


  • ljg6991
    ljg6991 Member Posts: 1
    kohsin said:

    My first anniversary
    I am happy to say that my Y-90 treatment prior to my resection (9 cm) helped a lot. No obvious side effect, only 2 weeks after the treatment and the tumor reduced by 2cm. The surgery was as good as it can be. This was Feb 2010. Good stuff and good luck to all

    I have secondary liver cancer which was diagnosed in Jan of 2011. I have had 2 theraspere treatments and 2 mappings prior to the Therasperes/ I was told that I wan not a candidate for a resection even though the first treatment was successful. The reason that I was given, was that my liver cancer is secondary and came from my ocular melanoma in my right eye and that I have cancer cells in other parts of my body. The lesions have only shown up in the liver as yet. Do you have primary or secondary liver cancer? And what is your prognosis? Thanks
  • slg
    slg Member Posts: 200
    ljg6991 said:

    I have secondary liver cancer which was diagnosed in Jan of 2011. I have had 2 theraspere treatments and 2 mappings prior to the Therasperes/ I was told that I wan not a candidate for a resection even though the first treatment was successful. The reason that I was given, was that my liver cancer is secondary and came from my ocular melanoma in my right eye and that I have cancer cells in other parts of my body. The lesions have only shown up in the liver as yet. Do you have primary or secondary liver cancer? And what is your prognosis? Thanks

    Thank you for your posting. My husband has primary liver cancer. Unfortunately when he had the Y-90 treatment there was one tumor that they couldn't get to because of the location. Now that tumor is preventing him from getting back on the trasnplant list. We are now heading out to Kansas for him to have a Dyna CT and Radiofrequency ablation in order to get to that one tumor. Then, hopefully, he will become in criteria and get on the list.
    Best of luck to you and keep the faith. Don't give up!!!
  • isabella724
    isabella724 Member Posts: 1

    I had Y-90 SIR-Spheres for mets to the liver from uterine cancer
    Just wanted to post that I would strongly recommend anyone with cancer in their liver to at least explore radioembolism. I had the right side of my liver 'radioemboloized' June 1st. Yesterday I had preliminary blood labs and CT-scan liver study. The early feedback on my scan and labs was VERY encouraging.

    The tumor progression marker for my type of cancer is CA125. My CA125 dropped by over HALF, comparing the labs taken just before the radioembolism to the labs I had yesterday. & although it is really too early to tell too much from a CT-scan, the radiation interventionist said that the right side of my liver is "improved" and the left side is stable. I will be getting the left side of my liver radioembolized in mid-August, as we are working around my vacation & the surgeon's.

    I was diagnosed with HCC on April 1, 2011. I had no symptoms, so the news was such a shock!!! I have had a complicated health history.....It seems things get more and more interesting! I wanted to share my experience of the effects of Y-90 Theraspheres, because I was not very prepared for what has happened. First, I would like to wish anyone who is able to have this procedure done to definitely find a way to do it!!! Secondly, I hope that the medical center AND the doctors that help you are very communicative, helpful, and available. I was left up in the air for 6 weeks after the first angiogram, in which they determined if I would be a candidate for the procedure. As you well know, waiting is so anguishing!!! The interventional radiology department 'lost' me while staff vacations and changes were made. I had been calling and calling. Finally, I was told that I WAS approved, but that because the doctor's schedule was full I could not have the first treatment until 6 more weeks. No one seemed concerned about the 8cm tumor that 6 weeks before all the medical people i'd seen practically had me planning my funeral!!!!!
    What I most want to convey, is to make sure that you can get good information and have a team that is available and will talk with you and check in with you. I had EXTREME pain during the angiogram in which they did the 'mapping' and implanted the coils. I was admitted to a local hospital (my treatment center is 5 hours away) for pain management. The first implantation of the spheres went so much better.....absolutely NO nausea, vomiting, no pain......i was so thrilled. 5 days later after the prednisone wore off, I was AGAIN in hospital for SEVERE pain. Because no one knew that much about the procedure....they just tried to control the pain. Finally, a local oncologist told me that as these tumors begin to break up and disentiigrate it can be VERY painful.....and that during the prednisone treatment, this was masked. He gave me another 3 days of prednisone and pain medication to help through the rest of the week.
    I have experienced great FATIGUE.....and continued (though milder) pain. This is the beginning of week 3 post Theraspheres.

