Needed: Gourmet juice recipes

JKendall Member Posts: 186
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi guys, hope everyone's doing well. I know for sure that peaceful Emily "whose skin is orange" will be able to help me out, but I also suspect some of you guys are holding on to your gourmet juice recipes waiting for a franchise opportunity. If I promise not to reveal your secret recipes to the clamouring public, will you share some of your juice concoctions? We bought a juicer, and it came with a few recipes, but since you all have been actually drinking what you make, you likely have better brews.

I've heard aloe vera juice is good for the body. What about it?




  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Jimmy -

    First let me say that if you have ever peeled an aloe vera leaf and SMELLED that slime that comes out of it, you would NEVER consider putting that into your mouth.

    That said, allow me to share with you my gourmet juice recipe:

    4 oz Beluga Caviar
    12 oz aged French Bleu cheese (min 1 year)
    16 oz Ruth's Chris filet mingion (black angus beef)
    1 whole Maine lobster
    375ml of a good merlot; I recommend Rabbit Ridge
    37 organic strawberrys - dipped in Belgian chocolate

    Set aside 13 caviar eggs.

    Blend all ingerdients on hi for 20 minutes or until forthy brown; similar in consistency, color, and smell to baby uh... well you know. Drizzle with the slime from one aloe vera leaf and top with 13 caviar eggs.

    Yum! Oh, and never mind the crunchy bits of lobster shell, they're good for your teeth and bones.

    Bon Appetite!

    Buen Aprovecho!

    - Bob
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hi Jimmy!

    Of course I would love to share my recipe for success!!

    (just ignore SB haha)

    carrot/apple/parsley/spinach/ginger + green powder juice.

    This became my daily regime. I drank three quarts per day (break that up obviously or you will get pretty drunk on carrots)(not really).

    According to Max Gerson, the granddaddy of juicing cures--and I do mean CURE--he, I believe, had his patients drink 12 8 oz during the day. You can do a google on him--he has an institute you can go to. I forget the website. Or go to and look him up.


    3-4 large ORGANIC juicing carrots
    1 granny smith apple
    handful of parsley
    handful of spinach
    small (it packs a punch) piece of ginger peeled
    (sometimes I did celery too--I think during the intitial healing and detoxing phase)

    Make sure ALL produce is ORGANIC!!!

    Then I add green powder which is KEY! It is full of life. GREEN = LIFE.

    I used Kyo-Green, Green Magma and finally settled on Perfect Food by Garden of Life.

    Anything with wheat grass or barley grass and chlorophyll (sp?) is the secret ingredient.

    You will need to build up tolerance to the greens cuz they are POWERFUL. Start with a little and build up. But don't give up and please don't skip it. It helps the body to detox and rebuild. It is essential.

    I am sure there are other recipes (scouty uses beets in hers) and you can refer to The Juice Ladys Guide to Juicing for Health. by Cherie Calbom

    Hope this helps!! Let me know!

    peace, emily who after her cranberry with flax seed drink, then her hot lemon water (to flush the liver) will be making her old stand-by carrot juice for breakfast! yum!
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    spongebob said:

    Jimmy -

    First let me say that if you have ever peeled an aloe vera leaf and SMELLED that slime that comes out of it, you would NEVER consider putting that into your mouth.

    That said, allow me to share with you my gourmet juice recipe:

    4 oz Beluga Caviar
    12 oz aged French Bleu cheese (min 1 year)
    16 oz Ruth's Chris filet mingion (black angus beef)
    1 whole Maine lobster
    375ml of a good merlot; I recommend Rabbit Ridge
    37 organic strawberrys - dipped in Belgian chocolate

    Set aside 13 caviar eggs.

    Blend all ingerdients on hi for 20 minutes or until forthy brown; similar in consistency, color, and smell to baby uh... well you know. Drizzle with the slime from one aloe vera leaf and top with 13 caviar eggs.

    Yum! Oh, and never mind the crunchy bits of lobster shell, they're good for your teeth and bones.

    Bon Appetite!

    Buen Aprovecho!

    - Bob

    SB, you've been at sea way too long...WAY too long. But I guess with your chunky brew, the lobster shells can scrape away any colon polyps and eliminate the need for those pesky colonoscopies (I've heard that the submarine crewmembers refer to colonoscopies as "up-periscopes")...

  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    2bhealed said:

    Hi Jimmy!

