Mom Update -Surgery Again :( Abscess

We checked Mom into the hospital 1.5 weeks ago for low grade fever and cough. At the time they thought it was pneumonia. She hasn't been able to eat anything since she got here. They have had her on iv nutrients for this whole time. She has been just queasy.

They discovered that she has a fairly large abscess in her abdominal cavity that could be from hysterectomy surgery. They have tried to drain it at xray and can't get to it. What they could drain they cultured and found the bacteria strange is resistent, but they are now treating it with the right medication.

Unfortunately it's not getting better. She's weak, still running fever that has been ongoing for almost 3 weeks. I am very very concerned with her going into surgery. She is weak from chemo, having only finished 2 of 6 so far.

Have any of you had problems with this? She's 76 years old, so I am so very concerned about her :(



  • nempark
    nempark Member Posts: 681
    So sorry about Mom's condition
    I am so sorry that you have to face such a difficult journey with mom. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of this condition. Please talk to the Docs, let them tell you exactly what is going on. A fever for almost three weeks cannot be good. I will keep you and mom in my thoughts and pray that mom feels better. Be well the both of you. June
  • kkstef
    kkstef Member Posts: 688 Member
    So sorry, Edie!
    Edie, I am so sorry to hear the struggle that your Mom is experiencing and I can understand how distraught you must be. I agree, that a temp that long is NOT encouraging. Please have a consult with her physician(s) to understand exactly what is going on, how difficult the surgery is, and what the expectations are and level of risk.

    Please keep us posted. I am sending positive energy for your Mom's healing and big hugs for both of you. You are a dear daughter and I am sure she is grateful to you!

  • ediegram
    ediegram Member Posts: 27
    kkstef said:

    So sorry, Edie!
    Edie, I am so sorry to hear the struggle that your Mom is experiencing and I can understand how distraught you must be. I agree, that a temp that long is NOT encouraging. Please have a consult with her physician(s) to understand exactly what is going on, how difficult the surgery is, and what the expectations are and level of risk.

    Please keep us posted. I am sending positive energy for your Mom's healing and big hugs for both of you. You are a dear daughter and I am sure she is grateful to you!


    Surgery Update
    It was much worse than we thought. Mom had a major abdominal abscess. :( Surgery took over 4 hours. He had no idea how bad it really was, and was shocked that she wasn't feeling much worse from the way it looks. He has no idea how it happened. She will be in ICU for several days. He is most concerned about the abdominal stitches holding together due to the inflammation.

    Thank you for your prayers.

    I will keep you posted.
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    ediegram said:

    Surgery Update
    It was much worse than we thought. Mom had a major abdominal abscess. :( Surgery took over 4 hours. He had no idea how bad it really was, and was shocked that she wasn't feeling much worse from the way it looks. He has no idea how it happened. She will be in ICU for several days. He is most concerned about the abdominal stitches holding together due to the inflammation.

    Thank you for your prayers.

    I will keep you posted.

    Edie you and your Mom remain in my prayers
    Glad your Mom has this surgery behind her. I hope they got the abscess drained and have her on antibiotics that will make her feel better. I had an abd abscess after my 4th chemo, but they were able to drain it with a CT guided scan. They cultured the drainage and I got the correct antibitiotics. I had had robotic surgery and they thought maybe the colon had been knicked during the surgery and formed a track to a lymph node which became infected.

    I hope your Mom begins to feel better and stronger soon. I know this has to be hard on the whole family. I pray for healing and recovery every day for her. In peace and caring.
  • ediegram
    ediegram Member Posts: 27
    Ro10 said:

    Edie you and your Mom remain in my prayers
    Glad your Mom has this surgery behind her. I hope they got the abscess drained and have her on antibiotics that will make her feel better. I had an abd abscess after my 4th chemo, but they were able to drain it with a CT guided scan. They cultured the drainage and I got the correct antibitiotics. I had had robotic surgery and they thought maybe the colon had been knicked during the surgery and formed a track to a lymph node which became infected.

    I hope your Mom begins to feel better and stronger soon. I know this has to be hard on the whole family. I pray for healing and recovery every day for her. In peace and caring.

    Oh Noo
    Wow makes me wonder how safe the robotic surgery is now... that is what my Mom had. She only had two treaments and then started running fever. The Dr said that he is really shocked she wasn't worse off symptom-wise. Surgery was 4 hours, they had to take out a section of her colon too. She will be in ICU for 3-4 days. She was doing "ok" today. Still nauseated. She hasn't run a fever all day which is good news!

    I truly appreciate all of the prayers and well wishes!
  • ediegram
    ediegram Member Posts: 27
    Ro10 said:

    Edie you and your Mom remain in my prayers
    Glad your Mom has this surgery behind her. I hope they got the abscess drained and have her on antibiotics that will make her feel better. I had an abd abscess after my 4th chemo, but they were able to drain it with a CT guided scan. They cultured the drainage and I got the correct antibitiotics. I had had robotic surgery and they thought maybe the colon had been knicked during the surgery and formed a track to a lymph node which became infected.

    I hope your Mom begins to feel better and stronger soon. I know this has to be hard on the whole family. I pray for healing and recovery every day for her. In peace and caring.

