolady said:

    Well Said!
    Very well said. I had less trouble than I expected. It was 20 weeks of yucky but I am done and it is but a distant memory..... Ok not so distant but I feel fine now.

    All the best to those starting out!


    Just wanted to show up with
    Just wanted to show up with the cheering section, rooting on all our newbies.

    *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/*

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    Just wanted to show up with
    Just wanted to show up with the cheering section, rooting on all our newbies.

    *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/* *\0/*


    Also cheering!
    I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have too much trouble with chemo. Yes, I got tired, and yes, I lost my hair, but IT WORKED. Thhe tumor shrank before surgery and that was a goal. And now I'm dancing with NED so it was all worth it, even the rads. No matter what, it beats the alternative.

  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    skipper54 said:

    Also cheering!
    I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have too much trouble with chemo. Yes, I got tired, and yes, I lost my hair, but IT WORKED. Thhe tumor shrank before surgery and that was a goal. And now I'm dancing with NED so it was all worth it, even the rads. No matter what, it beats the alternative.


    Well said Suzanne ...
    I agree with everything you said Suzanne. Chemo is not fun ... and it's not for sissys ... but we do what we have to do. And ... the "adventure" will prove to you that you are soooooo much stronger than you ever thought you were.

    I'm one of those who will say that my treatment was a "breeze." Sounds crazy I know ... but ... none of it was nearly as bad as I had imagined. Lumpectomy ... no problem. Taxol/herceptin for 12 weeks ... no problem (other than "doable" side effects like hair loss, rashes, constipation, fatigue etc. But ... if it was going to make be "better" ... I knew I had to do it!) ... then 35 radiation treatments ... and now tamoxifen.

    I know I am one of the "lucky ones" ... never felt sick ... and continued to work full time throughout the whole thing.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    tgf said:

    Well said Suzanne ...
    I agree with everything you said Suzanne. Chemo is not fun ... and it's not for sissys ... but we do what we have to do. And ... the "adventure" will prove to you that you are soooooo much stronger than you ever thought you were.

    I'm one of those who will say that my treatment was a "breeze." Sounds crazy I know ... but ... none of it was nearly as bad as I had imagined. Lumpectomy ... no problem. Taxol/herceptin for 12 weeks ... no problem (other than "doable" side effects like hair loss, rashes, constipation, fatigue etc. But ... if it was going to make be "better" ... I knew I had to do it!) ... then 35 radiation treatments ... and now tamoxifen.

    I know I am one of the "lucky ones" ... never felt sick ... and continued to work full time throughout the whole thing.


    Good post, Suzanne
    I too wish to encourage all of you getting ready to start chemo or currently in chemo. I was literally shaking when I walked into that chemo room. So scared I actually knocked down an IV pole (thank goodness it was not attached to anyone!) and broke the handle on the recliner I sat in!

    But like so many others--it was not nearly as bad as I had imagined. Like Teena above, yes I had some "doable" side effects--diarrhea/constipation combo, fatigue, total body hair loss (which in some regions was quite okay with me!), bone and joint aches from the Neulasta and a general aversion to the taste of most foods. A few days found me weepy and feeling sorry for myself. But, most days I felt determined that this beast was not going to get the best of me. Most of the side effects were eased by a med. prescribed by my onc. I was determined to get through it and I did. And, you all will too. Fight strong and use every weapon available in the arsenal.

    Positive energy going out to you all.

    Hugs, Renee
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    tgf said:

    Well said Suzanne ...
    I agree with everything you said Suzanne. Chemo is not fun ... and it's not for sissys ... but we do what we have to do. And ... the "adventure" will prove to you that you are soooooo much stronger than you ever thought you were.

    I'm one of those who will say that my treatment was a "breeze." Sounds crazy I know ... but ... none of it was nearly as bad as I had imagined. Lumpectomy ... no problem. Taxol/herceptin for 12 weeks ... no problem (other than "doable" side effects like hair loss, rashes, constipation, fatigue etc. But ... if it was going to make be "better" ... I knew I had to do it!) ... then 35 radiation treatments ... and now tamoxifen.

    I know I am one of the "lucky ones" ... never felt sick ... and continued to work full time throughout the whole thing.


    Good post, Suzanne
    I too wish to encourage all of you getting ready to start chemo or currently in chemo. I was literally shaking when I walked into that chemo room. So scared I actually knocked down an IV pole (thank goodness it was not attached to anyone!) and broke the handle on the recliner I sat in!

    But like so many others--it was not nearly as bad as I had imagined. Like Teena above, yes I had some "doable" side effects--diarrhea/constipation combo, fatigue, total body hair loss (which in some regions was quite okay with me!), bone and joint aches from the Neulasta and a general aversion to the taste of most foods. A few days found me weepy and feeling sorry for myself. But, most days I felt determined that this beast was not going to get the best of me. Most of the side effects were eased by a med. prescribed by my onc. I was determined to get through it and I did. And, you all will too. Fight strong and use every weapon available in the arsenal.

    Positive energy going out to you all.

    Hugs, Renee
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Oh You Bet It Does!
    Thank you Suzanne for starting this thread it is an important one! To all you newbies out there Yes Chemo Is Doable, no fun but DOABLE! I had 24 sessions of chemo over a two year period (got a break to do my rads) and yes I was exhausted, bald, ached a lot and did not feel too good but heh here I am 14 years later telling you about it so you bet I would do it again in a heart beat. So....hang in there come here for support and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it comes with a future so know that we are here for you and we will do all we can to help carry you virtually during your journey and afterwards. We are here to laugh with you, cry with you and rejoice with you!


