What I have learned about diet, nutrition & other therapies

KR1963 Member Posts: 5
I am 48 year old white male. I live in Florida. January 15th, 2010 I was told I had Stage III/IV Squamous Carcinoma. I was told that I had 6-12 months to live. I went the natural route but ran out of money, lost my condo, spent my life savings. Ended up on Disability $674 per month & Medicaid. I qualified for chemo & radiation but I didnt want to do them.

I met a MD who had developed a vaccine. I waited 8 months for him to get it to me. In the meantime I did 30 rounds of radiation, (last one in January). It went from 4.5" on the outside of my neck to flat. But after 2 months it started to grow back, up to 1/4" (March). I had 5 other tumors that did not get radiated. I started with the vaccine last month.

Nine days later they did a PT CAT on me. A week later I got the results. The oncologist told me that the 1/4" he would have to do a biopsy on & see if it was malignant as the SUVmax rating was only 6.0. The 5 other tumors were RESOLVED. I asked him how could that be? He said I DON'T KNOW. I have NO explanation. I knew right then it was the vaccine.

In the meantime the 1/4" tumor has stopped growing. Here is a link below to share more about what I have learned. I hope this can help someone.

cut & paste this:


Here is one email I received today:
I am a dietary subscriber of T. Colin Campbell, Ph D, “whole food plant-based diet” with “no oil” as recommended by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, MD. It’s been working well for me. What have you learned regarding handling cancer? Do you feel your diet was a major factor in beating cancer & what do you recommend? Glad you are getting your health back! Like to meet you in person. – R.F from PA, USA


Of course I am not a Medical Doctor, but I will share what I have learned in fighting this problem myself.

Changing my diet has helped but of course by itself it is not going to defeat cancer, (I thought that once that perhaps this was possible but I see now otherwise). However, there are a few nutritional supplements/substances that I have found that have reduced tumors clinically, (in a controlled lab environment). I will go over what they are below but first I want to give you an idea of why I say that while nutrition & diet play a vital part in your defeating this problem, it is only a part of the solution in terms of overcoming cancer. I will give you an outline of the therapy I have been using & how it works, so that you may better understand this.

for more
cut & patse:


all the best


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi KR

    There is a lot to be said about diet and the effects it plays in the health of people with cancer, eating right is just one of many avenues. Some of the other problems are related to things like the environment and pollution, all things that none of can do anything about. I have not heard of any Vaccines yet that can cure cancer, I do know that there are a lot of different types of herbs that can but the FDA puts a band on the uses of them sometimes.

    Glad to see what you are doing is working for you and hope you live a very long and good life my friend

    All the best
  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi KR

    There is a lot to be said about diet and the effects it plays in the health of people with cancer, eating right is just one of many avenues. Some of the other problems are related to things like the environment and pollution, all things that none of can do anything about. I have not heard of any Vaccines yet that can cure cancer, I do know that there are a lot of different types of herbs that can but the FDA puts a band on the uses of them sometimes.

    Glad to see what you are doing is working for you and hope you live a very long and good life my friend

    All the best

    If you two know of vaccines and herbs that cure cancer, please be kind enough to share them with the rest of us. If not with all of us, at least share them with me so that I can promote them on continuous television ads, make billions and billions of dollars (which I will share with you) and win the Nobel Prize.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678

    If you two know of vaccines and herbs that cure cancer, please be kind enough to share them with the rest of us. If not with all of us, at least share them with me so that I can promote them on continuous television ads, make billions and billions of dollars (which I will share with you) and win the Nobel Prize.

    Thanks in advance.


    Lesson from grandson
    ROFLMAO :>)
  • KR1963
    KR1963 Member Posts: 5
    Hondo said:

    Hi KR

    There is a lot to be said about diet and the effects it plays in the health of people with cancer, eating right is just one of many avenues. Some of the other problems are related to things like the environment and pollution, all things that none of can do anything about. I have not heard of any Vaccines yet that can cure cancer, I do know that there are a lot of different types of herbs that can but the FDA puts a band on the uses of them sometimes.

    Glad to see what you are doing is working for you and hope you live a very long and good life my friend

    All the best

    And you won't hear of them. Why? Because basically the advertisers control the media & the Media don't want to lose the advertising dollars that the Pharma companies pay them (BILIONS).

    Do you read my blog? It has links to videos regarding the vaccines. I know about them & I have been taking them. 5 tumors have disappeared & the 6th one has stopped growing.

    IF you read my piece you will see that eating the right foods only supports good health but isn't going necessarily handle the cancer. There are 3 supplements that have been clinically proven to shrink tumors. I proved the links on my blog.

