"Most Authoritative Report on Colorectal Cancer and Diet Ever Conducted: Links With Meat,Fiber Confi

coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
edited May 2011 in Colorectal Cancer #1
at medicalnewstoday.com/releases/226137.php

Also, just came across this site:jco.ascopubs.org

the Journal of Clinical Oncology of ASCO, the current (5/20) issue of which has two items on oxi plus787/ZK222584 (Vatalanib), an experimental drug that didn't seem too promising,,,,Writing is scientific but you can get the gist of it (I think)

Empower her had brief article in resvertatrol and colon cancer:empowerher.com/print/10445679

has item on shiitake mushroom

is interesting,"....why cancee smart drugs may not be so smart" referring to Erbitux and serum EGFR confusion with EGFR

also, an earlier item on "Yervoy", a new drug to rev up immune system:medicalxpress.com/print223894307.html

while Imprime PGG is now going into Phase III:http://it.tmcnet.com/news.2011/05/18/5520245.htm

There's lots of research going on;too bad it takes so long to prove useful.....

Just saw this one on HIPEC at:www.hindawi.com/isrn/surgery/2011/529876/

provides a current list of "Drugs Approved for Colon and Rectal Cancer" by FDA
