cancer spread

belindahill Member Posts: 144
Hi, haven't posted on cc for a while, my husband had the bad news that the cancer had spread to his peritoneal from being dx with bowel cancer stage 3c in Aug 2010. We are both still trying to get our heads round it. The onc is giving him 3 types of chemo, 2 via iv, and then 8 tab of xeloda at home which after the first session has been very poorly. They are saying that the chemo should control the ascites, but no cure for the secondaries in the peritoneal. Has any one been in this situation. Please help.


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Cant help you in that issue belinda,
    But can ofer my prayers and hugs!
  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Check with some specialists
    I had Intraperitoneal chemo pumped directly into my belly for peritoneal mets at Memorial Sloan Kettering, where they placed a belly port for that purpose. Not all hospitals do this. Another option is to see if he's a candidate for HIPEC.

    Sending good wishes your way,
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    I'm going to echo what Alice just said. Check into both a chemo pump which pumps the chemo directly into the area. Another option, as was said by Alice, is HIPEC. Don't remember what it stands for, but it is a heated chemo treatment (90 minutes, I think) of washing the whole peritineum in heated chemo- supposedly quite effective for getting rid of peritoneal mets. Not all doctors do it, so check around at the major cancer centers for who does it nearest to you. Not sure where you live- I know that Dr. Andrew Lowy at UCSD in San Diego, CA does it. He was my liver surgeon when I had my resection in May '08. I didn't need HIPEC, but I know that he does it. I believe they do it at Sloan Kettering in NYC and I'm sure there are several others around the country who also do this procedure. Please look into it and don't accept that there is "no cure" for the peritoneal mets!

    Best wishes and prayers-
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Oh, dear.
    I don't have answers, but I do have hugs and prayers to offer. Praying things go well.

  • westie66
    westie66 Member Posts: 642
    tootsie1 said:

    Oh, dear.
    I don't have answers, but I do have hugs and prayers to offer. Praying things go well.


    Peritoneum Cancer
    Hi: We have started a new discussion threat on peritoneum cancer (all kinds - primary peritoneum cancer, and secondary peritoneum cancer spread from the colon, appendix, and like me, the gallbladder). You'll find lots of information on that thread. My treatment, as the intra-peritoneal chemo bath and HIPIC or however that is spelled and peritoneal stripping, is not available easily in Canada - only one place does it in calgary and I'm seemingly not eligible, is chemotherapy using oxaliplatin/irenotecan/5FU on pump. This has worked for some colon cancer patients with mets to the peritoneum. The primary peritoneum cancer and ovarian cancer folks usually get something called debulking which removes the nodules and other tumours. Not sure why this isn't done for gsstro-intestinal patients.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    belindahill -

    Great info from Alice, Lisa, and Cheryl !

    Please locate another oncologist that is not of the same group or
    organization as your present one, and get another opinion regarding
    the procedures they mentioned.

    Don't allow fear to steer you into anything! You two can find the
    right path through all this, but it will take some effort; do -not- be
    in too much of a rush!

    And please, let this forum know what you find out, and share
    everything with us? We're all in the same boat one way or the
    other, and need as much information as we can get from those
    that have "been there".

    (and don't forget to look into viable alternatives, too!)

    You're husband is going to be OK!

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    no cure for the secondaries in the peritoneal
    dear belinda,

    sorry about your husbands secondaries, your doctors are not offering much hope so the door is open to explore alternatives like juicing, traditional chinese medicine and supplements and diet.

    these may help and cannot hurt if used wisely under guidance.

    of course my prayers are for you both.


  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Hi, My Rick had HIPEC

    My Rick had HIPEC surgery last November for peritoneal mets. Unfortunately, the cancer returned in April. However, I am pleased to report that after only two months of being on Folfiri/Avastin, the new mets have all had shrinkage and many are no longer visible. His surgeon may perform another HIPEC surgery in a few months since Rick is responding well to the Avastin. Therefore, you might want to ask your onc. about this regimen since it might help your husband as well. All my best, Cynthia