Almost there.....

Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
edited May 2011 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Mom's breathing has slowed down.....she is sleeping peacefully.....I don't feel anyone coming to get her...I don't feel God.....I don't want her to be alone as she moves on to the other world....we are here for her on this side...but I am fearful there isn't anyone on the other waiting for her.....I had no idea I would have this fear...but it is strong.... I want to thank all of you ladies for all your support over the past 22 months...I would have never ever gotten through this without you....although I have never met most of you in person, I feel like you have become my closest have been with me though every chemo, every fight with my siblings, every anguish, and every hopeful moment....I could not have done this journey without each and every one of you....I came to the board after every post, like a child on x-mas morning, please let there be a gift...a response....and always there was.......No one came down on me when I reamed out the girl who was going to inspire us, because she had menstrual issues....or if I made a stupid comment or insensitive post...I find that my life is irrevocably changed, as is my view of friendship.....I pray that my most recent and revealing posts have not made any of you sad, and I want you all to know that I could not have gotten through the past few weeks without my "journal"......I carry my computer everywhere and use this board as my lifeline...thanks all you dear dear ladies....for your unconditional support......please pray for my Mom and for someone/angel or something to greet her.....Sincerely, Lisa Fang Fish Jack.....


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    Lisa I am crying as I post this
    I do not know your mom personally but I know her through your words of love. I am glad she is peaceful and you are by her side. I have beeb with many people when they passed and it is always calming in a weird sort of way. Most of my pts know when the end is near and want a loved by their side. You to rest dear girl and please take care of yourself. Don't be afraid your mom WILL have some one to great her when the time comes....God bless...val
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    I am so sad for you, dear
    I am so sad for you, dear Lisa.

    Your mom was there to welcome you and W into the world, and you girls will be there when it's time for her to leave. Both of those things are a great honor and a privilege.

    You have brought us much joy and insight, Lisa. Please don't leave us after this chapter in your life is over.

  • jbeans888
    jbeans888 Member Posts: 313
    Live is all
    Lisa, I am so sad to hear about your mom, but I want you to know that I really do enjoy reading all your posts or "journal" entries. You are a great daughter and you should be proud of yourself. I am sure your mom is proud of you for being a great daughter. Having somebody like your mom passing is the hardest thing to deal with, but she will live on in your heart and her soul will be free. I know she will be greeted just as one day she will great you. She will be going home to our father above.
  • Anita1216
    Anita1216 Member Posts: 58
    You are standing on the edge
    You are standing on the edge of something both beautiful and terribly frightening. My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with your mother. I cannot imagine your pain and grief, but I know how much you love her.

    There will be a time when I come back here, wearing these same shoes Im sure and its sad. I know that no matter how much we fight and struggle, things will be what they are meant to be. I take comfort in that and try to find peace in the joy of everyday.

    Huge hugs to you and your family.
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    I am praying and smiling and crying all at the same time. You write with so much passion, and eloquence. I'd like to think there is someone waiting for your mom on the other side. Perhaps my mother will there to welcome her. These boards have become my lifeline as well. I just find comfort here. It's been a honor getting to 'Know you" . I've always looked forward to your posts and I hope you continue to visit the boards and check in on your girls.
    Big hugs and prayers,
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    I wish you peace
    Thank-you for sharing your Mom and yourself. As a mother of two daughters who are as different as night and day like you and your sister I am very happy to think you have each other to lean on and you will.
    You are a wonderful daughter and although your posts were about a sad topic it made me happy to kinow you are there for your Mom. She has her angels on earth, you and your sister, so I'm sure there are angels on the other side waiting for her.
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    My thoughts are with you and
    My thoughts are with you and your Mom. This board has been a place of refuge for me also. Let it continue to be for you also.
  • Mum2bellaandwilliam
    Mum2bellaandwilliam Member Posts: 412
    srwruns said:

    My thoughts are with you and
    My thoughts are with you and your Mom. This board has been a place of refuge for me also. Let it continue to be for you also.

    Lisa ((hugs)) honey. Your
    Lisa ((hugs)) honey. Your post moved me to tears , it is beautiful.
    You have gone through this journey with your mum with such grace, you are a fab daughter, your mum must be so proud of you.
    Take care , praying for your mum and you xxxxx
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    God bless you and your mom
    I understand your fear about no one coming for your mom. All of our journeys would be so much easier if we knew for sure what we were going to. I have lost the love of my life, many family members and friends and do not feel them at all. I hope when the time comes we will be pleasantly surprised. I am glad your mom is peaceful. Maybe she is feeling what we cannot. I am so glad I can be here for you.

  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Thank YOU
    LIsa, for being so open and sharing your life and mom's with us. You have not only shared your story, but supported so many of us with your encouragment. When your mom gets those gorgeous wings, I hope you don't fly away too soon. Please check in on us as you have the energy and strength.
    Warm hugs to you today,