Seven months of chemo and now getting sick- updated

camul Member Posts: 2,537
edited August 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
Feeling better today, about mid day yesterday started feeling like I was racing and too wired to sleep last night, it was 5a b4 I fell asleep. This has just been the oddest experience, but at least today my mind feels better. I have another chemo on Wednesday and I will see what the Oncologist or PA think of this one. It is so hard because I am on so many new meds! Good thing is I dropped a few more pounds (at least I think it is good, we will find out soon enough what the doctor thinks).

Thanks everyone, your support is immeasurable!

I don't understand this, I have been on chemo for 7 months 3-4 treatments per month, and this week actually have been sick to my stomach, and spent Friday hugging the commode, and yesterday in bed. This was how the a/c was for me 9 years ago.

I have one more week of chemo on Wednesday, then 2 weeks off for another pet scan, bone scan, and MRI on the brain, to see if it has spread. Since being on Erubulen, I have lost a lot of weight and am now 4 pounds less than I was when I was diagnosed, but I was up over 20 while on Tamoxifen. I like the weight loss, but we are hoping it is from the meds and not the liver as I am having trouble eating anything. Getting horrible stomach pain with anything that I eat.

Also on Gabapentin now to help with the Neuropathy, hoping that maybe one of these meds are causing the stomach pain. It is on the right side and goes right through from under my ribs to my back.

Is anyone else on any of these meds that has these symptoms? Pretty much miserable.



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Carol, I am so sorry that
    Carol, I am so sorry that you are having these symptoms now, when you are almost at the end of treatment. Hopefully, it is maybe because you are near the end and the side effects are just worse because your body is tired??

    The last month of my chemo, I fainted dead away in front of poor little Katherine (then 5). I knocked over our fireplace tools and bumped my head and scared the tar out of Katherine and myself, but it never happened again. My counts were low by then and I think I was just exhausted and stood up too fast.

    Anyway, I am praying your situation is similar. Please keep us posted!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    So sorry to hear this's just a thought....perhaps you could ask your oncologist to order an ultrasound of your gallbladder while waiting for your scan appointments....I know, one more stinking test! But these symptoms are similar to what I experienced years ago and I had a diseased gallbladder full of stones...ouch and yuk!

    Please keep us posted...we care, so much!
    Hugs, Nancy
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    MAJW said:

    So sorry to hear this's just a thought....perhaps you could ask your oncologist to order an ultrasound of your gallbladder while waiting for your scan appointments....I know, one more stinking test! But these symptoms are similar to what I experienced years ago and I had a diseased gallbladder full of stones...ouch and yuk!

    Please keep us posted...we care, so much!
    Hugs, Nancy

    Carol sending you a big hug
    I am sorry. I have had stomach pain while on Taxotere/Cytoxan. I took Prevacid 24 hour and it did help me. I took pill the day after the treatment and was on it by the very end . This medication is over the counter now, any pharmacy should have it. I also took enzymes to help digestion and probiotic acidophilis. Please ask your doctor for help.
    New Flower
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    MAJW said:

    So sorry to hear this's just a thought....perhaps you could ask your oncologist to order an ultrasound of your gallbladder while waiting for your scan appointments....I know, one more stinking test! But these symptoms are similar to what I experienced years ago and I had a diseased gallbladder full of stones...ouch and yuk!

    Please keep us posted...we care, so much!
    Hugs, Nancy

    Hi Nancy, I don't have a
    Hi Nancy, I don't have a gall bladder, but that is what it feels like. I am kind of scared that it is in my liver, but who knows until they do the tests again. If the chemo is working then I will be on the chemo as long as my body can tolerate it.

    I keep hoping that it is from all the meds. Thank you all for caring, this is such a hard journey. I try so hard to stay positive but somedays it gets the best of me, so then I do the mind reset.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    camul said:

    Hi Nancy, I don't have a
    Hi Nancy, I don't have a gall bladder, but that is what it feels like. I am kind of scared that it is in my liver, but who knows until they do the tests again. If the chemo is working then I will be on the chemo as long as my body can tolerate it.

    I keep hoping that it is from all the meds. Thank you all for caring, this is such a hard journey. I try so hard to stay positive but somedays it gets the best of me, so then I do the mind reset.


    Carol, I am not a Doctor, but my
    Oncologist and his staff -- mentioned, over and over and over again -- that my chemo TCH -- for 18 consecutive weeks was cumulative -- so my side effort would be exaggerated at the end of my chemo .. and gee they were not kidding. Falling, fainting .. throwing up for several days ..

    Please call Oncologist --- maybe he can prescribe something today ..

