Update on crabby nurse way out of line

cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
Well, at my pain clinic appt this morning, I told the receptionist that I had a nurse give me grief over my restricted limb bands (that are provided by the clinic for ALL patients at risk of lymphedema). She called the clinic supervisor right away. She kept it short, I gave her the facts--nurse argued not once, but twice about having her take bp on leg not arms, about me wanting to put a gown on and asking for the blinds to be shut (even though we were on second floor, there was a parking lot kiddy corner from the window). The supervisor was glad to hear it from me, that it should be simple and that sometimes medical personnel don't know what it's like for us unless they have gone thru it themselves.
And guess who I had as my nurse!!!!! Yup, Nurse ratchett, lol. Appt. went smooth, bp on leg, gown was ready, blinds were closed, AND I had a warmed blanket waiting as well. Hopefully, thanks to the encouragement I got from here, she will be more patient oriented, regardless of the patients ailments.


  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Thanks for doing this to improve service.
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    Stepping up like that probably will save others from Ratchett !!
    Good going kid, proud of you !!!! I always think, when I get in situations like that, if I don't say something then some poor little old lady will be shoved around and not even think to complain because she is too frail. To heck with that. We go through enough with pain and worry, you did the right thing. Totally.

    Way to go. This will probably make Ratchett a better nurse too. Well, one can only hope. lol


  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    bluerose said:

    Stepping up like that probably will save others from Ratchett !!
    Good going kid, proud of you !!!! I always think, when I get in situations like that, if I don't say something then some poor little old lady will be shoved around and not even think to complain because she is too frail. To heck with that. We go through enough with pain and worry, you did the right thing. Totally.

    Way to go. This will probably make Ratchett a better nurse too. Well, one can only hope. lol



    Congratulations and THank You!
    I agree that you probably saved someone else a lot of grief. And your visit was a lot more pleasant too. I had a very enlightening chat with a firend yesterday that I haven't seen in a year - lives too far away. She had a very bad experience with an infection that just popped up without surgery or anything. Long sotry short, she got IV antibiotics daily at the cancer treatment center and says she has a new appreciation for what cancer patients go through, their strength, determination, and compassion for each other. I should add that she's a minister and will soon be giving a sermon on the topic. Too bad your nurse doesn't go to her church. That would be the icing on the cake.
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    skipper54 said:

    Congratulations and THank You!
    I agree that you probably saved someone else a lot of grief. And your visit was a lot more pleasant too. I had a very enlightening chat with a firend yesterday that I haven't seen in a year - lives too far away. She had a very bad experience with an infection that just popped up without surgery or anything. Long sotry short, she got IV antibiotics daily at the cancer treatment center and says she has a new appreciation for what cancer patients go through, their strength, determination, and compassion for each other. I should add that she's a minister and will soon be giving a sermon on the topic. Too bad your nurse doesn't go to her church. That would be the icing on the cake.

    I too am glad you followed
    I too am glad you followed though on reporting this nurse. We all have bad days and need attitude adjustments, we just need to be told they need adjusted since we are blind to our own discretion's. I really think you did her a favor in the long run, so feel good about yourself.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I too am glad you followed
    I too am glad you followed though on reporting this nurse. We all have bad days and need attitude adjustments, we just need to be told they need adjusted since we are blind to our own discretion's. I really think you did her a favor in the long run, so feel good about yourself.


    Lorrie .. very well stated ..
    we all have good days, as well as bad. However, if we are being paid -- in the public eye, or a health care professional -- emotions, feelings and attitude have to be locked away -- and should not interfere with our jobs. However, we are all human, and this does not always happen.

    Truth be told, I want to be treated professionally, given my dignity at every aspect of my doctors appointment, or therapy session. I certainly do not want everyone to know how much I weigh, or want to expose myself to the entire office if I am naked or in the mist of changing my clothes.

    I commend you for stepping up to the plate to address the situation in a calm manner, presenting facts, all without raising your voice or screaming.

    Job well done.

    Vicki Sam
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    WOW!!!!!!! Seems like a
    WOW!!!!!!! Seems like a happy ending to a really uncomfortable situation! Way to go! Way to speak up! ( Way to take our advice! LOL) So glad that things went 100% better for you~ awesome, Kindred Spirit! YAY

  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    How old was the nurse?

    I am thrilled that you reported what had happened to you and that the facility took action.
    This is a lesson for all of us. Do not tolerate bad behavior. Report it.

    Lots of Hugs,