    I would not want anyone to be discouraged by my experience at all. I am certain that everyone's experience is different particularly given the huge range of past history etc. At the same time, I wish that someone had told ME of the possibilities.....that there can be intense pain. I am certain that an 8cm tumor must feel differently being treated than a smaller one.
    I am now feeling much able to exercise and eat normally (after having no appetite). I have 2 more weeks before the 2nd
    therasphere procedure. I am told that the right lobe of the liver is larger and more pain can be expected there. The left lobe, alternatively is smaller, and it is not likely there will be much pain.

    I wish all of you great success and blessings with your treatments!!! I believe that theraspheres are an amazing miracle.....I call them the "magic orbs". I have heard from some people that tumors are completely destroyed and that liver transplantation is not necessary (depending on degree of liver disease, or course). In case no one has told you recently, You are BRAVE, COURAGEOUS, AND AMAZING to keep going....)
  • kohsin
    kohsin Member Posts: 29 Member

    I was diagnosed with HCC on April 1, 2011. I had no symptoms, so the news was such a shock!!! I have had a complicated health history.....It seems things get more and more interesting! I wanted to share my experience of the effects of Y-90 Theraspheres, because I was not very prepared for what has happened. First, I would like to wish anyone who is able to have this procedure done to definitely find a way to do it!!! Secondly, I hope that the medical center AND the doctors that help you are very communicative, helpful, and available. I was left up in the air for 6 weeks after the first angiogram, in which they determined if I would be a candidate for the procedure. As you well know, waiting is so anguishing!!! The interventional radiology department 'lost' me while staff vacations and changes were made. I had been calling and calling. Finally, I was told that I WAS approved, but that because the doctor's schedule was full I could not have the first treatment until 6 more weeks. No one seemed concerned about the 8cm tumor that 6 weeks before all the medical people i'd seen practically had me planning my funeral!!!!!
    What I most want to convey, is to make sure that you can get good information and have a team that is available and will talk with you and check in with you. I had EXTREME pain during the angiogram in which they did the 'mapping' and implanted the coils. I was admitted to a local hospital (my treatment center is 5 hours away) for pain management. The first implantation of the spheres went so much better.....absolutely NO nausea, vomiting, no pain......i was so thrilled. 5 days later after the prednisone wore off, I was AGAIN in hospital for SEVERE pain. Because no one knew that much about the procedure....they just tried to control the pain. Finally, a local oncologist told me that as these tumors begin to break up and disentiigrate it can be VERY painful.....and that during the prednisone treatment, this was masked. He gave me another 3 days of prednisone and pain medication to help through the rest of the week.
    I have experienced great FATIGUE.....and continued (though milder) pain. This is the beginning of week 3 post Theraspheres.

    I would not want anyone to be discouraged by my experience at all. I am certain that everyone's experience is different particularly given the huge range of past history etc. At the same time, I wish that someone had told ME of the possibilities.....that there can be intense pain. I am certain that an 8cm tumor must feel differently being treated than a smaller one.
    I am now feeling much able to exercise and eat normally (after having no appetite). I have 2 more weeks before the 2nd
    therasphere procedure. I am told that the right lobe of the liver is larger and more pain can be expected there. The left lobe, alternatively is smaller, and it is not likely there will be much pain.

    I wish all of you great success and blessings with your treatments!!! I believe that theraspheres are an amazing miracle.....I call them the "magic orbs". I have heard from some people that tumors are completely destroyed and that liver transplantation is not necessary (depending on degree of liver disease, or course). In case no one has told you recently, You are BRAVE, COURAGEOUS, AND AMAZING to keep going....)

    Good luck Isabella. I have done Y-90 twice alone with embolization before the docs removed my 9 cm tumor. I had minimal side effect. other than fatigue, I was in great condition. So yes, Y-90 treatment is awesome and safe> I did mine here is UIC med and they have done this almost every week so it was a breeze for them. And by the way, This was back in 2009 and today's lab test showed all normal with AFP at 1.7. To all, do not give up, be strong and God Bless..
  • Elizabeth55
    Elizabeth55 Member Posts: 1

