onto the next chemo

kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
edited May 2011 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi everyone, I am hunkered down in my easy chair, waiting for the typhoon to pass over my house (coming in from the Philpines and hitting Japan today) and catching up on the boards. I'm happy to see some new names pop up.

After a short chemo break and much discussion/research/long travels to Tokyo etc etc and prayers (I won't bore you with the details) I have started on my 5th line chemo, irinotecan. It is basically the same thing as topotecan. My doctor, here in Japan prefers it, only because he has used it more often, and my doctor in Seattle told me that either topotecan or irinotecan would be the same. I was hoping to get avastin, but that has not worked out for this time, although I'm continuing to pursue it for the future if I need it.

I had read that it was the easiest of all chemo's for a lot of people and was not expecting the nausea that kicked in, almost right away. Ohter than that, I have had the usual constipation I always have (managed with bowel softeners and laxatives) and fatigue.

When my body gets weak, I tend to get down emotionally, but today I'm coming out of the chemo cloud and gearing up for next Wednesday, when I get hit again. I will be receiving chemo every week for 3 weeks, then one week off.

I will celebrate my 4th anniversary since my 3C dx, next month and bottom line am so very GRATEFUL! and blessed to be alive and have this wonderful oasis to come to for support.

You guys all rock!


  • jloe
    jloe Member Posts: 174
    The fight goes on!
    It really does drain us mentally but I know I would not quit. I'm sure you feel the same. I really got tired of going to the treament every week with one week off. For some reason, it just drove me crazy. The great thing about the Topo is that it's tolerated well. I did notice that by the 3rd one I was little more tired the next day than the previous treatments. Good luck next Wednesday!
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I truly admire your strength, Kathleen. No one would look forward to more of this difficult, amotionally and physically draining journey. But it sounds as though you're facing it head on, and I hear strength and determination in your words.

    I'm sending lots of prayers for you, Kathleen, along with oodles of hugs. Congratulations on hitting the four-year mark! And let us know how you're doing on this new treatment.

  • carolenk
    carolenk Member Posts: 907 Member
    mopar said:

    I truly admire your strength, Kathleen. No one would look forward to more of this difficult, amotionally and physically draining journey. But it sounds as though you're facing it head on, and I hear strength and determination in your words.

    I'm sending lots of prayers for you, Kathleen, along with oodles of hugs. Congratulations on hitting the four-year mark! And let us know how you're doing on this new treatment.


    Rock on, Kathleen!
    Dear Kathleen

    Have you tried acupuncture for the nausea? I started taking acupuncture treatment near the completion of my chemo & I think it helped.

    I used to walk around the house crying for the week after chemo--I'm glad my kids were grown & gone. I can't imagine how you & the others with children to raise manage it!


  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Hi Kathleen
    OMG Kathleen I remember my dad talking about typhoons when he was in World War II. He was stationed in Siapan. He said that was the scariest thing he ever saw. I think that all the stuff that is happening today is scary, earthquakes, tornados, typhoons, etc.

    I was wondering about you and what treatment you were going to go with. Don't you just love our routines. Get chemo, get constipated, get fatigued, get some better..... on then you get to start all over. Wheeee.

    I am the same way when I get weak. I get so down on myself because I have things in my mind that I want to do and then I think....oh I guess I will rest a while.

    Congratulations on your 4th anniversary. Do something fun since you are coming out of the chemo cloud.

    Hugs to you across the miles.
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    unknown said:

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    Be safe Kay
    I hope the bad weather blows the other way. Good luck on your next line of chemo and hopefully the last. Congrats to you for being a 4 year survivor!! Hope ned is coming soon. God bless...val
  • eward
    eward Member Posts: 210
    I hope your nausea will subside quickly. You are such an inspiration and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you prepare for each new round of this chemo.
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    eward said:

    I hope your nausea will subside quickly. You are such an inspiration and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you prepare for each new round of this chemo.

    Wishing you much
    success in your current fight. Will send good thoughts and prayers your way.

  • djinco
    djinco Member Posts: 87
    Love you, Kathleen.
    I love your spunk and tenacity. Keep on fighting the good fight. You are a true inspiration. God be with you now and always and I pray you will not suffer any damage from the Typhoon. It sure seems early for typhoon season. Is it? Keep us posted.

  • djinco
    djinco Member Posts: 87
    unknown said:

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    Love your post, Sheri.
    Too funny, but your right about the poop. I love a sense of humor.
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569
    Just wanted to say hello and good luck. Thinking of you and hoping this new treatment is the one that knocks cancer on it's arse once and for all. I have heard good things about Topetecan. Hopefully you'll get the nausea under control and it won't be an ongoing issue.
    Hugs and prayers,
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    Happy Anniversary!!!
    4 years and and still rocking! I'm so happy for you. I have been celebrating my 5th year anniversary of being diagnosed all this month. I too am soooo grateful. I wake up every morning and feeling as you do "blessed to be alive and to have this wonderful oasis to come to for support". I've been on that three week cycle for 18 months now. It's tough. My counts have remained steady and I'm now on a four week cycle which is like heaven.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • pstur1
    pstur1 Member Posts: 37
    Right on Kathleen!!!!
    Boy, I read your post and said to myself....hmmmm...she just sang my song almost to the the letter of time, stage, and current dealings with chemo.