    Thanks for the good wishes Hondo...
  • KR1963
    KR1963 Member Posts: 5

    If you two know of vaccines and herbs that cure cancer, please be kind enough to share them with the rest of us. If not with all of us, at least share them with me so that I can promote them on continuous television ads, make billions and billions of dollars (which I will share with you) and win the Nobel Prize.

    Thanks in advance.


    Vaccine info
    I did share it with you, Soccerfreak...

    it is on my blog whose link is on my original post, just copy & paste.

    There are links about the vaccine I have been taking & 3 supplements clincally shown to reduce malignancies in a lab setting.

    all the best
  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    diet and cancer
    I have read a lot of books and webs about diet and cancer, most of the success stories used medical methods with diet. I have seen a few that were cured with diet and detox but most were stage two cancers and of those stage two types prostrate and breast were dominate.

    One thing for sure, sugar feeds cancer cells and oxygen starves them.

    Not having much luck pasting the URL, apparently I do not know how. We live in Florida as well.

  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    jim and i said:

    diet and cancer
    I have read a lot of books and webs about diet and cancer, most of the success stories used medical methods with diet. I have seen a few that were cured with diet and detox but most were stage two cancers and of those stage two types prostrate and breast were dominate.

    One thing for sure, sugar feeds cancer cells and oxygen starves them.

    Not having much luck pasting the URL, apparently I do not know how. We live in Florida as well.


    KR - Thanks
    Thanks for your post. Nice to hear a success story and the word getting out that there are alternative ways to deal with cancer. Amazing that most of them work on getting the body to react rather than a chemical solution that treats the sympton, not the cause, and usually with devestating side effects.

    I am finding out about more alternatives with successful and side effect free results.

    Keep it coming KR. For those here open to looking further, you may find the answers you are looking or praying for.

    It is a shame we have to look at these treatments out of desparation rather than as the first line of treatment in many cases. If you start looking, look for survivors and get their personal stories. There are plenty out there.

  • KR1963
    KR1963 Member Posts: 5
    jim and i said:

    diet and cancer
    I have read a lot of books and webs about diet and cancer, most of the success stories used medical methods with diet. I have seen a few that were cured with diet and detox but most were stage two cancers and of those stage two types prostrate and breast were dominate.

    One thing for sure, sugar feeds cancer cells and oxygen starves them.

    Not having much luck pasting the URL, apparently I do not know how. We live in Florida as well.


    to copy & paste
    left click on your mouse & then drag it over the URL
    then hit CTRL C & that will copy the highlighted area to the clip board
    then open a new browser window or tab
    then put the cursor in the address area & hit CTRL V
    it should paste the URL in the address area & then hit RETURN to load the page
    hope that helps
  • KR1963
    KR1963 Member Posts: 5

    KR - Thanks
    Thanks for your post. Nice to hear a success story and the word getting out that there are alternative ways to deal with cancer. Amazing that most of them work on getting the body to react rather than a chemical solution that treats the sympton, not the cause, and usually with devestating side effects.

    I am finding out about more alternatives with successful and side effect free results.

    Keep it coming KR. For those here open to looking further, you may find the answers you are looking or praying for.

    It is a shame we have to look at these treatments out of desparation rather than as the first line of treatment in many cases. If you start looking, look for survivors and get their personal stories. There are plenty out there.


    cancer vaccines
    The interesting thing is is that this is NOT an ALTERNATIVE treatment.

    This is straight tested science from an actual Australian MD.

    I have a college degree but not in science but I got straight As in Calculus & used to write graphics packages in Pascal, so I am no dummy. He has taught me the basic info on his vaccine technology & now he has taught the intermediary stuff.

    This is not a preventative nor disease management. These are targeted handlings, using his tagging methodology. So far his success rate is very high. He has a patent on an AIDS vaccine as well.

    Since he was already ripped off by UCLA & Cedars he does not have any published clinical trials but they are in his patents. His video lecture which is before a cancer symposium, offers before & after x-rays of various cancer patients.
  • SisterSledge
    SisterSledge Member Posts: 332 Member
    KR1963 said:

    Vaccine info
    I did share it with you, Soccerfreak...

    it is on my blog whose link is on my original post, just copy & paste.

    There are links about the vaccine I have been taking & 3 supplements clincally shown to reduce malignancies in a lab setting.

    all the best

    Dr. Sam Chachoua seems to have dropped out of activity from what I can tell...where are you getting his treatments KR1963?