    Of course I would love to share my recipe for success!!

    (just ignore SB haha)

    carrot/apple/parsley/spinach/ginger + green powder juice.

    This became my daily regime. I drank three quarts per day (break that up obviously or you will get pretty drunk on carrots)(not really).

    According to Max Gerson, the granddaddy of juicing cures--and I do mean CURE--he, I believe, had his patients drink 12 8 oz during the day. You can do a google on him--he has an institute you can go to. I forget the website. Or go to and look him up.


    3-4 large ORGANIC juicing carrots
    1 granny smith apple
    handful of parsley
    handful of spinach
    small (it packs a punch) piece of ginger peeled
    (sometimes I did celery too--I think during the intitial healing and detoxing phase)

    Make sure ALL produce is ORGANIC!!!

    Then I add green powder which is KEY! It is full of life. GREEN = LIFE.

    I used Kyo-Green, Green Magma and finally settled on Perfect Food by Garden of Life.

    Anything with wheat grass or barley grass and chlorophyll (sp?) is the secret ingredient.

    You will need to build up tolerance to the greens cuz they are POWERFUL. Start with a little and build up. But don't give up and please don't skip it. It helps the body to detox and rebuild. It is essential.

    I am sure there are other recipes (scouty uses beets in hers) and you can refer to The Juice Ladys Guide to Juicing for Health. by Cherie Calbom

    Hope this helps!! Let me know!

    peace, emily who after her cranberry with flax seed drink, then her hot lemon water (to flush the liver) will be making her old stand-by carrot juice for breakfast! yum!

    Thanks Emily! We'll try it out.
  • aspaysia
    aspaysia Member Posts: 250
    spongebob said:

    Jimmy -

    First let me say that if you have ever peeled an aloe vera leaf and SMELLED that slime that comes out of it, you would NEVER consider putting that into your mouth.

    That said, allow me to share with you my gourmet juice recipe:

    4 oz Beluga Caviar
    12 oz aged French Bleu cheese (min 1 year)
    16 oz Ruth's Chris filet mingion (black angus beef)
    1 whole Maine lobster
    375ml of a good merlot; I recommend Rabbit Ridge
    37 organic strawberrys - dipped in Belgian chocolate

    Set aside 13 caviar eggs.

    Blend all ingerdients on hi for 20 minutes or until forthy brown; similar in consistency, color, and smell to baby uh... well you know. Drizzle with the slime from one aloe vera leaf and top with 13 caviar eggs.

    Yum! Oh, and never mind the crunchy bits of lobster shell, they're good for your teeth and bones.

    Bon Appetite!

    Buen Aprovecho!

    - Bob

    Bob, you have outdone yourself! Nothing could top this except a spoonful of Cool Whip.
    You should apply to the Miami Herald for the job of resident wag, vacant since Dave Barry wrote his last column a couple of months ago.
    Just remember the little people when you become rich and famous.
    A fan
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Sponger, you didn't make that juice for us when we were down there with you!!!!!


    I juice twice a day per my naturapthic doctor's recommendation and do:

    1/4 carrots
    1/4 celery
    1/4 cabbage and
    1/4 beets.

    It is known as the 3Cs and B juice to some. Other then a few other juices that I play around with, that is it for me. It really is part of my meds as I see it. The beets make it pretty strong and it did take some getting used to but after 3 months now, I drink it just like OJ.

    1 beet (a little smaller then my fist)
    3 carrots
    3 stalks of celery and
    a good size wedge of cabbage.

    Depending on the freshness of the veggies, it makes anywhere from 10-14 oz, (the fresher the veggies, the more juice you get).

    Lisa P.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    scouty said:

    Sponger, you didn't make that juice for us when we were down there with you!!!!!


    I juice twice a day per my naturapthic doctor's recommendation and do:

    1/4 carrots
    1/4 celery
    1/4 cabbage and
    1/4 beets.

    It is known as the 3Cs and B juice to some. Other then a few other juices that I play around with, that is it for me. It really is part of my meds as I see it. The beets make it pretty strong and it did take some getting used to but after 3 months now, I drink it just like OJ.

    1 beet (a little smaller then my fist)
    3 carrots
    3 stalks of celery and
    a good size wedge of cabbage.

    Depending on the freshness of the veggies, it makes anywhere from 10-14 oz, (the fresher the veggies, the more juice you get).