    In the beginning of all this, I took it all in stride. I did what I was told and so on....went on about my merry way. Now it is getting a little harder to be so merry and on my way anywhere....LOL. I don't know about you but going through my third summer of chemo I am getting a little weary of it all. I don't mind the appts, I don't mind the process, I don't mind any of that....I mind the gosh darn nausea!!!!! About day three of practically being doped out of mind and still in somewhat of a fetal position makes me, like you, get a bit emotionally and mentally out of whack.....how else could we be eh? It is a hard thing at times to focus the mind and bring some peace back...it truly is.

    And then, at the end of the day, I am alive...so it balances out at times too....LOL. I wish you the best of the best on this chemo. I am doing two weeks on, and two weeks off with Gemzar and Carbo this time. Man I HATE Carbo!!!!!! Carbs....give me...hee hee, Carbo....KEEP!!!!

    Be Well Teal sisters!!!!
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    Thanks for the update and
    Thanks for the update and wishes for safety as the typhoon blows over. You are an incredibly gracious lady and my big hope and prayers for you to quash that ugly cancer.
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150
    srwruns said:

    Thanks for the update and
    Thanks for the update and wishes for safety as the typhoon blows over. You are an incredibly gracious lady and my big hope and prayers for you to quash that ugly cancer.

    May you be spared all the "typhoons" in your life. Keep up the good work and good thoughts are coming your way for an easy time with this round. Congrats on the 4 yr mark!

  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi Kathleen
    I am pleased to read your up-date and sorry that you are having chemo again. You have a wonderfully up-beat attitude and I applaud you for that. My attitude is similar to yours and I too count my blessings to still be alive.

    It must be a bit scary sitting in your house listening to a typhoon overhead.

    Good luck with the irinotecan and I hope not only does it work but that you don't suffer too much with the side effects

    Love Tina xx
  • tjpt16
    tjpt16 Member Posts: 27
    I'm in Japan too.
    Hi Kathleen,

    I just read your postiing with excitement. I'm in Japan too. I live at Camp Zama, near Tokyo. I was diagnosed with cancer in Oct. 2009, left Japan and stayed in Houston for nine months getting treatment at MD Anderson. Returned to Japan in Aug. 2010. I've been getting chemo at a local hospital ever since. The Japanese doc gave me three rounds of CPT-11 (irinotecan) with Nedaplatin added the first week of three, then one week off. I returned to MD Anderson for a PET and the cancer had increased. Then the Japanese doc gave me more CPT-11, but infused in over a 24 hour period every two weeks along with 50 mg. of an etoposide pill everyday. Did that from Jan. to May. had a PET scan here and it had grown about .5 cms. Now he started me on 40 mg. of 5FU every other day, will increase to 60 mg. in a couple of weeks, then he wants to do Topotecin, which I thought was something different, but alas, just another name for CPT-11. He was going to try Avastin in Dec., but the head of the hospital said, "NO". Anyway, summer vacation begins soon and I will be back to USA. This time to the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Tulsa.

    I have to go back and read some of your posts to understand more of your journey and how it led you to Japan.

  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    tjpt16 said:

    I'm in Japan too.
    Hi Kathleen,

    I just read your postiing with excitement. I'm in Japan too. I live at Camp Zama, near Tokyo. I was diagnosed with cancer in Oct. 2009, left Japan and stayed in Houston for nine months getting treatment at MD Anderson. Returned to Japan in Aug. 2010. I've been getting chemo at a local hospital ever since. The Japanese doc gave me three rounds of CPT-11 (irinotecan) with Nedaplatin added the first week of three, then one week off. I returned to MD Anderson for a PET and the cancer had increased. Then the Japanese doc gave me more CPT-11, but infused in over a 24 hour period every two weeks along with 50 mg. of an etoposide pill everyday. Did that from Jan. to May. had a PET scan here and it had grown about .5 cms. Now he started me on 40 mg. of 5FU every other day, will increase to 60 mg. in a couple of weeks, then he wants to do Topotecin, which I thought was something different, but alas, just another name for CPT-11. He was going to try Avastin in Dec., but the head of the hospital said, "NO". Anyway, summer vacation begins soon and I will be back to USA. This time to the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Tulsa.

    I have to go back and read some of your posts to understand more of your journey and how it led you to Japan.


    Thank you!
    gals, I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such great support!

    Teresa, I just sent you a PM. We should talk.

    hugs all around,
  • ocalalaurie
    ocalalaurie Member Posts: 34 Member
    Congratulations of 4 years!
    Wanted to congratulate you on your anniversary, and also send my prayers and wishes for strength during your next treatments.
    Yes, this group is definately a wonderful oasis of love and support....