  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    Thanks Ladies!
    Thanks Suzanne for starting this post and thanks to all who have joined in. I'll be starting 12 weeks of Taxol/Herceptin Thursday. I know everyone reacts different, but it's nice to reassured that it is "doable". I might feel crappy and tired, but the battle is worth it to win this fight. Now, I just hope I feel the same way after a few treatments....LOL.

    Yep, I have my "Cancer sucks" and "Fight Like a Girl" shirts ready and waiting!

    Thanks again!

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Suzanne you are sooo right.
    Suzanne you are sooo right. I did 6 rounds of TAC, and although that's tough regimen (they are all tough) I got through it. And I got through it because I had wonderful advice here, great nurses, and a doc who was responsive to any questions I had about side effects. So yes, chemo is doable...not fun, but doable.

    My best wishes to those of you in chemo now, and to those of you starting chemo soon.


  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339

    Suzanne you are sooo right.
    Suzanne you are sooo right. I did 6 rounds of TAC, and although that's tough regimen (they are all tough) I got through it. And I got through it because I had wonderful advice here, great nurses, and a doc who was responsive to any questions I had about side effects. So yes, chemo is doable...not fun, but doable.

    My best wishes to those of you in chemo now, and to those of you starting chemo soon.



    I started 16 weeks of chemo this coming Monday and its so reassuring to hear I thank you all.
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    epark said:

    I started 16 weeks of chemo this coming Monday and its so reassuring to hear I thank you all.

    Yes.. . It's doable!!!
    I've had 5 rounds of chemo thus far, 1 more to go next week. So far, so good. Very few side effects. Mainly just tired for a few days. Yes, we all react differently, But we learn to adapt to the New Normal and stay the course. It all def worth the Fight.

    Wishing All starting chemo and in the midst of it to "Hang Tough"... We can do it!!!

    Prayers to All!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    epark said:

    I started 16 weeks of chemo this coming Monday and its so reassuring to hear I thank you all.

    Yes.. . It's doable!!!
    I've had 5 rounds of chemo thus far, 1 more to go next week. So far, so good. Very few side effects. Mainly just tired for a few days. Yes, we all react differently, But we learn to adapt to the New Normal and stay the course. It all def worth the Fight.

    Wishing All starting chemo and in the midst of it to "Hang Tough"... We can do it!!!

    Prayers to All!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    epark said:

    I started 16 weeks of chemo this coming Monday and its so reassuring to hear I thank you all.

    Yes.. . It's doable!!!
    I've had 5 rounds of chemo thus far, 1 more to go next week. So far, so good. Very few side effects. Mainly just tired for a few days. Yes, we all react differently, But we learn to adapt to the New Normal and stay the course. It all def worth the Fight.

    Wishing All starting chemo and in the midst of it to "Hang Tough"... We can do it!!!

    Prayers to All!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    epark said:

    I started 16 weeks of chemo this coming Monday and its so reassuring to hear I thank you all.

    Yes.. . It's doable!!!
    I've had 5 rounds of chemo thus far, 1 more to go next week. So far, so good. Very few side effects. Mainly just tired for a few days. Yes, we all react differently, But we learn to adapt to the New Normal and stay the course. It all def worth the Fight.

    Wishing All starting chemo and in the midst of it to "Hang Tough"... We can do it!!!

    Prayers to All!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    epark said:

    I started 16 weeks of chemo this coming Monday and its so reassuring to hear I thank you all.

    Yes.. . It's doable!!!
    I've had 5 rounds of chemo thus far, 1 more to go next week. So far, so good. Very few side effects. Mainly just tired for a few days. Yes, we all react differently, But we learn to adapt to the New Normal and stay the course. It all def worth the Fight.

    Wishing All starting chemo and in the midst of it to "Hang Tough"... We can do it!!!

    Prayers to All!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    Mitzi333 said:

    Yes.. . It's doable!!!
    I've had 5 rounds of chemo thus far, 1 more to go next week. So far, so good. Very few side effects. Mainly just tired for a few days. Yes, we all react differently, But we learn to adapt to the New Normal and stay the course. It all def worth the Fight.

    Wishing All starting chemo and in the midst of it to "Hang Tough"... We can do it!!!

    Prayers to All!!!

    Mitzi ;0)

    sorry for the duplicate entries
    ;0( Sorry!!!
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Great Post Suzanne
    I did great the first time around, worked through the treatments, took one day off to travel and then had chemo Friday afternoons and was back at work Monday morning. Quite a few of us who are having trouble with chemo's are those of us with mets where a chemo isn't working and they are trying newly approved chemos, and/or trial chemos, or new combinations of meds with harsher side effects, but we are being treated aggressively!

    But if I were a newbie and reading some of these chemo posts, I too would be really hesitant and scared to start! But even with these new chemo's, some of which have some stronger side effects, they are still doable, we just have to readjust our expectations on feeling good sooner. And some of us with all the nasty side effects have been on chemo for a long time (8 months for me), and on a weekly basis, so we may be getting more discouraged as we do not have much time between treatments to even feel good.

    But honestly, all of us do react differently to the meds, and I didn't get half the side effects that some got. We are all different, even though we may have the same kind of cancer, it will never be 100% the same as the sister you read about.

    Don't be discouraged by the posts!
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    skipper54 said:

    Also cheering!
    I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have too much trouble with chemo. Yes, I got tired, and yes, I lost my hair, but IT WORKED. Thhe tumor shrank before surgery and that was a goal. And now I'm dancing with NED so it was all worth it, even the rads. No matter what, it beats the alternative.


    Terrific post!

    Terrific post!