14 down and feeling gross

Ugh.....and I am usually a very positive person..so this is super hard on me, as I want to feel happy and up all the time....but right now it seems impossible! I feel SO S I C K !

The dr gave me some diff naseau meds, I had iv fluid again today along with the stuff for thrush, drank 3 boosts today, but not really anything else to drink/eat.

I want this to be OVER!!!!


  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Sending extra prayers for you tonight.
    I am sorry, sweetie. I so wish there was something I could do for you. It sucks. I was very sick, too. It kicked my ****. You can get through it though.
  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    I know it seems like you
    I know it seems like you will not make it through this but hang in there it will get better, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Jim felt the same way in the beginning because all the other people in the radiation office were cheerful and joking around but he was misrable. I reminded him that they were not all there for treatment in the same area of their body. The nurse also reminds him that the area being treated has the worst side effects of all cancers. Jimis so used to being the one who comforts and supports others by cheering them up so he is having a hard time being on the opposite end. I am sure you are feeling the same. Sending joyful and comforting prayers your way.

  • DrMary
    DrMary Member Posts: 531 Member
    You're doing very well
    Thrush hurts and radiation hurts and you are still able to knock 3 boost down? If those are boost plus, then that is over 1000 calories. Your target is probably at least 1800, but 1000 is still better than nothing (we had plenty of those days).

    Around now, it really helped to look at the effect of 3 weeks of treatment on Doug's tumor (they took the primary - tonsil - out but left the lymph node). It had started to shrink visibly, and that helped. They measured it every day at radiation and told us how well he was doing - that often carried us through as we dragged our sorry butts home.

    If you don't have anything to measure, ask them to calculate how much radiation you've received so far - just looking at the number go up can help, as you think of how deadly that radiation is to the cancer cells.

    "Happy and up" might be tough to pull off for a while; "OK" was generally what we shot for - get through today, go to bed, do it again tomorrow. Do that often enough and your wish will come true.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member


    Measured in Inches......

    | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    DrMary said:

    You're doing very well
    Thrush hurts and radiation hurts and you are still able to knock 3 boost down? If those are boost plus, then that is over 1000 calories. Your target is probably at least 1800, but 1000 is still better than nothing (we had plenty of those days).

    Around now, it really helped to look at the effect of 3 weeks of treatment on Doug's tumor (they took the primary - tonsil - out but left the lymph node). It had started to shrink visibly, and that helped. They measured it every day at radiation and told us how well he was doing - that often carried us through as we dragged our sorry butts home.

    If you don't have anything to measure, ask them to calculate how much radiation you've received so far - just looking at the number go up can help, as you think of how deadly that radiation is to the cancer cells.

    "Happy and up" might be tough to pull off for a while; "OK" was generally what we shot for - get through today, go to bed, do it again tomorrow. Do that often enough and your wish will come true.

    Only a woman
    Would call it gross. Strong vibrant men like me just said we felt like crap. Kudos to you for not forgetting your dignity and grace. You are doing great!
  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678
    I hate to say this because when I was where you are I couldn't stand the thought of eating and the energy it took to eat. I had two teenage sons who hid stuff in my drinks and badgered me to eat. You really do need to drink more boost or find something to get more calories into your body. I know it is tough but you can't quit.

    There is an end to all of this I promise.
  • Tanager75
    Tanager75 Member Posts: 89 Member
    Day at a time.
    This pharse helped me contain the fear I was feeling when I started feeling sick as you describe.


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Hang In There
    I haven't been in your situation, but I have had my share of severe treatment challenges, and just wanting it to be over. What has always gotten me through the darkest times is telling myself "I can do this, just for today, this hour, second, or nanosecond" sometimes multiple times a day or hour. Use your support network at home, and in time (but I know not soon enough)it will be over, and you will be feeling good again. So, hang in there, and remember, "you can do this."