Good News :)

KateNTx Member Posts: 39
Well, So Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but entire day was devoured by Oncologist, Radiologist (Hector the Awesome), and a drive to the Neurologist who we saw this morning.
Now, for the Good News~~MRI shows NO spread to the brain!!!!! My biggest fear after the weekend of Hell was ENTIRELY unfounded! *Jumping for joy*
As best as his treatment team can figure out, this most recent type of Chemo is incompatable w/his Parkinson's disease. So they are going to administer the meds one at a time, in the hope of determining exactly which drug caused the adverse reaction, and replacing it with one that (hopefully) will not.
Our next Chemo is Monday, so I will update after.


  • tanker sgv
    tanker sgv Member Posts: 124 Member
    Congradulatoins, always
    Congradulatoins, always happy to hear good news. Best of luck with the treatments..
  • mswijiknyc
    mswijiknyc Member Posts: 421
    Good news is good news!! Enjoy some happy hun you deserve it :)
  • neverquit
    neverquit Member Posts: 220 Member
    That is good news. My best
    That is good news. My best goes out to you.