    Lisa P.

    wow this sounds really healthy! I think I need to try it out.

    hey scouty how you be?

    peace, emily who would really flush that ol liver with all those beets!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    HI Em!!!!

    I be fine or at least I am getting there. This detoxing stuff is pretty amazing. I am now recovering from a mild case of pneumonia but according to my naturopthic doctor, sometimes getting the toxin crap out is pretty tough on the ole bod and lord knows after 50 years and 8 months of chemo, I had a lot of toxins to get out.

    Jimmy, I agree with Em about the green drink. I do Green Magma twice a day religiousy. My doctor says to do it even if you can't juice. 2 other interesting tidbits I picked up from her....things to help cleanse and detox your organs.....eggplant is an expellent (makes things come out). Many use them to induce labor. Also about 8 oz of warm water with the juice of a fresh lemon and some honey (I make it to taste like lemonade) is great at clearing out stuff (lung congestion and all sorts of other organs too).

    An observation from me since I have now been on my new diet/juicing/supplement regime for 3 months is that my hair is back to normal and then some. I have considerably less grey hair then I did 6 months ago. My hair dresser is amazed.

    Next up for me after I get my 3 month hair analysis back this week, adjust according to them and then I am going to try a lymph system draining program and accupucture. Since insurance companies only like to pad the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies, I will use my income tax refund for it all (yahoo that I am getting one).

    Lisa P.
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    scouty said:

    HI Em!!!!

    I be fine or at least I am getting there. This detoxing stuff is pretty amazing. I am now recovering from a mild case of pneumonia but according to my naturopthic doctor, sometimes getting the toxin crap out is pretty tough on the ole bod and lord knows after 50 years and 8 months of chemo, I had a lot of toxins to get out.

    Jimmy, I agree with Em about the green drink. I do Green Magma twice a day religiousy. My doctor says to do it even if you can't juice. 2 other interesting tidbits I picked up from her....things to help cleanse and detox your organs.....eggplant is an expellent (makes things come out). Many use them to induce labor. Also about 8 oz of warm water with the juice of a fresh lemon and some honey (I make it to taste like lemonade) is great at clearing out stuff (lung congestion and all sorts of other organs too).

    An observation from me since I have now been on my new diet/juicing/supplement regime for 3 months is that my hair is back to normal and then some. I have considerably less grey hair then I did 6 months ago. My hair dresser is amazed.

    Next up for me after I get my 3 month hair analysis back this week, adjust according to them and then I am going to try a lymph system draining program and accupucture. Since insurance companies only like to pad the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies, I will use my income tax refund for it all (yahoo that I am getting one).

    Lisa P.

    Scouty and Em do you use the
    Scouty and Em

    do you use the beet leaves as well and do you peel the beet first (I love love love beets and can hardly wait to try this)

    Em- small piece of ginger root? small as in as big as my thumb or as big as the first digit on the thumb

    and when you say to go easy on the greens cause it takes a bit to get used to them? do you means the Perfect Food stuff or the others green veggies that go in

    and do either of you use flax seed (mine is actually all ground up)

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Patteee said:

    Scouty and Em do you use the
    Scouty and Em

    do you use the beet leaves as well and do you peel the beet first (I love love love beets and can hardly wait to try this)

    Em- small piece of ginger root? small as in as big as my thumb or as big as the first digit on the thumb

    and when you say to go easy on the greens cause it takes a bit to get used to them? do you means the Perfect Food stuff or the others green veggies that go in

    and do either of you use flax seed (mine is actually all ground up)


    Wow! Old post! :-)
    Hi Patteee!

    I sometimes use the beet leaves. Wash them well. They often can be gritty.

    I do not peel my beets but scrub very well. I lovelovelove beets too!!!

    Ginger piece would be to first knuckle and then see how much kick it gives and adjust to taste.

    Greens as in kale, spinach etc. I used a TBSP of the greens powder when I used it but built up my fresh greens tolerance.

    I use ground flax seed every day in my juice and put it in smoothies, in my applesauce etc etc. I try to get as much flax as I can in a day.

    you're welcome!

    peace, emily
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    2bhealed said:

    Wow! Old post! :-)
    Hi Patteee!

    I sometimes use the beet leaves. Wash them well. They often can be gritty.

    I do not peel my beets but scrub very well. I lovelovelove beets too!!!

    Ginger piece would be to first knuckle and then see how much kick it gives and adjust to taste.

