That scary middle of the nite call turns into my daughter being a hero

jo jo
jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
My daughter is a flight attendant and she flys all over the world. LAst night she was on a flight from Florida to Des Moines Iowa. She was in the middle of helping a man in a wheel chair that had passed out and had very shallow breathing...she was doing her job as she was trained to do and was putting him on oxygen and tryin to wake him up. Finally he came around.
This all took place by the gally...if youve ever been on a plane then you know how small of an area it is outside the bathroom barely have room to turn around and she was standing there with this large man in a wheel chair in this very tiny area.

They hit some nasty major turbulance and my daughter was pinned between the locked wheelchair and the bathroom door and wall. Its hard to describe how this picture looked. But anyway each time the turbulance hit it pinned her even tighter. This lasted about 10 minutes and during this whole time my daughter was in severe pain and going in and out of conciousness and during all this she was still holding the mans oxygen bottle with one hand and holding the man so he wouldnt fall out of his wheelchair.
Finally after the turbulance was over 3 male passengers ran to see if everything was ok and noticed my daughter in and out of conciousness and didnt know of them finally noticed how badly pinned she took three big guys 10 minutes to finally free her. So actually she was pinned for about 20 minutes.
The man in the wheelchair and my daughter where both taken to the Des Moines Emergency Room when they landed.
I got this call about 3 or 4 this morning and oh man that just scared the heck out of me cuz they didnt tell what happened or anything. So about 7 this morning i finally got to talk with her. It turns out nothing was broken and it was her thigh that was pinned and since she was pinned for so long and so tight that she was going into shock. the docs said her muscles shut down and all her nerves and blood supply were cut off. She couldnt feel her leg at all and still cant. I just got off the phone with her again for the hundreth time today and shes doing better...her leg is still really swelled and still no feeling in it but shes doin good otherwise. It really sux cuz i cant be there with her cuz shes too far away.

On the other hand to me she is a hero, how she still tried to take care of her passenger going thru all that. I couldnt be more proud of her! Her work is also commeding her for a job well done and she gets too stay at home till shes back on her feet and also getting paid for it...WOOOO HOOO...i just cant tell ya how proud i am of that girl!!!

Oh i forgot the other flight attendants on the flight with her refused to help thats why the passengers can to her aide and it didnt go so well for them in the end! (Karma)


  • deeb111
    deeb111 Member Posts: 141 Member
    hero indeed
    your daughter is truly a remarkable humanbeig and im guessing she drew a lot of who she is from her mom you should be proud of her and yourself for raising such a lovely person
  • deeb111
    deeb111 Member Posts: 141 Member
    hero indeed
    your daughter is truly a remarkable humanbeig and im guessing she drew a lot of who she is from her mom you should be proud of her and yourself for raising such a lovely person
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Wooo Hooo is right, what an
    Wooo Hooo is right, what an amazing girl. I'm glad she is ok, it must have been really scary.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    True dedication
    There are a few people who would put themselves at risk to save a life. Your daughter is one of them.

    I would be proud too!
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    You have every right
    to be proud of her. She put someone else first and that is a rare thing these days. She has my respect for sure.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Thanks for sharing this with us!!!!!
    This kind of story usually ends up on the news~ why didn't this amazing story get covered???? I could picture your brave, sweet heroine of a daughter being everything and more to a passenger in distress~ at her own peril! I can only begin to imagine how full your ♥ is!!!! Please tell her how proud we all are of her~ and of course we hope her leg heals quickly and completely.
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Dear Jo Jo

    I thought this sounded like a movie! How wonderful for those 3 passengers to come to your daughter's aid. And...for your daughter to continue to hold the oxygen bottle and prevent the man from falling out of his wheelchair when she was going in and out consciousness...that is amazing!! I am happy to hear that she is being commended. Someone had to tell management what she had done, and I am sure that it was not the other flight attendants. Of course, you are one proud mama. I would be too if she were my daughter. If you maintain a diary, make sure you record this act of courage.

    Now, aren't you glad that you came back to this board. You shared a wonderful story with your sisters.

    Lots of Hugs,
  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112

    Dear Jo Jo

    I thought this sounded like a movie! How wonderful for those 3 passengers to come to your daughter's aid. And...for your daughter to continue to hold the oxygen bottle and prevent the man from falling out of his wheelchair when she was going in and out consciousness...that is amazing!! I am happy to hear that she is being commended. Someone had to tell management what she had done, and I am sure that it was not the other flight attendants. Of course, you are one proud mama. I would be too if she were my daughter. If you maintain a diary, make sure you record this act of courage.

    Now, aren't you glad that you came back to this board. You shared a wonderful story with your sisters.

    Lots of Hugs,

    A true heroine!!!!
    You should be proud! Thanks for sharing.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    A true heroine!!!!
    You should be proud! Thanks for sharing.

    You are right to be so proud
    You are right to be so proud of her. That is just amazing.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member

    Dear Jo Jo

    I thought this sounded like a movie! How wonderful for those 3 passengers to come to your daughter's aid. And...for your daughter to continue to hold the oxygen bottle and prevent the man from falling out of his wheelchair when she was going in and out consciousness...that is amazing!! I am happy to hear that she is being commended. Someone had to tell management what she had done, and I am sure that it was not the other flight attendants. Of course, you are one proud mama. I would be too if she were my daughter. If you maintain a diary, make sure you record this act of courage.

    Now, aren't you glad that you came back to this board. You shared a wonderful story with your sisters.

    Lots of Hugs,

    No you were right it wasnt the other flight was the pilots!
    One of the pilots even gave her a piggy back ride up the stairs so they could get her back on the plane to get her back home.
    Those 3 men and the pilots i believe should be recognized as well! I just had to brag a little on my daughter just cuz im so proud of her! :)
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Well I'm proud of her too!
    Well I'm proud of her too! We can see your pride in your daughter beaming in your post, Jojo! People with such a caring heart are so few & far between these days. I'm very glad to hear that your daughter is doing ok.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Well I'm proud of her too!
    Well I'm proud of her too! We can see your pride in your daughter beaming in your post, Jojo! People with such a caring heart are so few & far between these days. I'm very glad to hear that your daughter is doing ok.

    Wow what a story and an
    Wow what a story and an amazing person your daughter is. Be proud Mama!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Wooo Hooo is right, what an
    Wooo Hooo is right, what an amazing girl. I'm glad she is ok, it must have been really scary.

    So glad to read that your
    So glad to read that your daughter is alright now Jo Jo!

    Hugs, Angie
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I would be beaming with
    I would be beaming with pride too. Thank you for sharing this story and reminding us about all the wonderful people in the world...your daughter, the pilots, and the other passengers who helped. And shame on the other flight attendants.


  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    I would be beaming with
    I would be beaming with pride too. Thank you for sharing this story and reminding us about all the wonderful people in the world...your daughter, the pilots, and the other passengers who helped. And shame on the other flight attendants.



    Wow....what a wonderful daughter you have. I'm sure you had a lot to do with the young woman she is today. It's so comforting to know that there are people out there like her. Yep, you have every right to be proud of her!! Glad she is doing better. I do beleive in Karma~

  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    I am having a crappy icky
    I am having a crappy icky day and your story although not making it all better, sure was good to hear the proud mom in you and her heroism. She sounds pretty remarkable.Thank you for sharing.