Half way done!!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and update...

Thursday I had my second chemo and Friday I had rad # 17 of 35. I think as far as symptoms go, I'm holding my own. Saliva is non-existence but luckily I have almost no pain (yet). I did end up with thrush with was not pleasant at all but once it cleared, back to no pain! I had some issues with my blood counts after chemo #1 and ended up hospitalized for 5 days with a neutropenic fever but a unit of blood and 2 shots of nupogen and all was well. Chemo #2 was reduced by 25 % in an attempt to prevent the previous issues but they assure me it still a high enough dose to do the job.

The enlarged lymph node on the left side of my neck is unable to be felt anymore and the largest one on the right is done to the size of a pebble! I have had some trouble keeping up with adequate amount of nutrition, not because it hurts but because everything just tastes blah. Luckily, my onc doc set me up with a feeding pump at night and it takes care of the bulk of the nutritional needs and then throughout the day, I take in as much food and drink as I can manage to keep the swallow working. Seems to be working out great for now!

Running a marathon is certainly out of the question right now, but I am able to still keep up with the day to day chores and running after my kids for the most part. I doubt I will feel this good as the journey wears on but for now I'm trying to enjoy what I can!!

Hope this helps the new members coming on as everyone helped me when I joined here scared and unsure. One day at a time...


  • zepfreak
    zepfreak Member Posts: 24
    Glad to see your still in good spirits, thats half the battle. My last rad treatment was april 25 and am glad to say I'm getting certain tastes back already. Thats one of the things I dreaded most. still have drymouth issues, but saliva is picking up. Stay positive and hopefully the second half is as smooth as the first. I'll put you in my prayers.
  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Keep up the high spirits...
    Jamie Ann
    The second half gets a little rougher, but you have a great attitude and it sounds like, great care from your docs. Try to get as much down as possible for nutrition. Try some shakes or something with high calories to keep your weight and strength up. The next 3-4 weeks will fly by and you'll soon be over with this stuff. Keep us posted on your cure
    all the best
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Jamie

    Wow you sound like you are doing just great mid way of the treatment, keep doing what you are doing. Thanks so much for your up-date.

    Wishing you well
  • adventurebob
    adventurebob Member Posts: 691
    good news
    You're doing great Jamie Ann!! Keep going. Almost done.

  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    1/2 way
    Jamie Ann, Great to hear you are doing so well. I hope it continues through the end of your treatment and beyond. I can certainly relate with your comment regarding how everything tastes so blah. Eventually it will get better. Stay strong. Cheers

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Jamie Ann
    Great to hear things are going so well for you. And it is good for all soon-to-bes to read that it can happen- we all have different C specs, and treatment can have different effects on people, and it is possible to live the experience you have, so far, Jamie. Don't get me wrong- it's not that I envy you, but I do envy you! Please keep us updated, and it really would be great if all those updates are as excellent as this one.


  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    You can do it!!

    If I can offer any advice, it would be to focus on staying hydrated. This can spearhead numerous other health issues. Stay on your doc's for pain control.

    1/2 way home my friend.


  • arndog64
    arndog64 Member Posts: 537

    You can do it!!

    If I can offer any advice, it would be to focus on staying hydrated. This can spearhead numerous other health issues. Stay on your doc's for pain control.

    1/2 way home my friend.



    WOW!!!! You are doing great.
    WOW!!!! You are doing great. Keep that positive attitude going..
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    Congratulations on making it to the half way mark with only a few bad side effects. Hoping you continued success for the second half.

    Stay strong and keep up the great attitude.