    Greens as in kale, spinach etc. I used a TBSP of the greens powder when I used it but built up my fresh greens tolerance.

    I use ground flax seed every day in my juice and put it in smoothies, in my applesauce etc etc. I try to get as much flax as I can in a day.

    you're welcome!

    peace, emily

    the green food powder- only
    the green food powder- only used a teaspoon. Hoping to develop a better taste for the stuff. *shudders* Dang I love the ginger in this. going to try a bigger chunk tomorrow, see if it helps with the green taste....

    any good uses for the pulp? great compost stuff- but such a shame that I don't feel like I need more fiber and really pulp kinda makes me gag.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    ON Juicing
    I only do fruits and I add vanilla ice cream, because well, it just tastes sooo good.
    1 handful blueberries
    1 handful strawberries
    1 handful raspberries
    2 banana's
    I also have a pineapple doo hickey and cut my fresh pineapple and add 3 slices
    Then the piece de resistance (LOL my french is rusty LMAO)

    Berries are good for you!!!

    And during rhubarb season I cook the rhubarb and then add a cup to it.

    That's about the only juicing I do, I do use other fruits, but I'm lucky and live in California and the amount of fruit available is just wonderful, but if you want the healthy alternative I do sometimes add plain yogurt instead of the ice cream. AS you will notice I'm not a big juicer, but I'm trying.
    Winter Marie
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    spongebob said:

    Jimmy -

    First let me say that if you have ever peeled an aloe vera leaf and SMELLED that slime that comes out of it, you would NEVER consider putting that into your mouth.

    That said, allow me to share with you my gourmet juice recipe:

    4 oz Beluga Caviar
    12 oz aged French Bleu cheese (min 1 year)
    16 oz Ruth's Chris filet mingion (black angus beef)
    1 whole Maine lobster
    375ml of a good merlot; I recommend Rabbit Ridge
    37 organic strawberrys - dipped in Belgian chocolate

    Set aside 13 caviar eggs.

    Blend all ingerdients on hi for 20 minutes or until forthy brown; similar in consistency, color, and smell to baby uh... well you know. Drizzle with the slime from one aloe vera leaf and top with 13 caviar eggs.

    Yum! Oh, and never mind the crunchy bits of lobster shell, they're good for your teeth and bones.

    Bon Appetite!

    Buen Aprovecho!

    - Bob

    My sides are absolutely splitting from way too much laughter from Bob's old post. OMFGosh, I'm going to have to go to the hospital and get stitched up!!! It's wonderful isn't it, even though he's gone, someone can bring up his post from long ago and still allows the sound of sweet laughter. Where ever you are Bob, THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!
    Winter Marie
    OMFG 'Oh My Friggin Gosh'
  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731

    ON Juicing
    I only do fruits and I add vanilla ice cream, because well, it just tastes sooo good.
    1 handful blueberries
    1 handful strawberries
    1 handful raspberries
    2 banana's
    I also have a pineapple doo hickey and cut my fresh pineapple and add 3 slices
    Then the piece de resistance (LOL my french is rusty LMAO)

    Berries are good for you!!!

    And during rhubarb season I cook the rhubarb and then add a cup to it.

    That's about the only juicing I do, I do use other fruits, but I'm lucky and live in California and the amount of fruit available is just wonderful, but if you want the healthy alternative I do sometimes add plain yogurt instead of the ice cream. AS you will notice I'm not a big juicer, but I'm trying.
    Winter Marie

    The concept "gourmet juice"
    The concept "gourmet juice" is contradictory.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    PGLGreg said:

    The concept "gourmet juice"
    The concept "gourmet juice" is contradictory.

    Anything with ice cream in it is "gourmet".
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Patteee said:

    the green food powder- only
    the green food powder- only used a teaspoon. Hoping to develop a better taste for the stuff. *shudders* Dang I love the ginger in this. going to try a bigger chunk tomorrow, see if it helps with the green taste....

    any good uses for the pulp? great compost stuff- but such a shame that I don't feel like I need more fiber and really pulp kinda makes me gag.

    Pulp conundrum
    Spaghetti sauce is a great place for it if you don't have chickens to feed it to. Soup stock. I chuck mine. I've tried to make veggie burgers with it but that was a disaster. HA! I've also used it for carrot cake (made with honey or agave nectar).

