Naturopathic Dr.

Marianne313 Member Posts: 124
I've seen some postings on this, and, again, in preparation in case my aunt gets something that this may help, I'm wondering how I find an appropriate Naturopathic Doctor for her. I've searched and see mostly general family doctors and a few others, but none specifically state that they treat cancer issues (the joint pain and such).

thanks for any help/info.



  • SisterSledge
    SisterSledge Member Posts: 332 Member
    start your search on Google
    Here's a good resource to start looking in your area: The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians , but I would simply search on Google with your city or state in the keywords.

    example Google search, using keywords Naturopathic Doctor Utah
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Local Health Food Stores
    Always have a few free magazines that list all kinds of "alternative/complimentary care specialists" including NDs. A quick phone call asking a few questions (like experience in dealing with cancer) was how I found mine. I phone interviewed 3, really 4 but 1 fired one within the first minute I talked to his arrogant self-centered butthead self. Funny thing is I met him 2 years later and reminded him. He was very humbled, apologized, and slinkled away. His wife just laughed.

    Lisa P.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    you must find a really good one
    i saw 6 and have 2 amazing naturopaths.

  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973

    you must find a really good one
    i saw 6 and have 2 amazing naturopaths.


    It's a shame
    It's a shame we don;t screen our doctors with the same zeal !

    I have 3 NP's I work with.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    scouty said:

    Local Health Food Stores
    Always have a few free magazines that list all kinds of "alternative/complimentary care specialists" including NDs. A quick phone call asking a few questions (like experience in dealing with cancer) was how I found mine. I phone interviewed 3, really 4 but 1 fired one within the first minute I talked to his arrogant self-centered butthead self. Funny thing is I met him 2 years later and reminded him. He was very humbled, apologized, and slinkled away. His wife just laughed.

    Lisa P.

    Only YOU! Thanks for the laugh girlfriend. I can hear you calling him that.....hahahaha!
  • Marianne313
    Marianne313 Member Posts: 124

    It's a shame
    It's a shame we don;t screen our doctors with the same zeal !

    I have 3 NP's I work with.


    thanks to all
    for the information.

    My aunt doesn't have a computer and I've been at her home since Saturday early a.m. Her son (esophageal cancer, stage 3) has been in and out of the hospital this past week and is scheduled for more surgery today, we're worried how she'll be if he doesn't make it (she'll go nuts for sure). So, forgive me if I don't respond to anything in a timly manner. It's just been CRAZY these past few months what with finding out my aunt has stage 4 colon cancer, her son, stage 3 Esophageal cancer, her husband dying suddenly, dealing with everything that comes with someone close security, insurance, changing the names on all of her things, settling financial issues dealing with the funeral, making sure she gets all benefits she may be entitled to, so many other things and that's on top of trying to make sure she takes care of herself while she worries about her son! She FINALLY goes tomorrow to get a port put in in preparation for chemo/radiation. I think they may start the treatments tomorrow as well, but she said NO (I wasn't there when the Dr. called her so I have no clue but will find out in the morning when I get her to the hospital). She still needs to change her will and do quite a few other things. My head feels like it's going to explode most days, even my prescription meds for migranes isn't working. OMG, now on the phone hearing my brother just overdosed on meds and is in hopsital.

    thanks again for all of your information.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member

    thanks to all
    for the information.

    My aunt doesn't have a computer and I've been at her home since Saturday early a.m. Her son (esophageal cancer, stage 3) has been in and out of the hospital this past week and is scheduled for more surgery today, we're worried how she'll be if he doesn't make it (she'll go nuts for sure). So, forgive me if I don't respond to anything in a timly manner. It's just been CRAZY these past few months what with finding out my aunt has stage 4 colon cancer, her son, stage 3 Esophageal cancer, her husband dying suddenly, dealing with everything that comes with someone close security, insurance, changing the names on all of her things, settling financial issues dealing with the funeral, making sure she gets all benefits she may be entitled to, so many other things and that's on top of trying to make sure she takes care of herself while she worries about her son! She FINALLY goes tomorrow to get a port put in in preparation for chemo/radiation. I think they may start the treatments tomorrow as well, but she said NO (I wasn't there when the Dr. called her so I have no clue but will find out in the morning when I get her to the hospital). She still needs to change her will and do quite a few other things. My head feels like it's going to explode most days, even my prescription meds for migranes isn't working. OMG, now on the phone hearing my brother just overdosed on meds and is in hopsital.

