3B- what does that mean

After srugery- they did the pathology reprot on my mom and relaized the cancer was at stage3B. They believe ti is begining to metatastize. I blog for my mom- as she doesnt speak English. She was diagnosed January of this year. She had it on her left breast and lymp nodes. They believe they took it out- but may have spread...

ANy words of advice?

THank you everyone


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Hi The Stages of breast
    Hi The Stages of breast cancer are based on many things. Size of tumor and lymph node involvement. I looked it up on the internet after I was told that I had 3A. That was in April of 2009. I have had lumpectomy (twice) second time to get a clearer margin, chemo and radiation. I just had a visit with my oncologist in July and so far so good.
    God bless you and your mother.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Hi The Stages of breast
    Hi The Stages of breast cancer are based on many things. Size of tumor and lymph node involvement. I looked it up on the internet after I was told that I had 3A. That was in April of 2009. I have had lumpectomy (twice) second time to get a clearer margin, chemo and radiation. I just had a visit with my oncologist in July and so far so good.
    God bless you and your mother.

    ACS page re: breast cancer staging
    Here's the link to the American Cancer Society page regarding breast cancer staging.

    The different stages are described near the bottom of the page; they also define a lot of terms that appear on pathology reports, so that may help you out as well.


    Hope that helps,
