So ticked off right now.....

I am a teacher. Suppose to go back on duty Aug. 10. talked with principal yesterday. Looking into short disability. Told I could work half days while on short term. Nope. Call this morning:

Here's my option: come clean out your room we will replace you and when/if you are ready to come back we'll find you a job somewhere. Only get to keep my insurance 12 weeks but short term is 24 so figure that out of your own pocket. So what the f do I do? I can't afford it, I don't want to be handed some random job in another school when the disability is over. I am so pissed. Last year I had no support, ridiculous case load (SPED teacher) and got bitched at for doctors appts. now I have weekly chemo. I don't want to not work at all but I also don't think I can do full days. I have cried so much this morning I puked.

I feel like such a failure already not being able to keep up with my daily life, now this. I don't want to stay home all day feeling sorry for myself while all my friends are at work. I need some major advice. My husband just looks at me blank and says "I don't know". I don't have the option of getting on his insurance unless I switch oncologists which isn't going to happen. (He works for the other hospital in our community). UGH. I am so F'ing mad!!!!! I know if they wanted to those bastards could make my job a part time position but they are a bunch of uncaring ****.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Is it possible for you to
    Is it possible for you to get an attorney? since I have gone back to work it hasnt been great either. Its hard to separate the hurt feelings, form the "why cant you be compassionate and see I am doing the best I can" Your fabric is torn to the very end and people just dont get it. I just dont get them. I have tried hard to not be hurt and take it personally. dont teachers have unions? You have to do what you need to do to feel well and be well. I am sure others with more concrete ideas will weigh in on this. I am so sorry it is unfair and nothing you should be dealing with.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    call the labor board for your state
    I had this happen to me once many years ago, I contacted the labor board to find out what my rights were they forwarded me a bunch of information that saved my job! Hope this helps!

  • AMomNETN
    AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
    I"m so sorry for all you are going through. I too am a SPED Teacher but my bosses were great to me. I don't know about where you teach but people aren't lining up for my job. I'm not too sure but if you have sick days they can't keep you from using them or personal days. You can take whole or half days as needed. Here you can apply for a medical leave or FLMA. FLMA is good for at least 4 months. I'm still readjusting to teaching again. I still get chemo brain. I easily get dates mixed up but I'm hanging in there. I hope this helps. Check all your options are you in your education association? They could be of help.

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Another one that is not right
    You have every reason to be pissed. Find out what you can do and then fight. You still have a little time before you need to report to duty. If you have FMLA I don't think that they can touch you if you have to be out a day or so a week.

    I was on FMLA, which is a federal program, and they couldn't even ask why I was taking a day off. I had chemo back then on Friday, and I took every Friday off for 18 weeks for dr visits, chemo and bloodwork.

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Another resource to check is
    Another resource to check is the Cancer Legal Resource Center. Their website is You can also call and speak with someone at 866-THE-CLRC. I hope this helps.

    Calming peaceful Hugs,

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I am a teacher also, and
    I am a teacher also, and this doesn't sound right. I was offered the FMLA at my district (but didn't need it). During chemo, I used about 4 days in all of my sick leave and the distrit got me a sub. If you have your chemo on Wednesday (sick day), you probably can work on Thursday and Friday but be down for the count on Saturday and Sunday. By Monday you may feel good enough to work again! The unknown is the scariest part of this whole thing. Don't give up. It would be miserable to have to tear your classroom down and not know where you'll be when you are ready to return. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    lynn1950 said:

    I am a teacher also, and
    I am a teacher also, and this doesn't sound right. I was offered the FMLA at my district (but didn't need it). During chemo, I used about 4 days in all of my sick leave and the distrit got me a sub. If you have your chemo on Wednesday (sick day), you probably can work on Thursday and Friday but be down for the count on Saturday and Sunday. By Monday you may feel good enough to work again! The unknown is the scariest part of this whole thing. Don't give up. It would be miserable to have to tear your classroom down and not know where you'll be when you are ready to return. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    I am not a teacher
    I am very sorry that your employer does not want to cooperate please check your legal rights, including contract, laws in your state and union preveliges. I took 6 months short term disability and it was the best decision I made during treatment I had enough time for managing side effects and was able to have relatively normal lifeI I jis associated with exposure to microorganisms and my doctor prescribed me to stay off
    New Flower
  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112

    I am not a teacher
    I am very sorry that your employer does not want to cooperate please check your legal rights, including contract, laws in your state and union preveliges. I took 6 months short term disability and it was the best decision I made during treatment I had enough time for managing side effects and was able to have relatively normal lifeI I jis associated with exposure to microorganisms and my doctor prescribed me to stay off
    New Flower

    Please inquire about FMLA...
    Family Liberal Leave Act! Please seek some help about this. You are protected!

    Good luck to you.
  • Please inquire about FMLA...
    Family Liberal Leave Act! Please seek some help about this. You are protected!

    Good luck to you.

    is available I just have to leave for 6 months for the short term disability. My job is still going to be there..or shall I say "a" job will be there just maybe not in my current school. I just want to work half days so I keep myself busy and still have time to rest. I guess I can't have it both ways I am have a choice to make. I don't know what to do.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    is available I just have to leave for 6 months for the short term disability. My job is still going to be there..or shall I say "a" job will be there just maybe not in my current school. I just want to work half days so I keep myself busy and still have time to rest. I guess I can't have it both ways I am have a choice to make. I don't know what to do.