    thanks again for all of your information.

    dear Marianne
    Hi Marianne,

    Wow- LOTS going on & now your brother is in the hospital. Please update us on how he is- I am praying right now as I write this for everyone- you, your aunt, her son, your brother, and all of your family members that this involves.

    Take care, dear-

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Oh man!
    What a tremendous amount of life situations you're going through! And everyone else around you, too. My only advise is to take check of your stress levels. Maybe suggest this to the others around you who are trying to deal, too. The naturopath could help you deal with the stress, but i recommend meditation. It takes practice to get good at it, but even just attempting to do it can quiet your mind, and bring some semblance of relaxation. I know that stress reduction has helped keep my cancer at bay (it was stress that let it run rampant in the first place), and now i feel peaceful, and i'm able to take a deep breath and relax when a stressful situation presents itself.

    Good luck with all of it.

    Another way to find a naturopath is to ask at the local hospitals. Ask the women at the gift shop, or the nurses. That's how mine was found.

  • dmdwins
    dmdwins Member Posts: 454 Member

    Oh man!
    What a tremendous amount of life situations you're going through! And everyone else around you, too. My only advise is to take check of your stress levels. Maybe suggest this to the others around you who are trying to deal, too. The naturopath could help you deal with the stress, but i recommend meditation. It takes practice to get good at it, but even just attempting to do it can quiet your mind, and bring some semblance of relaxation. I know that stress reduction has helped keep my cancer at bay (it was stress that let it run rampant in the first place), and now i feel peaceful, and i'm able to take a deep breath and relax when a stressful situation presents itself.

    Good luck with all of it.

    Another way to find a naturopath is to ask at the local hospitals. Ask the women at the gift shop, or the nurses. That's how mine was found.


    Nice to see you ladies!
    Hi Krista,Emily and Lisa! Its so nice to see your three smiling faces! Its like the "old" days when I first came here. Hope you are all doing well.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Yes looking through the doctors there were only family practice and I'm thinking this isn't going to work. Everything that I've seen is like 1 hour away. Did find one about 20 minutes away but their website was like visiting a pay per view site. You get a link to some other site to answer your questions. He wanted $60 cash to see me plus acupuncture (sp?). Didn't know what to think. Hope you get some good help.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member

    thanks to all
    for the information.

    My aunt doesn't have a computer and I've been at her home since Saturday early a.m. Her son (esophageal cancer, stage 3) has been in and out of the hospital this past week and is scheduled for more surgery today, we're worried how she'll be if he doesn't make it (she'll go nuts for sure). So, forgive me if I don't respond to anything in a timly manner. It's just been CRAZY these past few months what with finding out my aunt has stage 4 colon cancer, her son, stage 3 Esophageal cancer, her husband dying suddenly, dealing with everything that comes with someone close security, insurance, changing the names on all of her things, settling financial issues dealing with the funeral, making sure she gets all benefits she may be entitled to, so many other things and that's on top of trying to make sure she takes care of herself while she worries about her son! She FINALLY goes tomorrow to get a port put in in preparation for chemo/radiation. I think they may start the treatments tomorrow as well, but she said NO (I wasn't there when the Dr. called her so I have no clue but will find out in the morning when I get her to the hospital). She still needs to change her will and do quite a few other things. My head feels like it's going to explode most days, even my prescription meds for migranes isn't working. OMG, now on the phone hearing my brother just overdosed on meds and is in hopsital.

    thanks again for all of your information.

    Oh, Marianne.

    You must be a very strong woman to stand up under all this pressure. So many tough situations to deal with.

    Praying for you, dear.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    just in case you miss it
    i have a post re chemo nutrition and diarrhea.
    lis42 posted about joint pain, have a read its about her naturopaths advice.