SamuraiMom's Nipple Reconstruction Update

SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
Hi Friends,

Some of you know my ongoing battle with "Lefty". She just wouldn't stay "up".

I have good news. After the third try she decided to stand at attention!

I'll finally be getting my left nipple tattoo to match Righty next month!

I'm glad I opted to go this route.

I'm starting to feel like I look good again. It's been a long time.



  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Hi Samuraimom its been
    Hi Samuraimom its been awhile since ive seen you on the board...i recall your first go around with this and that seems like forever ago! Im glad lefty is finally at attention now yet sorry it took three times to get it that way. It seems your in good spirits as usual about it. Thats my next step is the whole nipple thing but im going for just the tattoos cuz i dont want anymore surgeries!
    Nice to see you posting again!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    jo jo said:

    Hi Samuraimom its been
    Hi Samuraimom its been awhile since ive seen you on the board...i recall your first go around with this and that seems like forever ago! Im glad lefty is finally at attention now yet sorry it took three times to get it that way. It seems your in good spirits as usual about it. Thats my next step is the whole nipple thing but im going for just the tattoos cuz i dont want anymore surgeries!
    Nice to see you posting again!

    Oh boy
    It is nice to see you again, I am glad that you have been doing well. We miss you here
    New Flower
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Hi so good to hear from you again
    I have the same exact problem, and yep it's lefty too.

    My second one just went array so hopefully third time
    will be a charm for me too.

    Do you still post pictures on your site? I forgot the link
    or else I'd go check (;

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Hi so good to hear from you again
    I have the same exact problem, and yep it's lefty too.

    My second one just went array so hopefully third time
    will be a charm for me too.

    Do you still post pictures on your site? I forgot the link
    or else I'd go check (;

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Oh boy
    It is nice to see you again, I am glad that you have been doing well. We miss you here
    New Flower

    It has been awhile since I
    It has been awhile since I have seen you post. So happy that lefty and righty are now going to match! You have been a wealth of information for the pink sisters here.

    Sue :)
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    aysemari said:

    Hi so good to hear from you again
    I have the same exact problem, and yep it's lefty too.

    My second one just went array so hopefully third time
    will be a charm for me too.

    Do you still post pictures on your site? I forgot the link
    or else I'd go check (;


    Glad that your
    Glad that your reconstruction is working out for you! Continued good luck!