

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Another former owner here -
    praying for gallstones, too!

    So how did it go at WW? I joined in June. I weigh in on Thursdays, too - and then have a nice treat Thursday night, after all, it's another week til weigh in!


    Get rid of it!
    "They" worry about things like this more because we've had cancer, and we worry about them more because we've had cancer. Hope you get it removed soon and might as well take the whole gallbladder - one less place for something to grow.

    Praying for gallstones, of course.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    RE said:

    Okay all you praying for gallstoners have made me laugh,I too am praying for them! ;-) Joe, Stef and other former Gall Bladder owners thanks for the support, I will be glad to get rid of it. I am going to ask my surgeon to take the entire Gall Bladder out, why mess around lets just get her done! He knows me well so I hope he will be on board with this. If something is growing in me I want it out yesterday! Odd how much pain 9 mm can cause.

    Take care everyone and thanks again for your love and support!


    Awww, dear RE...
    ... chiming in... HOPING for a gall stone, benign polyp... Yep, get the whole darned thing outta there. Don't need it, anyway.


    Love, Susan xo
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Another former owner here -
    praying for gallstones, too!

    So how did it go at WW? I joined in June. I weigh in on Thursdays, too - and then have a nice treat Thursday night, after all, it's another week til weigh in!


    i lost 1.6 lbs this past week and yes i do the same thing, I went out for Mexican food tonight only ate a part of it but it was delicious!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    RE said:

    i lost 1.6 lbs this past week and yes i do the same thing, I went out for Mexican food tonight only ate a part of it but it was delicious!


    Sorry, that you keep doctors busy. Sending positive thoughts and praying for the easy resolution. Attitude is a key.
    New flower
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    I am really, really , really hoping it is not cancerous. Stay positive and
    I will add my positive thoughts to yours, to amplify the good vibes and
    keep cancer at bay. Please let us know when you know more.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    RE, I'm sending wishes for a gallstone, too. Anything BUT the big C. Stay positive and I am sending (((hugs))) along with my wishes.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    RE said:

    Okay all you praying for gallstoners have made me laugh,I too am praying for them! ;-) Joe, Stef and other former Gall Bladder owners thanks for the support, I will be glad to get rid of it. I am going to ask my surgeon to take the entire Gall Bladder out, why mess around lets just get her done! He knows me well so I hope he will be on board with this. If something is growing in me I want it out yesterday! Odd how much pain 9 mm can cause.

    Take care everyone and thanks again for your love and support!


    You've got me praying for
    You've got me praying for gallstones too! lol

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    MyTurnNow said:

    RE, I'm sending wishes for a gallstone, too. Anything BUT the big C. Stay positive and I am sending (((hugs))) along with my wishes.

    I also am a previous gall
    I also am a previous gall bladder owner. Had problems for years until an ultra sound revealed my whole gall bladder was filled to the max with a huge gallstone. Out it went and have felt so much better. I went on a diet during that time and had a lot more pain. I asked the doc why I was having so much pain when I was eating better and no hardly no fats. He siad that was the problem, my gallbladder was used to having the fats and it was rebelling from my fatfree diet. Doesn't make sense, does it! Anyway, thats my story. So when you lose weight it must do something to the gallbladder function since so many people have pain after losing the weight. Probably too much information, right.
    I think I'll vote for gallstones too, but only if you get rid of them, asap. Post as soon as you can so we can let out our breaths. Holding till then. Love and hugs to you Re.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I also am a previous gall
    I also am a previous gall bladder owner. Had problems for years until an ultra sound revealed my whole gall bladder was filled to the max with a huge gallstone. Out it went and have felt so much better. I went on a diet during that time and had a lot more pain. I asked the doc why I was having so much pain when I was eating better and no hardly no fats. He siad that was the problem, my gallbladder was used to having the fats and it was rebelling from my fatfree diet. Doesn't make sense, does it! Anyway, thats my story. So when you lose weight it must do something to the gallbladder function since so many people have pain after losing the weight. Probably too much information, right.
    I think I'll vote for gallstones too, but only if you get rid of them, asap. Post as soon as you can so we can let out our breaths. Holding till then. Love and hugs to you Re.

    My hopes is that is it a stone ..
    The anxiety of waiting .. is horrific! Hoping that you find peace with knowing that all will be fine with you -- and your have so many WARRIORS here on the boards, family and friends lifting you in prayers, hope, encouragement and Love.

    Gentle hugs for you dear, Rena.

    Vicki Sam
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    I'm being Pro Positive
    Dear RE,

    Being the Pro Positive person that I am, I am betting that it is a gallstone. Have a good weigh-in at Weight Watchers.

    Lots of Hugs,
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    natly15 said:

    RE you are surrounded with love and hugs any way you turn. I pray this is a gall stone. A dear friend of mine was a WW leader for many years and shared that after a substantial weight loss. many of her gals suffered with gall stones and gall bladder attacks. Although unpleasant, I pray that is all it is. Love you sweetest lady. Our circle of Love will enfold you tomorrow nite. Hugs

    Praying for you Re!

    Praying for you Re!

    Hugs, Lex
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    natly15 said:

    RE you are surrounded with love and hugs any way you turn. I pray this is a gall stone. A dear friend of mine was a WW leader for many years and shared that after a substantial weight loss. many of her gals suffered with gall stones and gall bladder attacks. Although unpleasant, I pray that is all it is. Love you sweetest lady. Our circle of Love will enfold you tomorrow nite. Hugs

    Praying for you Re!

    Praying for you Re!

    Hugs, Lex
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    natly15 said:

    RE you are surrounded with love and hugs any way you turn. I pray this is a gall stone. A dear friend of mine was a WW leader for many years and shared that after a substantial weight loss. many of her gals suffered with gall stones and gall bladder attacks. Although unpleasant, I pray that is all it is. Love you sweetest lady. Our circle of Love will enfold you tomorrow nite. Hugs

    Sending lots of positive
    Sending lots of positive thoughts and I will be praying for you too!

    Hugs, Jan
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    RE said:

    i lost 1.6 lbs this past week and yes i do the same thing, I went out for Mexican food tonight only ate a part of it but it was delicious!


    Congrats RE on losing more
    Congrats RE on losing more weight! That is so great!