Im going to fire my ONC!!!

dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
I just cant believe this doctor. I had my scans on Monday, actually saw him on Monday too. I asked him why he wouldnt write the letter in support of my compassionate transfer. He looked me in the eyes and said he had been asked to do that before but has always said no because there is no proof that stress has anything to do with cancer. I about lost it, and I dont know maybe he is right but every Doctor I have ever had has always said that stress is a big factor in reoccurances of cancer, and to reduce your stress would be extremely important to your health. I think reducing stress is an overall good thing for any person, and that it does affect your health (negatively). Well I ended up crying, I just told him I am under your care, I am stressed out completely and I am stage 4, and If being in a less stresssed environment would help me then you should support that. He said he would write a letter to the fact that he would recommend the transfer but would not say in any shape or form that stress causes reoccurances.

Oh and the kicker is he left today for South Africa for 2 weeks without me getting my results. Going to try and call to see if another doctor will give me the results...



  • SisterSledge
    SisterSledge Member Posts: 332 Member
    You can go to the records room at your hospital and get the pathology report for your scan. You can go to radiology and request the images from your scan on disc too, if you want. Nobody has to await their onc for this info.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    dorookie -

    I don't know the full story here, but I do know that physicians
    in particular, do not want to end up involved in any form of litigation.

    Getting tied up in court over some employment matter, can take
    them away from their other patient's health needs.

    Let's say he writes that letter for you, and your employer ignores
    your request and that letter. If you do battle, it's going to require
    your physician to go to court and testify to your situation, probably
    a few times at least.

    Employment concerns can end up with the Government's involvement
    if there's any type of disability, or unemployment benefits involved.

    How much time will your physician lose, filing court ordered forms,
    making depositions, and court appearances?

    I would take a real deep breath, and ask my GP for advice.

    My GP has taken time to do things the other idiots ignored.
    She's not afraid to write a letter, where the surgeon, oncologist,
    and others, avoided doing.

    I realize it doesn't seem fair, but if the physician has been OK
    for your more important needs, don't toss out the baby with
    the bath water......

    Ask another doc, and give this one a free pass....If he's worth it.
    If not...? Move on; find another onco... There's one on every
    corner down here in sunny Floriduh.

    Oh..... I just go to the hospital (or lab) that took the scans,
    and get copies of the scans and the reports. You are entitled
    to copies of your own records.

    Best wishes....

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Fire That Doctor
    You deserve another doctor and don't delay. He doesn't need you, you need someone that is there for you. What a rotten doctor. Oh I'm so mad. Let us know when you fire this incompetent doctor!!!

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member

    Fire That Doctor
    You deserve another doctor and don't delay. He doesn't need you, you need someone that is there for you. What a rotten doctor. Oh I'm so mad. Let us know when you fire this incompetent doctor!!!


    Hey Beth....
    I thought you already had a letter from your PCP on this matter???? Why would you need more? Or did I misunderstand??? My Onc had to fill out paperwork (office girls did...he just signed it) for my husbands FMLA he uses when he helps me with anything. I had to take them back to my Onc 2 times because hubbies work needed them very very detailed. My oncs office basically asked what I wanted the paperwork to say I needed my husband to do for me on any given day...and they agreed that that "COULD" be required for my well being. No proof had to be provided that this was a ..simply what a stage IV patient needs to help with survival. The same applies to you..... You are not asking him to prove stress can cause recurrance..... but rather as a stage IV patient your survival depends on a less stressful job so you can concentrate on staying alive..... Just give me his number..I'll call the mf'er! I'm with you Kim...just irritates me. I do agree with John that if he is a good doctor but just has paperwork should keep him....but if you are not satisified in other areas.... can him! Move on.... Will your PCP write the letter if she/he hasn't already????? I know its frustrating but you will work it thru. Take care

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Oh Beth
    I am ready to strangle your onc for you! I'm so sorry that he has added to the stress you've already been dealing with- what a jerk! I'd fire him if I were you- but look around first before you burn any bridges.

    As SisterSledge said- you don't need to wait for a doctor to get your results. I go every time I get a scan straight to the records room and request a copy of my report. They have to give it to you, no questions asked- it is your right under "patients' rights".
    The onc office may like you to think you have to wait for them to review the report first, but you do not! Too bad if he doesn't like it- he wasn't worrying about what you thought with your work request.

    Beth- I am praying for you- your stress level has to be huge right now- praying to send relaxation and stress relief (and of course good results on the scan).

    Lisa (pm me any time you want to "talk" :)
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Beth my friend,
    You deserve a much more caring and informed onc than this guy. He needs to read some of the research. I hope and pray all goes well with your transfer. Thinking of you.

  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    I am soooo sorry! Making you
    I am soooo sorry! Making you wait for the results is hard enough and on top of it argueing with you about stress....Try try try to take a breath and recoup. I hope the letter gets you transferred and you get your results soon!

    Love and hugs, Gail
  • Livingbyfaith
    Livingbyfaith Member Posts: 55
    I way agree with the others, fire this doctor and get another. We went thru two before finding one we really like, who talks to us, gives us the necessary information, etc. This is too important to have an oncologist that is absent minded. Our first would not talk to me, just my husband while he was half sedated. The second was absent minded and gave my husband a very powerful chemo that ended him up in the hospital. We are now happy, by the way hubby also stage IV. We have friends who have very long term survival stage IV, am praying that will be your story.
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Whatever you do do not pull your hair out! Too many of of us have been fighting to keep ours!

    Seriously, I am sorry this onc has added stress to an already stressful situation.
  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    What country are you in?
    Many of the answers here may differ if you are outside the US.

    That said, what is your goal with the letter? Do you want to stop working? Be transferred to a less stressful department?

    In and of itself stress is a health issue, and an argument can be made for disability just on those grounds. Adding cancer into the mix ( particularly Stage IV) is just icing on the cake.

    Define your goals for us, as well as any local laws that work in your favor, and we may be able to help with a strategy to meet them. From what I have read, dumping your doctor is probably not the right solution here.
  • BettyJoM
    BettyJoM Member Posts: 82

    You can go to the records room at your hospital and get the pathology report for your scan. You can go to radiology and request the images from your scan on disc too, if you want. Nobody has to await their onc for this info.

    I did not know that Janine

    I did not know that Janine
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I don't blame you for being upset! Hope you can find another, more compassionate doctor.
