Please help!

Julie2011 Member Posts: 58
I was just asking about vitamins after kidney removal - i do not know if it is dangerous to take vitamins with only one functioning kidney? thank you


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member
    Staying healthy
    Either your oncologist's nurse or your internist could officially answer your questions; but my regular MD, who is in charge of keeping the rest of me healthy OK's all the following for me, and based upon age (68) has told me to take them:
    B-12 and Folic Acid, C, Calcium,D, Iron (Doc's orders)
    Multi vit, fish oil caps, flax oil caps (on my own but approved)

    Of course, a healthy and balanced diet helps a lot. Except some things I know I don't get enough of. B-12 and Folic are for heart and vessel health, D-I'm of northern European decent and sometimes have to be put on prescription strength D for a month at a time. Iron is because I usually test with low RBC,Hgb,WBC on my CBC tests.

    Any time you go in for any kind of lab work, test, etc., ask for a copy of the results and develop a notebook file for yourself. My internist and oncologist are in different clinics, and each one shows slight variations in their base nomal ranges that an individuals results are compared too.

    If you really need or want more info, ask for a referral to a nutritionist. Most insurance will cover the one time appointment. She or he will be able to answer a lot of questions.

    Another resource is participating in a cancer support group. People who have been thru cancer surgery or other treatments (chemo, radiation, adjuvent therapies) are not only supportive, but have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

    Most of all, know that lots of people out here are cheering for your recovery and wish you well.
  • Julie2011
    Julie2011 Member Posts: 58
    donna_lee said:

    Staying healthy
    Either your oncologist's nurse or your internist could officially answer your questions; but my regular MD, who is in charge of keeping the rest of me healthy OK's all the following for me, and based upon age (68) has told me to take them:
    B-12 and Folic Acid, C, Calcium,D, Iron (Doc's orders)
    Multi vit, fish oil caps, flax oil caps (on my own but approved)

    Of course, a healthy and balanced diet helps a lot. Except some things I know I don't get enough of. B-12 and Folic are for heart and vessel health, D-I'm of northern European decent and sometimes have to be put on prescription strength D for a month at a time. Iron is because I usually test with low RBC,Hgb,WBC on my CBC tests.

    Any time you go in for any kind of lab work, test, etc., ask for a copy of the results and develop a notebook file for yourself. My internist and oncologist are in different clinics, and each one shows slight variations in their base nomal ranges that an individuals results are compared too.

    If you really need or want more info, ask for a referral to a nutritionist. Most insurance will cover the one time appointment. She or he will be able to answer a lot of questions.

    Another resource is participating in a cancer support group. People who have been thru cancer surgery or other treatments (chemo, radiation, adjuvent therapies) are not only supportive, but have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

    Most of all, know that lots of people out here are cheering for your recovery and wish you well.

    I posted twice (so sorry) thought no one was going to answer my question. My friend has no insurance and a county facility did the surgery. She finds it very hard to get any answers to her questions from the doctors there. She asked me about taking a mulit-vitamin - and I had no idea if she can take any vitamins with one kidney. Wish I was able to be of more help to her. She is a wonderful lady who had a 6 cm tumor in her kidney and they finally did the surgery. She does go for follow up but she says she cannot get the doctor to give her any info! I asked her what stage her cancer was after they did the biopsy. She said the doctor at the county facility told her "there was no stage". Thanks for your reply Donna. God bless. Julie.