Strength for those going through cancer

This is my first post on CSN. I wish I had found this site a year ago because it probably would have helped me cope a little better to talk with other cancer patients. I am currently in remission for almost one year. My cancer was found when a D & C was performed. I had a hysterectomy and it was found that the cancer had metastasized to the tip of the colon, the omentum, and there was a vaginal tumor. The doctor removed all the cancer during surgery. To be cautious we decided I should undergo chemo and radiation. I had chemo every 3 weeks for 3 times, then 6 weeks of radiation, and another round of chemo. My reactions were that I was very weak and slept alot. I had significant trouble making it to the bathroom in time, but after the treatments that got back to normal. I had horrible, excruciating pain from the Neulasta shot. The pain was in my legs and low back and pelvic region. I finally learned that I could take a "cocktail" of 2 Benydril tabs. and 1 Aleve every 12 hours to take the edge off the pain.
Emotionally, I managed pretty well, but I know so much of it was because I have such strong family support. I had many people praying for me, even people I don't know from family members churches, etc. My biggest support was from God! I had a growing relationship with God throughout this time and even to present. I was in a class for Bible study. Our study was in Isaiah. This year was a true faith walk for me. God has taken me through many experiences in this trial, and taught me many things. I so strongly encourage anyone who is experiencing this illness to find your courage, strength and hope in God.
I still have problems with mobility because I was sedentary for so long. I have to force myself to move and try to get some exercise. My muscles are weak and I need to find ways to build them back up again.
For now I am doing well. My last PET scan was in March with no findings. Praise God! I am on this sight to share my experiences, but to also offer hope and help to anyone who would like to talk to me about their own stories. God Bless you all! You are strong, brave people who will grow immensely as you heal. I truly hope I can help.


  • upsofloating
    upsofloating Member Posts: 466 Member
    Thank you Desertrose for
    Thank you Desertrose for joining us and sharing your story. That is wonderful news that your treatment was so successful. All the success stories are indeed uplifting to us all. May your NED conditon continue and your health level keep improving.
    Welcome to the club no one wants to join.
  • DesertRose8
    DesertRose8 Member Posts: 6

    Thank you Desertrose for
    Thank you Desertrose for joining us and sharing your story. That is wonderful news that your treatment was so successful. All the success stories are indeed uplifting to us all. May your NED conditon continue and your health level keep improving.
    Welcome to the club no one wants to join.

    Thank you
    Thank you upsofloating for your reply. You story is quite intense, and I am so thankful for you that you are now well. There is much more I can tell about my experience and the 2-1/2 years prior of neglect from my OB/GYN. I, like you, want to remain positive on this site so as to be an encouragement to others. I am grateful to God for bringing me through this and prayerful that He will see me through. It's so nice to hear from you and I will welcome any comments you have to share.
  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    Calling on a Higher Power
    DesertRose, glad you shared this experience with us. It helps me a great deal to be able to call on God for strength. Prayer has helped me in the dark times. May you continue to be blessed.
  • DesertRose8
    DesertRose8 Member Posts: 6
    norma2 said:

    Calling on a Higher Power
    DesertRose, glad you shared this experience with us. It helps me a great deal to be able to call on God for strength. Prayer has helped me in the dark times. May you continue to be blessed.

    Thank you
    Awww, thank you so much Norma2! God has brought me through so much! It bothered me that as I read the many stories on this site, that people were not commenting on God. I know I could not have gotten through my experience without Him. If I could tell you everything He did for me you would be so amazed. I love Him more now than I ever have before, and that says a lot because I have been a Christian my entire life. I joined this site to help others go to God through their tough times. Anyone who wants to talk about the Lord is most welcome to contact me. Thank you again Norma2, I love your picture. You look like such a sweet Godly woman.