    I was diagnosed with HCC on April 1, 2011. I had no symptoms, so the news was such a shock!!! I have had a complicated health history.....It seems things get more and more interesting! I wanted to share my experience of the effects of Y-90 Theraspheres, because I was not very prepared for what has happened. First, I would like to wish anyone who is able to have this procedure done to definitely find a way to do it!!! Secondly, I hope that the medical center AND the doctors that help you are very communicative, helpful, and available. I was left up in the air for 6 weeks after the first angiogram, in which they determined if I would be a candidate for the procedure. As you well know, waiting is so anguishing!!! The interventional radiology department 'lost' me while staff vacations and changes were made. I had been calling and calling. Finally, I was told that I WAS approved, but that because the doctor's schedule was full I could not have the first treatment until 6 more weeks. No one seemed concerned about the 8cm tumor that 6 weeks before all the medical people i'd seen practically had me planning my funeral!!!!!
    What I most want to convey, is to make sure that you can get good information and have a team that is available and will talk with you and check in with you. I had EXTREME pain during the angiogram in which they did the 'mapping' and implanted the coils. I was admitted to a local hospital (my treatment center is 5 hours away) for pain management. The first implantation of the spheres went so much better.....absolutely NO nausea, vomiting, no pain......i was so thrilled. 5 days later after the prednisone wore off, I was AGAIN in hospital for SEVERE pain. Because no one knew that much about the procedure....they just tried to control the pain. Finally, a local oncologist told me that as these tumors begin to break up and disentiigrate it can be VERY painful.....and that during the prednisone treatment, this was masked. He gave me another 3 days of prednisone and pain medication to help through the rest of the week.
    I have experienced great FATIGUE.....and continued (though milder) pain. This is the beginning of week 3 post Theraspheres.

    I would not want anyone to be discouraged by my experience at all. I am certain that everyone's experience is different particularly given the huge range of past history etc. At the same time, I wish that someone had told ME of the possibilities.....that there can be intense pain. I am certain that an 8cm tumor must feel differently being treated than a smaller one.
    I am now feeling much able to exercise and eat normally (after having no appetite). I have 2 more weeks before the 2nd
    therasphere procedure. I am told that the right lobe of the liver is larger and more pain can be expected there. The left lobe, alternatively is smaller, and it is not likely there will be much pain.

    I wish all of you great success and blessings with your treatments!!! I believe that theraspheres are an amazing miracle.....I call them the "magic orbs". I have heard from some people that tumors are completely destroyed and that liver transplantation is not necessary (depending on degree of liver disease, or course). In case no one has told you recently, You are BRAVE, COURAGEOUS, AND AMAZING to keep going....)

    HCC 9cm tumor center of liver:-(
    this is great that all has gone good with the treatment..could you or anyone let me know if your tumor was in the center of your liver partner has a 9cm tumor in the center of the liver..dr say he can not have transplant for its to large he is taking Nexavar 200mg per tab he taks 400mg morning and another 400mg at night and for his pain they put him on Fentanyl...this seems to work for a day or 2 then pain is back and just seems like more and more different pain hits..would like to know if anyone has had there tumor in center of the liver and recived help with it...I'm at a lose for what to do next:-(
  • RobM
    RobM Member Posts: 1
    Y-90 treatment

    Objectionable content removed by administrator.

  • XtremediverHCC
    XtremediverHCC Member Posts: 63 Member
    RobM said:

    Y-90 treatment

    Objectionable content removed by administrator.

    It appears you have nothing

    It appears you have nothing constructive or supportive to say or you would have noticed that others on here do indeed comment when they have an appropriate response.  In the time that I have been on it, this site has offered a wealth of knowledge, hope and encouragement that no other sites seem to offer.  It is support - by a community of human beings that know what it means to be affected by cancer; either directly or by a close relationship to an individual who is affected and that support is offered freely and without any restraint (other than not posting a response if you don't actually know what you are talking about).  My 6 year battle with cancer has been an up and down experience, but this site has always given me the support and strength to keep battling in the face of adversity. People like you should try to find something useful to spend their energy on rather than trying to post for the first time with such a stupid statement with no basis. If you have a legitimate question, please post it and if someone here can offer you an educated response they will, if not please just go away and stop making such an **** of yourself in public - your mom really wouldn't be too proud of you right now!