    Please.. a break!
    So I arrived this morning to find that my Mom had to have emergency surgery. She had fluid draining from her stitches. They have FINALLY located a perforation in her small intestine. She is back in ICU and on a ventilator right now, which they will take off in about an hour. Poor Mom. I hope and pray for a better day tomorrow.
  • kkstef
    kkstef Member Posts: 688 Member
    ediegram said:

    Please.. a break!
    So I arrived this morning to find that my Mom had to have emergency surgery. She had fluid draining from her stitches. They have FINALLY located a perforation in her small intestine. She is back in ICU and on a ventilator right now, which they will take off in about an hour. Poor Mom. I hope and pray for a better day tomorrow.

    Oh, Edie, I am so sorry to hear about this horrendous story! It is hard to believe all that your Mom has gone through and how frightened, upset, and yes, maybe angry, you must be. Am thinking that you are exhausted and are in need of some support.

    We appreciate your updates as so many of us are worried about you both! Positive, healing energy continues to flow your way along with HUGE HUGS!!

  • ediegram
    ediegram Member Posts: 27
    kkstef said:

    Oh, Edie, I am so sorry to hear about this horrendous story! It is hard to believe all that your Mom has gone through and how frightened, upset, and yes, maybe angry, you must be. Am thinking that you are exhausted and are in need of some support.

    We appreciate your updates as so many of us are worried about you both! Positive, healing energy continues to flow your way along with HUGE HUGS!!


    Mom Update
    Thank you Karen for your message. I agree...this has been a nightmare. :( Mom was taken off of ventilator @3 yesterday and has been doing awesome. I am glad that her oncologist called a general surgeon in with him yesterday for surgery. Because she had recently had surgery, they couldn't get her belly together enough for stitching. Therefore they are using a wound vac :( This is going to be a long road to recovery.

    Thank you for thoughts and prayers.
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    ediegram said:

    Mom Update
    Thank you Karen for your message. I agree...this has been a nightmare. :( Mom was taken off of ventilator @3 yesterday and has been doing awesome. I am glad that her oncologist called a general surgeon in with him yesterday for surgery. Because she had recently had surgery, they couldn't get her belly together enough for stitching. Therefore they are using a wound vac :( This is going to be a long road to recovery.

    Thank you for thoughts and prayers.

    Edie so sorry to hear you Mom had to have another surgery
    This has really been some nightmare for all of you. So sorry you all have to got through this. Wound vacs are very successful in helping the healing process. I pray for continued healing and strength for you Mom. And I pray for continued strenghth and courage for you. One day a time. In peace and caring.
  • TiggersDoBounce
    TiggersDoBounce Member Posts: 408
    ediegram said:

    Mom Update
    Thank you Karen for your message. I agree...this has been a nightmare. :( Mom was taken off of ventilator @3 yesterday and has been doing awesome. I am glad that her oncologist called a general surgeon in with him yesterday for surgery. Because she had recently had surgery, they couldn't get her belly together enough for stitching. Therefore they are using a wound vac :( This is going to be a long road to recovery.

    Thank you for thoughts and prayers.

    You and she has certainly been through a nightmare!

    Hoping she continues to do awesome...Check in and let us know how you are all doing!

  • ediegram
    ediegram Member Posts: 27

    You and she has certainly been through a nightmare!

    Hoping she continues to do awesome...Check in and let us know how you are all doing!


    Mom Update
    Everyone at the hospital keeps telling me that Mom is "doing great and she's a stronge woman". I have to trust in their assessment because to me she seems very frail. She was moved from ICU to a regular room tonight and is resting peacefully. They changed the dressings out of her open abdomen, and I'm just glad that I wasn't there for that. My brother said she was very strong and just closed her eyes. They have to do it again on Wednesday, I wish I could take her pain away :(

    Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    ediegram said:

    Mom Update
    Everyone at the hospital keeps telling me that Mom is "doing great and she's a stronge woman". I have to trust in their assessment because to me she seems very frail. She was moved from ICU to a regular room tonight and is resting peacefully. They changed the dressings out of her open abdomen, and I'm just glad that I wasn't there for that. My brother said she was very strong and just closed her eyes. They have to do it again on Wednesday, I wish I could take her pain away :(

    Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

    Edie thanks for the update
    I know this has to be very difficult for you and your family, and especially on your Mom. Look for all the positives ......moved out of ICU, your Mom is doing great and she's a strong woman, she's resting peacefully. I am sure that you being there helps your Mom's pain more than you will ever know. Continue to take it one day and a time and celebrated each little victory. You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for healing and strength for all of you. In peace and caring.
  • grace_of_god
    grace_of_god Member Posts: 31
    Your poor Mama!

    Edie I found you by searching "abscess".  I'm being treated for post Davinci radical hysterectomy infection.  Boy have you put things in perspective for me.  I had chills, sweats and dry heaves off and on for almost a month, spent 5 days in the hospital and had a drain put in my abdomen.  Don't know yet if I will need it moved or removed in a few days when I will find out from a cat scan.  My case seems so minor now that I've seen what your poor mom has been going through.  I sure hope she is on the mend and has no further complications.  You're a good daughter staying on top of it all.   

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,471 Member
    Grace, this is a very old

    Grace, this is a very old thread, and I see that Edie hasn't been on since 2011.  I think the older threads are good to read, there is a lot of good advice and love in them, but some of the women (or thier daughters) probably won't reply.  As I said, good reading though, as I learned a lot of things from many of the ladies who had posted here.