ending tamoxifen

pmur5 Member Posts: 1
I just ended my five year tamoxifen run and it has been 16 days without it. I have had
a slight headache almost everyday and feel very fatigued during the day but am having a hard
time sleeping at night--torture! I have aches in my bones especially in my legs. I had a lumpectomy, radiation and chemo five years ago.
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced these same symptoms and if and when they will go away. I have been working out everyday because I want to lose the "tire" around my
middle and I thought that would give me more energy but it hasn't.
I love the fact that I am not taking any prescription medications now but am a little afraid of not having "tamoxifen, the blocker" in my system. I am going to see my oncologist next month for my 6 month check up and she said after that she will see me every year. I am going to ask her for a bone scan because I haven't had one since my surgery and I am very nervous about not seeing her for a year. I know I am whining but even though I am
very happy to be in this phase, I am a little scared too!!


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Congratulations on your 5 years!! Please have your heart to heart with oncologist and explain your concerns. You can see your primary on regular basis and have blood work done more often than once a year.
    best of luck to you
  • CAchick
    CAchick Member Posts: 277
    Hi, I have no words of wisdom about ending Tamoxifen. I take Femara (1 year now) and I look forward to the day when I can "graduate"! You have some good advice here.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    CAchick said:

    Hi, I have no words of wisdom about ending Tamoxifen. I take Femara (1 year now) and I look forward to the day when I can "graduate"! You have some good advice here.

    congratualtions. i have not
    congratualtions. i have not heard of these type of withdrawl issues but others may weigh in.
  • csr771
    csr771 Member Posts: 117
    You have completed a chapter in your life. It is amazing how we, and our bodies, adapt. I have only been on Tamoxifen since April so I have a long way to go. I can appreciate your anxiety. It has been a while since you have not been on a prescription to fight the recurrence of cancer. Think of it as a graduation. My son just graduated from high school and is making choices about what he wants to do next. He is my only child and I will have an empty nest. However, life goes on and I will have to figure out my life without day-to-day parenting. The same is for you. You will figure it out. You will lose the anxiety. It's all a part of the process. Be well.