In 30 days I'm having a cancer mass, and some intestine and colon removed including my ceum valve.

LA_Ray Member Posts: 1
edited June 2011 in Colorectal Cancer #1
If someone has had a similar procedure, how long will it be till I have a normal routine? What should I expect good and bad?


  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    Just bringing to the top again
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    LA_Ray -
    The first thing on your list, is to have the surgeon and Wound/Ostomy nurse
    mark out the best possible spot for both a Colostomy stoma, and an Ileostomy stoma.

    It is imperative that you do that in advance of -any- major abdominal surgery.

    The stoma length should be between 3/4 inch and 1 inch. That protrusion
    is called a "spout" and is necessary for a well working ostomy.

    The placement should be approximately 4" to the side of the navel,
    and approximately 4" below the belt line. That will allow you to wear
    your clothes normally as you have prior to the ostomy.

    The WOCN (Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse) will assist
    in locating the best spot to suit your needs.

    Please do not neglect to take the measures as outlined above.

    It does not matter if you feel you need an ostomy or not, or if you
    desire to live with an ostomy or not.

    It does not matter if the surgeon advises you that you will absolutely
    not wake up with a stoma.

    I personally can not remember or count, the amount of colorectal
    patients that woke up with an unexpected stoma in a spot that
    made their life hell.

    Take this precaution; make the appointment and insist it is done.


    The removal of:
    "some intestine and colon removed including my ceum valve."

    Removal of any section of the -small intestine- "usually" results with
    the intestine's inability to absorb specific necessary nutrients,
    minerals or vitamins.

    In my case, the section that absorbs magnesium has been removed,
    making it necessary to take it daily via I.V. (PICC) line infusion.

    The "ceum valve" I think you are referring to, is called an Ileocecal
    valve. It is responsible for two things:
    1. Helps prevent bacteria from going backwards from the colon and into the ileum.
    2. It is used as an additional control valve to regulate the flow of "product"
    from the Ileum into the colon.

    Without that valve, and a lesser amount of both small and large intestine,
    the transit rate (flow) will "usually" be much faster than it's ever been before.

    Without an ostomy, the conditions "may" resemble diarrhea. Your discharge
    "may" be more acidic (since the colon neutralizes the acid), giving you a
    "burning, watery discharge" without the complete colon intact.

    Be aware that any major abdominal surgery usually causes adhesions
    and hernias to form. An adhesion is the growing together of the surfaces
    of the intestine, and from the intestine to other organs. It is part of the normal
    healing process, since the body is attempting to repair and put everything
    back where it belongs. Unfortunately, an adhesion can restrict an organ
    (most usually the intestine), by restricting it's free movement inside your
    abdomen. Any "kink" or too tight of a bend, can cause an intestinal blockage.

    The phenomena does not occur immediately, often taking two to three
    years after surgery to be become a problem. However, there may be associated
    pain while they form.

    Hernias happen after the muscles are cut to access the abdominal cavity.
    There will be weakened spots after surgery, and the lifting of no more than
    20 pounds initially, will be required. But hernias happen anyway after
    all that invasive surgery. And again, it can take two to three years after
    surgery to become a noticeable problem. A hernia can also cause an intestinal
    blockage, if part of the intestine gets caught between the muscles.

    Note, that there is a special "packing" that the surgeon can use to help avoid
    some adhesions and hernias; ask about them.

    The healing time for major abdominal surgery is usually around 6 months
    for the surgical wound itself to heal over, and about a year or more for
    a more complete heal of everything that's been monkeyed with.

    Ok, now for the good things:
    If you have any questions, I will be happy to attempt to answer, but you
    would be wiser to ask the WOCN and surgeon.

    DO NOT be afraid to postpone your appointment and seek other opinions.

    Any decent physician welcomes other opinions, since they often provide
    knowledge of new techniques that they hadn't had time to explore.

    My best to you (and if I can think of anything good about this, I'll drop you a line)

    You'll be OK. knowledge is power.
