Weight loss during chemo?



  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    laurissa said:

    Oh nuts!
    I sure don't need to gain anymore. I've got to watch it. Bought alot of soups today. Tomorrow is the first chemo day, hope all goes well. I'm a bit nervous.

    How did you do?
    Laurissa I take my first chemo today 10/6. My weight has been up and down and right now its up. My husband says dont worry you'll loose, I sure hope so. I dont think I'm getting steroids, I guess I'll ask, or maybe I wont. :) How are you feeling?
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    JGrim said:

    It could also be that your
    It could also be that your friend reacts differently to steroids. I know of two people that gained while on steroids and one was seeing a nutritionist and training for a marathon (she was running thirty miles a week minimum) and the other was barely managing to eat sugar-free popsicles. I'm not saying that people shouldn't try to eat healthier - they totally should and this will help them to maintain a healthy weight after they're done with treatment. I just don't want people to get the idea that when they gain weight on steroids it's just because of what they eat, because some steroids in some people do change the way that you process food enough to cause weight gain no matter what. Because society tells us that our weight gain is our fault no matter what these women are knocking themselves out to lose weight at a time when they really need to be focused on getting enough nutrition and being happy, you know?

    When someone loses their hair to chemo, everyone acknowledges it, says it sucks, and reinforces the knowledge that it's a temporary evil on the path to recovery. Nobody says "you're not bald" and there are even organizations devoted to providing people with wigs and hats to get through this phase of treatment. It is just as inevitable (with some drugs) that women will gain weight, but they don't admit it, their friends don't acknowledge it ("You're not fat! You can't have gained weight!"), and nobody helps you buy new pants to get through until yours fit again. Society has trained us for so long that our weight is something that we can absolutely control that we're afraid to admit to gaining any even though it's just an unpleasant, temporary side effect the same as hair loss. That's why I'm working on that guide on my site on how to make new clothes for free or cheap and that journal piece on weight gain... I want people to realize they can get through this the same way they get through being bald. It sucks, but it's not forever.

    Amen, sister!
    You're so right, JGrim, about people's reactions. And both my primary care physician and my oncologist told me at the beginning the very same thing you're saying: You should not be worried about weight loss during chemo.

    For me, I really *want* something about my treatment that I can control (and -- as my grandmother would say -- people in hell want ice water, too :-). Everything feels so passive to me: I just lie there while they take biopsies, I just lie there while they wheel me into surgery, I just sit there while they pump chemo into me.

    Working to eat healthy and keep up an exercise program is at least *something* I can do that can't hurt, and will probably help me recover from chemo better, even if it doesn't affect my weight.

    I think another thing that contributes to people's reactions is that many people have old ideas about chemo. They expect everyone going through chemo to be sick and emaciated. I find that co-workers and casual acquaintances don't really believe that I feel like cr*p all the time, because "you look so good"! Honestly, it's like I've made up this whole chemo thing, and shaved my head just as a fashion statement -- NOT!

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    laurissa said:

    Oh nuts!
    I sure don't need to gain anymore. I've got to watch it. Bought alot of soups today. Tomorrow is the first chemo day, hope all goes well. I'm a bit nervous.

    Weight loss
    Laurissa I lost 7 pounds this past week. I had gained 8 before chemo with stress eating so I'm where I started. Appetite is back, and I'm trying to eat healthy. I'm overweight, so the weight loss is a plus right now. How are you feeling today? I'm just plain tired.
  • babebussie
    babebussie Member Posts: 150
    I didnt loose a pound. My
    I didnt loose a pound. My eating habits did not change. You'll be just fine! My prayers are with you.

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    weight loss
    Hi Laurissa,me and Tracy are taking the same Chemo.and having the same effects as far as eating.Few days after Chemo I don,t want to eat,Then appetite is back and all I want to do is eat.I am going to get through my treatments and then worry about my weight.I will go back to weight watchers.It works for me.I think getting through the chemo and radiation is about all I can deal with right now.I have had alot of side effects.And thanks for the info about Lauries scarfs.She will be sending me one soon.Take care.(Pat).
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Appetite still strong
    I did lose 10 pounds my first week after chemo, but they'll surely come back. This morning I ate a very good breakfast. My taste buds are fine. Just water tastes off. I have to really try and start eating better, I did stop eating sweets. And start on the elliptical again. Pat, good luck with the wigs. It's going to be different. My hair is still holding on with no sign of shedding. It's been 8 days since 1st chemo. I'm finally feeling back to normal.
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    I did lose about 5 pounds,
    I did lose about 5 pounds, but that was all. I really thought I would be skin and bones but it didn't happen. However, with the chemo I couldn't taste foods so I just didn't care about eating as much as normally.
  • renee616
    renee616 Member Posts: 181
    TraciInLA said:

    Amen, sister!
    You're so right, JGrim, about people's reactions. And both my primary care physician and my oncologist told me at the beginning the very same thing you're saying: You should not be worried about weight loss during chemo.

    For me, I really *want* something about my treatment that I can control (and -- as my grandmother would say -- people in hell want ice water, too :-). Everything feels so passive to me: I just lie there while they take biopsies, I just lie there while they wheel me into surgery, I just sit there while they pump chemo into me.

    Working to eat healthy and keep up an exercise program is at least *something* I can do that can't hurt, and will probably help me recover from chemo better, even if it doesn't affect my weight.

    I think another thing that contributes to people's reactions is that many people have old ideas about chemo. They expect everyone going through chemo to be sick and emaciated. I find that co-workers and casual acquaintances don't really believe that I feel like cr*p all the time, because "you look so good"! Honestly, it's like I've made up this whole chemo thing, and shaved my head just as a fashion statement -- NOT!


    I totally relate Traci! Same
    I totally relate Traci! Same here! Everyone tells me how good I look even when its a bad week. I gained 17 pounds over the course of 7 months, from diagnosis through surgery, chemo & starting radiation monday. I had weird reactions to drinks, foods & smells with the a/c. one month during treatment week, I could only drink choc milk, the next I was done with choc milk forever then would drink tea, the next month, lemonade. Every month it was something new because I did'nt like certain smells or tastes any more. Alot of times during a/c I ate chips & dip. whatever sounded good. Then on taxotere, like now 8 days out, everything including drinks taste extremely salty. I force fluids and eat fast!
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    I too am overweight and Chemo took away my tastebuds and my appetite as well. Everything tasted like cardboard and at one point everyone got angry at me for not eating. I drank a lot of ginger ale and had a lot of broth or soup with veggies and meat cooked so long in it they were like mush in my mouth. I lost about 60 pounds. About a month after finishing chemo we went to IHop and I ordered the all you can eat pancakes. After the third plate the waitress (who knew me from when I was in treatment) couldn't believe I was eating so much. Well, the weight did come back on plus some, but I'm working now on getting rid of that.
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    Staying about the same
    I go up and down, but overall I have stayed about the same. The anti-nausea drugs they give you are so effective that the skeletal cancer patient is a thing of the past, at least for breast cancer patients on conventional chemo drugs. I did notice that I can confuse mild nausea with hunger -- probably the steroids -- so instead of eating, I try to remember to take a pill for nausea and see if it takes care of the munchies. If you are sick and weak during low-white-count periods you will lose weight, but you might put it back on the next week when you feel better; if losing or gaining becomes a problem start tracking what you eat so you can adjust if necessary.