Here we go again!!!!!

First off I would like to thank everyone on here for the support given to me while my brother Raymond was going through finding out he had esophageal cancer and through the chemotherapy and radiation.... William I would very much like to thank you for giving me all the information about having the surgery which was passed on to my brother. (though he still felt there was no way he could do it).

Friday my brother started throwing up violently and had to be put in the hospital..... There seems to be a blockage in the intestines and a blockage in the kidney.... They are now continually suctioning out his stomach because of fluid build-up as there is no where for any of it to go. They have stopped him from eating and/or drinking anything.

They are supposed to have the biopsy results of his kidney in today. Though yesterday I was approached by surgeons, oncologists and internal medicine doctors that we need to start deciding what his wishes are.... We don't even have the results back saying it's cancer and they are telling me this (though that have not said anything to him).

I am so scared for what they are going to tell us today.... And also just hoping and praying this is just a bad infection and he gets better very soon.



  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thinking of You
    Hey Tinab
    We have such a connection you and I. Same first name and last intial. As well as a brother named Ray. I feel for you my friend. Nothing like jumping the gun Doc! Gee whiz. Just wait on the results and then go from there. We will be praying for you all.
    Tina B in Va
  • json_2011
    json_2011 Member Posts: 100
    hope all will go well ,
    hope all will go well , remember one step thin the next one.

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    in our thoughts
    Hoping and Praying for small news rather than big for your brother, Tina. How very scary!

    Terry & Nick
  • tinab1127
    tinab1127 Member Posts: 18
    TerryV said:

    in our thoughts
    Hoping and Praying for small news rather than big for your brother, Tina. How very scary!

    Terry & Nick

    Thank you all for all your
    Thank you all for all your thoughts and support.... But the results have come back that he is stage IV now... It was so hard to for him to hear the news... He has always tried to be positive on his outcome until now.... :(

  • Manf88
    Manf88 Member Posts: 20
    tinab1127 said:

    Thank you all for all your
    Thank you all for all your thoughts and support.... But the results have come back that he is stage IV now... It was so hard to for him to hear the news... He has always tried to be positive on his outcome until now.... :(


    Prayers are with you
    As hard as it is, try to stay positive and strong for him. Try to focus on what can be done, what he can do. This EC sucks and we all hate it, but know all these people on this board are here for you when needed.
  • mruble
    mruble Member Posts: 174
    tinab1127 said:

    Thank you all for all your
    Thank you all for all your thoughts and support.... But the results have come back that he is stage IV now... It was so hard to for him to hear the news... He has always tried to be positive on his outcome until now.... :(


    Prayers for your brother
    Tina -

    I'm sorry to hear that your brother is stage IV. The battle is not lost -- my husband was diagnosed at IV in October 2009 and continues to fight today. I'll pray for renewed strength and a good outlook for your brother.

  • preacherchad
    preacherchad Member Posts: 60
    We will be praying for


    We will be praying for you and your brother. I echo the words, one step at a time.

    God Bless You
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Praying the news will improve

    I am so sorry to hear this news about Ray. I will be praying that things will improve and that God will give both you and Ray the strength to come through this.


    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina