Stef aka Fauxma, How are you and Den doing? UPDATE: Stef posted a reply to us.



  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    fauxma said:

    It's very busy here. We
    It's very busy here. We have seen the home health nurse yesterday and the occupational therapist this morning and this after the social worker is coming. then tomorrow the home nurse and the speech therapist. Also waiting to have the physical therapist come. A home health aide called to come and bath him and I explained that we don't have the shower chair yet and that we are declining this right now. Denise is helping me but doing shopping but I have to find time today to pick up our prescriptions. We are developing a good routine. I have found enough foods he really enjoys so I can make more and freeze portions. The occupational therapist is ordering some supplies for us and she gave him some good upper body exercises to do and encouraged him to use the weak hand for feeding and everything he can so it will gain strength. Den is go good natured and so cooperative and that really helps. thank you Noel for asking. It helps to come here and share. I don't really care if anyone reads it. It's just verbalizing all this that helps. But the good thoughts really do help. I know this isn't a stroke board and I suppose I should find one and post there instead but I don't have the time to do two boards and all of you are like family so I hope no ones minds that I am using the board for this.

    Supportive Hugs
    Oh Stef this is a bc support board aka a we love ya board so don't go off and leave us gal! I found out about this while I was on vacation and I have been wondering how Den is doing. You both continue in my prayers, it sounds like there is a lot of support right now which is great.

    Keep us posting you are important to us and we are here for you!

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    TraciInLA said:

    "This isn't a stroke board"?!?
    Stef, get your a** over here so I can thump you!

    Stef, this is a YOU board, and you're one of us, and we walk together through whatEVER life brings.

    When something this major happens to the one you love, it happens to you, and we want to be there for you. No -- we WILL be there for you, whether you like it or not!

    :-) Traci

    LoL Traci!

    LoL Traci!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Thanks Noel for the update :D
    Stef glad to hear you and Den are already into a new routine. Hope everything continues smoothly. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char