Anyone had recurrences of colon cancer after 10 years?

AussieMaddie Member Posts: 345 Member

colon cancer runs strongly in my family. I'm the only one whose never had so much as a polyp (and maybe my dad, whom I take after very much) but everyone else has. After losing my dad's father to it, my mother's mother to it, my mother's father had it before having surgery. Then, my sister was found to havre stage 111 after a routine colonoscopy before turning 50. She had had no symptems at all. That will be 10 years ago this October. Now, *every* member of our extended family - cousins etc - all have colonoscopies routinely. We are a part of an Australian wide study of familial colorectal cancer. Hoping that it helps people in future.

My sister said that the doctor told her that once you have had it, there is a much higher chance of a recurrence. I just wondered what others her have found - especially those who have gone for long after surgery. (Her only 'hiccup' - and not a small one - was that a few years after the surgery, she was found to have adhesions which required as big an operation as she had had originally)




  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    G'day maddie
    I was stage 3 c or dukes "c"as it is described in aust. Had surgery and a year of chemo. I have been ca free now for 13 1/2 years. Only mild glitch was a scope a few years back that showed a couplle of 2 mm polyps with displaysia(pre -cancerous changes). Nothing since eccept for long term side effects of chemo. My brother has trouble with his entire digestive tract but so far no cancer and no other family history. My surgeon said I was cured of this tumours but to stay vigilant as there would almost certainly be problems at some time,Cheers Ron. (sunshine coast Qld.)
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ten Years here
    Hi AussieMaddie,

    I was told that if you make the three year mark with no recurrences that the chances go down quite a bit. At 5 years I was told I was "cured"; but still at almost 10 years (in August) I hesitate for a second to say I'm cured (there are no guarantees in life). I mostly say I am cancer free and I have never ever used the word "remission" since to me it implies this is temporary.

    Having said all this, that is awesome that your sister is still here after 10 years! YAY! I, too, was Stage III colon cancer (dx'ed at 39).

    I hope you remain polyp- free and never have to experience this journey.

    peace, emily
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm not to 10 years yet...
    Stage III rectal, dx'ed November 2004.....

    6 months later, treated for stage II breast cancer, but was another primary...not a met....

    July 4 will be 5 years past any treatment...and I remain NED!!!

    Great to hear about your sis. Interestingly, my sis pushed for a second scope in 2 years, even with only minor problems, because of me. Turned out she had stage III anal cancer...not hereditary, but still the awareness was there that saved her life.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • charliesangel
    charliesangel Member Posts: 26
    Yes, my father was diagnosed stage 2 rectal in 1998 and after surgery/chemo/radiation remained NED till 2009 when he was told he had a recurrence in his sacrum. He is now stage 4.

    I would suggest everyone at least gets their CEA tested every 3/6 months forever (if it's a good indicator for you). This simple test would have possibly saved his life as this time round it was caught too late and he is considered inoperable...
  • colon_veteran
    colon_veteran Member Posts: 2

    Yes, my father was diagnosed stage 2 rectal in 1998 and after surgery/chemo/radiation remained NED till 2009 when he was told he had a recurrence in his sacrum. He is now stage 4.

    I would suggest everyone at least gets their CEA tested every 3/6 months forever (if it's a good indicator for you). This simple test would have possibly saved his life as this time round it was caught too late and he is considered inoperable...

    yes after stage 3, NED 9yrs
    yes after stage 3, NED 9yrs

    now on FOLFOX from cancer cells growing in lymph node, outside colon resection from 9yrs before.

    6mths chemo in 2001,
  • AussieMaddie
    AussieMaddie Member Posts: 345 Member
    Hi, hope you don't mind if I respond to each in this one post, else my avatar will look like it's being cloned all the way down the page :)

    Hi Ron,
    Sunshine Coast? Much too far north for me. And, if I'm right, too monsoonal as well, heh? Neither would I choose pace of Sydney. The slow and the steady for me :)
    Thank you for letting me know of how long you've been free of the cancer. Like you, my sister was told there was a high chance of recurrence. She checks in with the oncologist about every year or two and, like all the family, has regular colonoscopies.
    Take very good care Ron.

    Hi Emily,
    10 years in August? Just before my sister's 10th anniversary in October. I hope too that you and my sister both die of *very* old age before any sign of the cancer shows up. She's just seeing her own children's children now crawling around. I want her to live to see her great great grandchildren at least :) If you have children, I wish the same for you. Love and peace.

    Hi Kathi,
    I'm so glad that your sister pushed for that scope when she did. How is she doing now?
    And tell me (I forget), what does NED stand for? I know it has something to do with being free of cancer or symptoms of it, but forget what it actually means.
    Hugs right back at you (( ))

    Hi Charliesangel,
    I'm so sorry to hear of your father's re-occurrence being inoperable. I take it that a CEA is a cancer marker - specifically for colorectal cancer? I've only ever heard of one for Prostate cancer and, of course, for my own peritoneal cancer, which is CA125 (same as for ovarian cancer).
    If CEA is a marker for colorectal cancer, I'd like to know to ask my sister if she has it done. All our family should if that's the case, but I've never heard of it.
    Your father will be in my thoughts a great deal.
    Take care.

    Hi colon_veteran,
    It was great that you were free for 9 years. Let's hope that it lasts longer after your current treatment. I've never heard of FOLFOX. Is it a form of chemotherapy? I wish you every good luck with that one :)

    My thoughts go with you all. ((( )))