    Difficult decision
    As far as I understand you are having recurrence and initially was diagnosed 3 years avoid it true and it would me my choice can be clear stay at home, take care of the treatment and small child, recover, relax, and have as much fun as possible while on Chemo, including quality time with your children and family. just make sure you will keep your insurance. You will have your entire life fit working and performing well
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Difficult decision
    As far as I understand you are having recurrence and initially was diagnosed 3 years avoid it true and it would me my choice can be clear stay at home, take care of the treatment and small child, recover, relax, and have as much fun as possible while on Chemo, including quality time with your children and family. just make sure you will keep your insurance. You will have your entire life fit working and performing well

    Such a difficult decision, as well as cruel.
    However, these are tough economic times -- compassion does not play a part with job placement - leave of absence. FMLA is great, but does NOT guarantee your job will be waiting for you when you return. A job of equal value will be offered. This job may not be in your present school, but must be within your district.

    Labor board as well as any advocacy cancer organization is a place where I would start.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • VickiSam said:

    Such a difficult decision, as well as cruel.
    However, these are tough economic times -- compassion does not play a part with job placement - leave of absence. FMLA is great, but does NOT guarantee your job will be waiting for you when you return. A job of equal value will be offered. This job may not be in your present school, but must be within your district.

    Labor board as well as any advocacy cancer organization is a place where I would start.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    I agree
    I know that there would be a job, maybe not the ideal job waiting for me. Maybe a new adventure. Who knows. I am worried about money, my hubby says not a factor in my decision. It seems like a no brainer to stay home and relax for awhile longer and see how this treatment goes.....but all I want it to work part time and they won't let me. I think that is what makes me angry. They say there is no part time position....well good luck filling my full time vacancy. Packing up my room and not returning also breaks my heart. I just don't know.
  • VickiSam said:

    Such a difficult decision, as well as cruel.
    However, these are tough economic times -- compassion does not play a part with job placement - leave of absence. FMLA is great, but does NOT guarantee your job will be waiting for you when you return. A job of equal value will be offered. This job may not be in your present school, but must be within your district.

    Labor board as well as any advocacy cancer organization is a place where I would start.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    I agree
    I know that there would be a job, maybe not the ideal job waiting for me. Maybe a new adventure. Who knows. I am worried about money, my hubby says not a factor in my decision. It seems like a no brainer to stay home and relax for awhile longer and see how this treatment goes.....but all I want it to work part time and they won't let me. I think that is what makes me angry. They say there is no part time position....well good luck filling my full time vacancy. Packing up my room and not returning also breaks my heart. I just don't know.
  • VickiSam said:

    Such a difficult decision, as well as cruel.
    However, these are tough economic times -- compassion does not play a part with job placement - leave of absence. FMLA is great, but does NOT guarantee your job will be waiting for you when you return. A job of equal value will be offered. This job may not be in your present school, but must be within your district.

    Labor board as well as any advocacy cancer organization is a place where I would start.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    I agree
    I know that there would be a job, maybe not the ideal job waiting for me. Maybe a new adventure. Who knows. I am worried about money, my hubby says not a factor in my decision. It seems like a no brainer to stay home and relax for awhile longer and see how this treatment goes.....but all I want it to work part time and they won't let me. I think that is what makes me angry. They say there is no part time position....well good luck filling my full time vacancy. Packing up my room and not returning also breaks my heart. I just don't know.
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    How Horrible That You Have to Deal With This!
    I am almost certain your principal is overstepping and opening himself and his school district up to a lawsuit. Don't take this lying down! (Pun intended; I know you are feeling terrible right now.) At minimum, call your district's HR department (or the Superintendent's secretary, sometimes they are the best advocates) and tell them you don't think this sounds right. If you don't get immediate relief, and I mean by the end of the week, find an attorney. Go to legal aid, since you don't/won't have any income. And the federal legal aid folks (you probably have a federal claim, although it can be tricky with units of state government like school districts) has great attorneys; they are very snobby about who they will hire.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    mollieb said:

    How Horrible That You Have to Deal With This!
    I am almost certain your principal is overstepping and opening himself and his school district up to a lawsuit. Don't take this lying down! (Pun intended; I know you are feeling terrible right now.) At minimum, call your district's HR department (or the Superintendent's secretary, sometimes they are the best advocates) and tell them you don't think this sounds right. If you don't get immediate relief, and I mean by the end of the week, find an attorney. Go to legal aid, since you don't/won't have any income. And the federal legal aid folks (you probably have a federal claim, although it can be tricky with units of state government like school districts) has great attorneys; they are very snobby about who they will hire.

    Are you in the teacher's union? What state are you in? If you are, you need to contact them PRONTO!

    Keep us posted, we care...
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    I have no knowledge to offer you
    I have no knowledge to offer you. It is very stressful to go for tests and treatments while you are working and if you are lucky, you have compassionate employers. I was lucky. Your profession is entirely different from mine. Teachers have a different set of rules. All the advice preceding this posting sounds pretty good to me. Know your rights!!! Check with the state and local community to see how you are protected. Good luck to you.

    Lots of Hugs,