Happy pills make me sick :(......

SoyFuerte Member Posts: 39 Member
Resting and resting and resting.... not so much pain but my happy pills -percocet- make sick!!! I took my last pill at 10 pm and I haven't taken another one, 8:25 am now!! yaaay
I think I will start taking only tylenol... any suggestion? does someone has felt this with percocet and change them? my dr. appointment is on wednesday....
Thank you all for your encouragment ;))


  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    After my bilateral surgery I was given hydrocodone but never had to take any. I was one of the lucky ones that just had a mild discomfort and that was mainly from my drains. Now my husband on the other hand just had rotator cuff surgery the end of march. They gave him Oxycontin and it did a number on his stomach too. He took it religiously to stay ahead of the pain as the doctor told him to do. For two days (weekend) he was nauseous and on Monday he finally quit them and went to Tylenol. He said the pain was easier to deal with then the upset stomach.

    I guess if you can handle the discomfort I say go with tylenol. If it's too unbearable you might need to put in a call to your doctor and ask for something more milder.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    pain killer?
    if so please don't go through what i just did...with my pain killer-post surgery...it got me so so constipated I had to call ambulance...spent about 6+ hrs in ER 2 days in a row! HAd few terrible procedures done...most painful thing in my life...

    OMG terrible....use laxitive, eat fruit, drink alot....

  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    I always try to see if I can
    I always try to see if I can do without the pain med prescribed because they are so hard on your stomach. I'd say if tylenol works--sdwitch.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I had to be on percoceet the
    I had to be on percoceet the entire time I was on chemo. The only time it bothered my stomach was when I took it on an empty stomach. Try taking it after a meal, that should help. And it an absolutely constipate you -I took Senokot-S while I was on painkillers, it's a laxative plus stool softener so it doesn't give you the terrible cramps that come along with taking laxatives. By all means, don't suffer if you don't need to, you can also break one of your percocets in half, take that with a meal, and if you need it take the other half a little later if you still have pain.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I can't take Percocet or anything with Codeine. They make me extremely nauseaus. Post mastectomies I used Tylenol and it helped. I was fine after that. Sending you healing thoughts.
    {{gentle hugs}} Char
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Let your physician know...
    I have never been able to go near a percocet--they make me sooo nauseated.

    I am a cheap date when it comes to narcotics and, if I have to take them, vicodin 5 mg is what I ask for and I then break that in half (consider that vicodin can be prescribed in the hundreds of mgs). Starting low and going slow with meds is my usual rule of thumb--I am way too sensitive for most meds that I am prescribed and have learned my lesson. I suspect there are many others out there like me?

    Always, always take a narcotic on a full stomach and, if you can't eat, at least drink a full glass of water before taking one. This is key in avoiding the nausea.

    Also, when I have needed a higher strength (like right after my back surgery), I have my doc prescribe something for nausea (zofran tabs work well for me).

    But I have never been able to touch percocet--even with something for nausea. If you are still having pain, please let your provider know that you might need something weaker (or different).

    Many times, good pain management is a process and communication is key. Good luck!
  • Norma53
    Norma53 Member Posts: 11
    pain med
    I have been on Perocet for over a year. I was on it before as I had my gall bladder out then just as I was recovering the cancer came up. I completed chemo 11 months ago but ended up with exterme nueropathy pain on my legs and feet. I have had periods where the perocet made me sick so then I cut it in half. I also had periods where is constipated me and other times it has made me very regular, something I never was before cancer. I think I have the neuropathy in my stomach too. I went from 6 pills to 3 now. I had severe bone pain as the result of chemo. I am also on nuerontin for my nerve pain on my hands and arms. I had 4 surgeries on my hands and elbows 4 years before my breast cancer. I also had bone pain that tooks months to go away, now I just have pain in my legs, feet and back. I find that taking the perocet on an empty stomach works better. Good luck. The important thing is to keep your pain under control otherwise it is harder to control. Norma
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    pain killer?
    if so please don't go through what i just did...with my pain killer-post surgery...it got me so so constipated I had to call ambulance...spent about 6+ hrs in ER 2 days in a row! HAd few terrible procedures done...most painful thing in my life...

    OMG terrible....use laxitive, eat fruit, drink alot....


    I took Vicadin ( not sure of
    I took Vicadin ( not sure of the spelling). But, always have something in your stomach before taking any pain pills. I usually would eat some crackers before I took it and after. Also, use a stool softener with pain pills, as, they will constipate you.

    Hugs, Diane
  • Reikigemgirl
    Reikigemgirl Member Posts: 278
    My doctor called in an....
    antinausea medication to take with the oxycodone he gave me because it was upsetting my stomach. Just an idea.

    Love and Light,