My 63 yr old Dad with sigmoid colon cancer has just started Oxyplatin and 5FU

Discussion boards and chat rooms are all abit new to me. I replied to someone elses post before realising I could just submit a discussion.
Dad is an otherwise well fit 63 year old who has been diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer. He appears to have some lung and liver mets with no known nodal disease. He has just started Oxyplatin and 5FU thru' a PICC line. I am not sure if there is something else in his cocktail as we live in different regions of the country.

I am keen to learn what treatment folks are having in other parts of the world as living in remote NZ I dont want him to miss out on any treatment that may be helpful.

The Oncology Nurse stated not to get cold, wear a scarf when going outside or opening the fridge or freezer. ( It snowed here on his first day of tretment)The cold can cause a feeling mimicing strangulation on this chemo regime she said. He has 4 hrly maxalon prescibed for nausea, ondansetron 1 tab prior to hook up to tube. Dexamethasone for the first 2-3 days of treatment. Lomitil for the runs and he takes kiwi fruit juice to keep things working!

Does anyone else have a similar regime and is no nodal diease with mets very common?

Thanks for this opportunity

Keeping positive in the antipodes, Victoria


  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hey, Victoria.

    I was diagnosed early and didn't have to do chemo, so I can't answer your question. Just want to welcome you!

  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    Dear Victoria
    I hope you will find this discussion board as useful as I do.

    My mum had oxaliplatin plus 5-fu and avastin before and she had serious diarrhea and sensitive to cold (fingers and throat). Her oncologist gave her this as first line treatment. She respond well to this for the first 4 treatments but stopped responding afterward.

    Best wishes to you and your dad. Please take good care of yourself!