    Carol, I am so sorry :)

    Vicki Sam
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Carol, I am not a Doctor, but my
    Oncologist and his staff -- mentioned, over and over and over again -- that my chemo TCH -- for 18 consecutive weeks was cumulative -- so my side effort would be exaggerated at the end of my chemo .. and gee they were not kidding. Falling, fainting .. throwing up for several days ..

    Please call Oncologist --- maybe he can prescribe something today ..

    Carol, I am so sorry :)

    Vicki Sam

    So sorry Carol
    I haven't started chemo yet, but from what I learned in my "chemo class", I agree with VickiSam - call your ONC. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Lots of prayers and hugs headed your way.

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    May be a bug?
    Carol, it may be a bug. I didn't get sick during chemo but while I was going through radiation, my grand daughter brought home a terrible bug. I was sick for a week and a half! I think a few of the kids were sick the last week of school.
    Definately check with the doc though, right side is liver, gall bladder. Stomach is on the left. If your right side hurts, you should have it checked out. Could be gall stones or something.

  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Carol
    I hope this sickness will pass. That is a long time taking chemo. Hope and pray is about all we can do. Stay strong. I hope all goes well for you.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    laurissa said:

    Hi Carol
    I hope this sickness will pass. That is a long time taking chemo. Hope and pray is about all we can do. Stay strong. I hope all goes well for you.

    Hope you're feeling better soon
    and that's it's just the meds. Sending {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} and prayers that all will be well.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    so sorry the chemo is getting to you now. Hope you are feeling better soon. My rheumatologist started me on Gabapentin one week ago to help with my joint pain and neuropathy, especially when I have to go off my arthritis meds prior to surgery. I'm tolerating it well, I think. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    debi.18 said:

    So sorry Carol
    I haven't started chemo yet, but from what I learned in my "chemo class", I agree with VickiSam - call your ONC. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Lots of prayers and hugs headed your way.


    I wish I could help you with
    I wish I could help you with your questions, but, I didn't have chemo. I am praying for you Carol.

    Sue :)
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    laurissa said:

    Hi Carol
    I hope this sickness will pass. That is a long time taking chemo. Hope and pray is about all we can do. Stay strong. I hope all goes well for you.

    I'm so sorry Carol. I pray
    I'm so sorry Carol. I pray you will feel better soon.

    Love, Leeza
  • Corinna11
    Corinna11 Member Posts: 75
    Carol, I cant remember the
    Carol, I cant remember the post, but I saw somewhere that taking high dose B complex 300mg 2-3 times daily may help with neuropathy.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Corinna11 said:

    Carol, I cant remember the
    Carol, I cant remember the post, but I saw somewhere that taking high dose B complex 300mg 2-3 times daily may help with neuropathy.

    Carol, I hope you are doing better
    So sorry to hear about your difficulties with this chemo. Like Vicki Sam said, though, I had very few side effects initially, then the last couple of treatments kicked my butt. Hope you are having a better day and your fears about your liver are unfounded.

    Hugs, Renee
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    missrenee said:

    Carol, I hope you are doing better
    So sorry to hear about your difficulties with this chemo. Like Vicki Sam said, though, I had very few side effects initially, then the last couple of treatments kicked my butt. Hope you are having a better day and your fears about your liver are unfounded.

    Hugs, Renee

    Thanks everyone,
    Just finished number 20. Nauseated but not hugging this time. I am on Gabapentin but it hasnt helped with the neuropothy but it seems that my headache is better. Now I have no chemo until Aug 2th, but I have a pet scan to ck the organs on the 17th, and an MRI and Bone Scan on the 18th. I am just hoping that all of what I am feeling is from the chemo and not the cancer!

    I am staying positive so far, and yesterday my boys informed me that we are going to see Willie Nelson, so that helps too!!

    Thanks everyone, sometimes I just think it is not ever going to get better! Then I go outside and see how beautiful everything is!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    camul said:

    Thanks everyone,
    Just finished number 20. Nauseated but not hugging this time. I am on Gabapentin but it hasnt helped with the neuropothy but it seems that my headache is better. Now I have no chemo until Aug 2th, but I have a pet scan to ck the organs on the 17th, and an MRI and Bone Scan on the 18th. I am just hoping that all of what I am feeling is from the chemo and not the cancer!

    I am staying positive so far, and yesterday my boys informed me that we are going to see Willie Nelson, so that helps too!!

    Thanks everyone, sometimes I just think it is not ever going to get better! Then I go outside and see how beautiful everything is!

    Good luck Carol with your
    Good luck Carol with your upcoming tests. I will be praying for you!

    Hugs, Megan