Scan Reults- Somewhat freaked out

pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
Had my 6-months scans this week

By way of perspective, I am 1 year out from last chemo; 2 years out from DX,colon resection, ileostomy and 1 year out from liver resection of 8 tumors

There's always been a nodule on my lung, no one ever worried about it. Current scan shows a growth from 3mm in December to 7 mm now. Onc said it could be just the way the Scan was sliced, then ultimatley measured. Onc says a PET scan won't pick up anthing that small.

So, does 3 month scans seem the thing to do to keep an eye on things or 6 month and bloodwork every 3 months?

Bloodwork next week. My CEA has been in the 2 range for over a year, hopefully that's still the case. It was 1,400 at DX time.

I know this is a minor minor blip in the scheme of things, but I was going along so nice and numb, enjoying my NED status...not that that has changed for sure.....just the roller coaster bullshizz

Have a great Holiday Weekend Everybody!!!



  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member
    Hi Peggy, I was originally dx with anal cancer and completed tx 6-30-09, well with the follow up scan a 7mm lung nodule was found in 5-?-10, and the plan was to rescan in 3 months, and in 3 months the nodule grew to 1cmx9mm, and the decision was to remove it via vats. I had a lobectomy on 9-23-10, and so far so good. So the fact that they want to moniter for 3 months is normal. The only way to biopsy the nodule, as it was so small, was in the OR, and once it was determined to be a primary and not a met, the lower right lobe was removed.

    I know Buzzard had a wedge rescetion for a lung nodule, and maybe he'll chime in. I wish you well. Lori
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hi Peggy, All things seem to point to good news. I go every 3 months for scans but I'm still playing the game (in treatment) so to speak. If I had everything A-OK for a year or more I'd probably want to go for scans every 6 months but until then I'd want to head things off as soon as they're spotted. That's me.

    As far as a possible spot in your lung goes, I've had RFA (Radio Frequency Ablations) done 3 times. It's a walk in the park as far as this stuff goes. I was in/out the same day.

    It is a roller coaster for sure.
    Enjoy your weekend too
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Hey, Hey, Hey!
    Hey Peggy

    Drats! If it is indeed a growth and not the way the CT was handled, then seeing the measurements go to 3mm to 7mm, has my attention. I'm comforted in the fact that they are millimeters and not centimeters.

    I would think that waiting for a couple of months and being re-scanned is certainly a good way to go. If they can continue to grow, then we've got to look at this.

    I hope all will be well for CP9 for you. I actually need to talk to you about that:)

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Peggy -

    "Onc said it could be just the way the Scan was sliced, then ultimatley measured. "

    That's the absolute truth! Even two scans on the same machine
    can be different, depending on the technician's handicraft.

    The machines aren't all set up exactly the same, so getting a scan
    at one place, and another at a different place, can often produce
    very different pictures. And, the slightest difference in the angle
    of the "camera" from one scanner to the other, can make a world of
    a difference!

    You pay the Onc to worry, so let the onc do the worrying. If you
    have good insurance, he won't let you slide away that easy.
    (just kiddin')

    Stay well!

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member

    Sorry you've had some potentially scary news. I know well the feeling of a nice joyful feeling of NED and then to have that taken away from you (at least in the anxiety sense). I sure hope this is just the way the scan (CT) was sliced. I guess the blood test could tell you something more (not a great indicator for me, but sounds like it has been for you). If it were me, I would want a repeat scan in 3 months. So you can put your mind at ease! And, as others have said, if it ends up to be something that has to come out, the surgical/radiation options keep getting better and better. I had three nodules removed from my lungs (at three different times). Not bad -- and my lung capacity is still great (no excuse for puffing on stairs or hiking up a hill!).

    Good luck and have a great weekend

  • pluckey
    pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
    My Onc cancelled my appt
    My Onc cancelled my appt (all her appts for 2 days) so now I get to freak and worry for another week before discussing results and getting bloodwork down.

    and OF COURSE my liver is throbbing, and I am just trying to wrap my head around the POSSIBILITY of the lung nodule the start of more cancer crap.

    Well, till then.....

  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member
    pluckey said:

    My Onc cancelled my appt
    My Onc cancelled my appt (all her appts for 2 days) so now I get to freak and worry for another week before discussing results and getting bloodwork down.

    and OF COURSE my liver is throbbing, and I am just trying to wrap my head around the POSSIBILITY of the lung nodule the start of more cancer crap.

    Well, till then.....


    It is a roller coaster for
    It is a roller coaster for sure. You've been helpful to me in the past. I'm thinking of you and have good thoughts that things will be fine. You got some encouraging comments here from others....hold onto that.
  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member
    pluckey said:

    My Onc cancelled my appt
    My Onc cancelled my appt (all her appts for 2 days) so now I get to freak and worry for another week before discussing results and getting bloodwork down.

    and OF COURSE my liver is throbbing, and I am just trying to wrap my head around the POSSIBILITY of the lung nodule the start of more cancer crap.

    Well, till then.....


    So sorry your oncologist canceled until next week. I have a scan this Monday and I'll see the oncologist on Tuesday. I told him the worst part of this tx is the waiting, so thats why I now see him the next day after a scan. Your lung nodule situation sounds like they want to moniter it, but your liver throbbing might be healing pains. I see you had a resection and I know the liver grows back so maybe thats what that is. I wish you well and it sounds like you are being closely watched. Lori
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    So sorry you have to wait. That is so hard. I hope you get some answers and some peace.

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Any updates?
    I personally wouldnt wait 6 months, I get checked every 3 months, when I was first DX I was stage 3, went through treatment, was cleared had a clear scan check in like june 08, and by Oct 08 surprise, so I am very leary of waiting to long, and so far my ONC agrees with me. I wouldnt wait 6 months....but that is just me...

    Keeping you in my prayers, let us know how your doing?

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    dorookie said:

    Any updates?
    I personally wouldnt wait 6 months, I get checked every 3 months, when I was first DX I was stage 3, went through treatment, was cleared had a clear scan check in like june 08, and by Oct 08 surprise, so I am very leary of waiting to long, and so far my ONC agrees with me. I wouldnt wait 6 months....but that is just me...

    Keeping you in my prayers, let us know how your doing?


    Wedge resection done in Sept......wouldn't have been bad except that my pain meds (actually an epidural) came out the first evening after surgery...I had told them that my chest was really sore and that I really didn't want to cough and do their exercises with the breathing tube, but I did, and with a lot of pain...As it turned out when they came into release me the 3rd day there were 4 of them in the room and asked me to roll over on my side so they could remove the epidural and it was dangling there, out, and had been for all 3 days...That was why my bed was getting so wet and smelly. and why my hair was wet. Yep, it was pretty crappy, especially when a young student , intern or whatever he was made the statement that " Well, I bet the bed didn't feel anything".....They promptly escorted him out and Im sure tore his azz up for that remark. I never said anything about it to anyone, I figured that any harm done was done and there was no reason to get anyone else in trouble....Should have been checked, Yes, but it wasn't...Oh well, end result...if my pain meds had of been there intact the wedge ( done laproscopically BTW ) would have been not a piece of cake but certainly very tolerable...the first 2 days were kind of chitty, mostly pain but there again I had no pain meds going in to help...glad its done, glad its over...I am however if this new increase turns out to be another nodule in lung going to look at RFA or some type of less evasive tactic. Im just not sure what if anything Im up against yet...As far as wedge resection, very very doable...impactzone (Chip) I think has had 3 done...still kickin round the soccerball too I believe....... Love to
  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    Dear Peggy
    Best wishes to your blood test result. Try to stay positive!