  • Mihali Dan
    Mihali Dan Member Posts: 2
    kohsin said:

    Good luck Isabella. I have done Y-90 twice alone with embolization before the docs removed my 9 cm tumor. I had minimal side effect. other than fatigue, I was in great condition. So yes, Y-90 treatment is awesome and safe> I did mine here is UIC med and they have done this almost every week so it was a breeze for them. And by the way, This was back in 2009 and today's lab test showed all normal with AFP at 1.7. To all, do not give up, be strong and God Bless..

    How much did you pay for two sessions of Y 90???Thank you!
  • Mihali Dan
    Mihali Dan Member Posts: 2
    slg said:

    Y-90 was performed Wednesday and it appears all went well. So far the only side effect is tiredness but then he has been tired all along with the Nexavar. We are hoping that this does the trick and he will be back active on the list in 3 months and then we can get on that plane to Kansas.
    Tha waiting is very hard but I think we have gotten pretty good at it.

    How much Y 90 cost s?Thank you?
  • thestarman
    thestarman Member Posts: 1

    I was diagnosed with HCC on April 1, 2011. I had no symptoms, so the news was such a shock!!! I have had a complicated health history.....It seems things get more and more interesting! I wanted to share my experience of the effects of Y-90 Theraspheres, because I was not very prepared for what has happened. First, I would like to wish anyone who is able to have this procedure done to definitely find a way to do it!!! Secondly, I hope that the medical center AND the doctors that help you are very communicative, helpful, and available. I was left up in the air for 6 weeks after the first angiogram, in which they determined if I would be a candidate for the procedure. As you well know, waiting is so anguishing!!! The interventional radiology department 'lost' me while staff vacations and changes were made. I had been calling and calling. Finally, I was told that I WAS approved, but that because the doctor's schedule was full I could not have the first treatment until 6 more weeks. No one seemed concerned about the 8cm tumor that 6 weeks before all the medical people i'd seen practically had me planning my funeral!!!!!
    What I most want to convey, is to make sure that you can get good information and have a team that is available and will talk with you and check in with you. I had EXTREME pain during the angiogram in which they did the 'mapping' and implanted the coils. I was admitted to a local hospital (my treatment center is 5 hours away) for pain management. The first implantation of the spheres went so much better.....absolutely NO nausea, vomiting, no pain......i was so thrilled. 5 days later after the prednisone wore off, I was AGAIN in hospital for SEVERE pain. Because no one knew that much about the procedure....they just tried to control the pain. Finally, a local oncologist told me that as these tumors begin to break up and disentiigrate it can be VERY painful.....and that during the prednisone treatment, this was masked. He gave me another 3 days of prednisone and pain medication to help through the rest of the week.
    I have experienced great FATIGUE.....and continued (though milder) pain. This is the beginning of week 3 post Theraspheres.

    I would not want anyone to be discouraged by my experience at all. I am certain that everyone's experience is different particularly given the huge range of past history etc. At the same time, I wish that someone had told ME of the possibilities.....that there can be intense pain. I am certain that an 8cm tumor must feel differently being treated than a smaller one.
    I am now feeling much able to exercise and eat normally (after having no appetite). I have 2 more weeks before the 2nd
    therasphere procedure. I am told that the right lobe of the liver is larger and more pain can be expected there. The left lobe, alternatively is smaller, and it is not likely there will be much pain.

    I wish all of you great success and blessings with your treatments!!! I believe that theraspheres are an amazing miracle.....I call them the "magic orbs". I have heard from some people that tumors are completely destroyed and that liver transplantation is not necessary (depending on degree of liver disease, or course). In case no one has told you recently, You are BRAVE, COURAGEOUS, AND AMAZING to keep going....)


    Hello Isabella, Thank you for your words of hope..My husband was just told he has HCC.  I have heard such good things about theresphere.  I am going to talk to the doctor about this.  I would like to know how you are doing now.  Thank you and god bless

  • hepcat13
    hepcat13 Member Posts: 2

    How much Y 90 cost s?Thank you?

    Y 90 cost

    I had my first treatment with Therasphere 8/01/13 at Northwestern in Chicago. Follow-up MRI on 8/19 to dertermine shrinkage (not a Seinfeld reference). When billed, BCBS said the treatment MAY be experimental (it's not) and in that case my payment for the procedure would be $110,000. I assume this includes Interventional Radiology costs as well as anesthetic, X-ray room, etc. Yeah, it's REAL expensive, but it beats the alternative, which in my case is a permanent dirt nap. BE POSITIVE! Just keep swingin' Apollo!






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