Nerve Block Shots Worked!!!!

cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
edited August 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
I have had a series of nerve block shots in my right neck for my PMPS Neuropathy. My right side after my node dissection was so bad. I have not been able to use my arms normally since I woke up from my BMX. I was in such severe pain and now realize it was NOT normal. The pain clinic I went to was awesome!! That in combination with the increase in gabapentin, addition of amitriptolyne, and massage therapy with light stretching and ligt strengthening has worked marvelously for me. I am now able to do so many more household tasks, can lift the laundry basket and hang it on the line many more things...I still hurt some, but not nearly as bad as before. I still have some sensitivity, heat and humdity seem to make it worse, but yet the car air conditioning blowing on my upper arm can sting lol!
The pain dr has released me. No need to see me, but if I get the pain back, call the office right away for a shot and they will just do med refills.
It feels so good not to hear my partner say remember not to do too much today, you know we have ..... to do tomorrow...I am still not 100% and boy do I feel it if I have to miss the end of the week occupational therapy but I am on the mend. Thanks for letting me share this with you all.


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    This is great! So happy
    This is great! So happy that they worked!

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    On the mend and feeling
    On the mend and feeling better, thank goodness. Isnt it amazing the things we take for granted like lifting a laundry basket. Happy you can do that again, but not happy you have to do the laundry. :)
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    natly15 said:

    On the mend and feeling
    On the mend and feeling better, thank goodness. Isnt it amazing the things we take for granted like lifting a laundry basket. Happy you can do that again, but not happy you have to do the laundry. :)

    Mixed blessings!
    Glad you're feeling better but who wants to do the laundry?

    Seriously, really glad to hear your news. Enjoy your newfound "freedom".
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    natly15 said:

    On the mend and feeling
    On the mend and feeling better, thank goodness. Isnt it amazing the things we take for granted like lifting a laundry basket. Happy you can do that again, but not happy you have to do the laundry. :)

    So glad to know that you are
    So glad to know that you are feeling much better!

    Sue :)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Ritzy said:

    So glad to know that you are
    So glad to know that you are feeling much better!

    Sue :)

    Ditto .. so glad you are feeling much better ...
    Enjoy, feel better ..

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • mruczko
    mruczko Member Posts: 110
    Nerve Block
    Thought you'd like to know - I chickend out and canceled the Pain guy appointment. Made a late afternoon appointment with my internist, so he'd have enough time to discuss the pain issue with me. Spend nearly 1 hr. Upshoot - he switched me from 1200 mg Gabapentin to Lyrica, he gave me samples and told me I could experiment with the dosage,giving me a minimum/maximum dosage. Currently I am on 175 mg, 100 at night 75 during the day. Tried to up it at night, but got nauseous. Have to watch for possible edema in the legs. I am adding additonal exercises after water aerobics, feels good in the warm pool, but oh does it hurt afterwards! He also gave me an NSAID creme (Voltaren) to put under the arm 2-3 times/day along with the lidocaine/aloe vera gel. Pain is less, almost none, in the am, but as I get more active it increases during the day. Will probably have to increase dosage down the line. Lyrica seems to work better for me, less loopiness, slightly more energy. Nerve block is still an option, but we decided to give this a try for a couple of months. My hope is that with being able to stretch more it will eventually get better. Is that the goal of your Physical therapy?
    Sure glad to hear life is a little better for you!
    Your blooging buddy Marlene
  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    mruczko said:

    Nerve Block
    Thought you'd like to know - I chickend out and canceled the Pain guy appointment. Made a late afternoon appointment with my internist, so he'd have enough time to discuss the pain issue with me. Spend nearly 1 hr. Upshoot - he switched me from 1200 mg Gabapentin to Lyrica, he gave me samples and told me I could experiment with the dosage,giving me a minimum/maximum dosage. Currently I am on 175 mg, 100 at night 75 during the day. Tried to up it at night, but got nauseous. Have to watch for possible edema in the legs. I am adding additonal exercises after water aerobics, feels good in the warm pool, but oh does it hurt afterwards! He also gave me an NSAID creme (Voltaren) to put under the arm 2-3 times/day along with the lidocaine/aloe vera gel. Pain is less, almost none, in the am, but as I get more active it increases during the day. Will probably have to increase dosage down the line. Lyrica seems to work better for me, less loopiness, slightly more energy. Nerve block is still an option, but we decided to give this a try for a couple of months. My hope is that with being able to stretch more it will eventually get better. Is that the goal of your Physical therapy?
    Sure glad to hear life is a little better for you!
    Your blooging buddy Marlene

    Marlene, yes the goal of pt
    Marlene, yes the goal of pt is massaging that scar tissue that has tightened up, reduce nerve pain by massage also (they use this deep prep cream that I love), and some light strengthening. I had one really bad pt session where the gal was too gung ho on trying more strengthening and set me back on the right and left side pretty bad about a month ago. I asked the pain doc about it. He agreed the main goal is pain reduction. He asked if my strength was good enough for me, I said, yes, I don't need to be a body builder, lol. So I have informed my pt's that I am not interested nor will I do anymore heavier (what is heavy for me lol) strength training. I will do very light stuff though. It is amazing where all the scar tissue has formed lesion like things on my chest to my armpits, even down to my drain hole scars. They target the areas and massage it like crazy to loosen it all up.