    Ginger is a personal tolerance issue---since it packs a punch I start small. I love ginger too but had to remove it from my protocol due to the histamine content. :-(

    Find a green powder that you like better. I'm sure I had to work up to the Tablespoon mother puts it in her champagne! HA! Isn't that a hoot?

    I applaud you for going as GREEN as you can go. Back when I did fruit smoothies I put the green powder in them as well along with flax oil and flax seed.

    Are you doing any pectin powder? My naturopathic doctor told me it helped the body identify cancer cells to pop them off. I used to put that in my juice as well. Just a thought.

    peace, emily
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    2bhealed said:

    Pulp conundrum
    Spaghetti sauce is a great place for it if you don't have chickens to feed it to. Soup stock. I chuck mine. I've tried to make veggie burgers with it but that was a disaster. HA! I've also used it for carrot cake (made with honey or agave nectar).

    Ginger is a personal tolerance issue---since it packs a punch I start small. I love ginger too but had to remove it from my protocol due to the histamine content. :-(

    Find a green powder that you like better. I'm sure I had to work up to the Tablespoon mother puts it in her champagne! HA! Isn't that a hoot?

    I applaud you for going as GREEN as you can go. Back when I did fruit smoothies I put the green powder in them as well along with flax oil and flax seed.

    Are you doing any pectin powder? My naturopathic doctor told me it helped the body identify cancer cells to pop them off. I used to put that in my juice as well. Just a thought.

    peace, emily

    tried straining the juice
    tried straining the juice after adding the powder, that seems to help....the lumps were getting to me...
    don't do the fruit anymore- blood sugar issues !

    pectin powder I will try
    another major favorite of mine is kohlrabi-growing it this year in my garden! Wanting to give it a try for juicing, have you tried it or turnips
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    2bhealed said:

    Pulp conundrum
    Spaghetti sauce is a great place for it if you don't have chickens to feed it to. Soup stock. I chuck mine. I've tried to make veggie burgers with it but that was a disaster. HA! I've also used it for carrot cake (made with honey or agave nectar).

    Ginger is a personal tolerance issue---since it packs a punch I start small. I love ginger too but had to remove it from my protocol due to the histamine content. :-(

    Find a green powder that you like better. I'm sure I had to work up to the Tablespoon mother puts it in her champagne! HA! Isn't that a hoot?

    I applaud you for going as GREEN as you can go. Back when I did fruit smoothies I put the green powder in them as well along with flax oil and flax seed.

    Are you doing any pectin powder? My naturopathic doctor told me it helped the body identify cancer cells to pop them off. I used to put that in my juice as well. Just a thought.

    peace, emily

    oh for crying out loud

    oh for crying out loud
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    2bhealed said:

    Pulp conundrum
    Spaghetti sauce is a great place for it if you don't have chickens to feed it to. Soup stock. I chuck mine. I've tried to make veggie burgers with it but that was a disaster. HA! I've also used it for carrot cake (made with honey or agave nectar).

    Ginger is a personal tolerance issue---since it packs a punch I start small. I love ginger too but had to remove it from my protocol due to the histamine content. :-(

    Find a green powder that you like better. I'm sure I had to work up to the Tablespoon mother puts it in her champagne! HA! Isn't that a hoot?

    I applaud you for going as GREEN as you can go. Back when I did fruit smoothies I put the green powder in them as well along with flax oil and flax seed.

    Are you doing any pectin powder? My naturopathic doctor told me it helped the body identify cancer cells to pop them off. I used to put that in my juice as well. Just a thought.

    peace, emily


  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    2bhealed said:

    Pulp conundrum
    Spaghetti sauce is a great place for it if you don't have chickens to feed it to. Soup stock. I chuck mine. I've tried to make veggie burgers with it but that was a disaster. HA! I've also used it for carrot cake (made with honey or agave nectar).

    Ginger is a personal tolerance issue---since it packs a punch I start small. I love ginger too but had to remove it from my protocol due to the histamine content. :-(

    Find a green powder that you like better. I'm sure I had to work up to the Tablespoon mother puts it in her champagne! HA! Isn't that a hoot?

    I applaud you for going as GREEN as you can go. Back when I did fruit smoothies I put the green powder in them as well along with flax oil and flax seed.

    Are you doing any pectin powder? My naturopathic doctor told me it helped the body identify cancer cells to pop them off. I used to put that in my juice as well. Just a thought.

    peace, emily

