Surgery is done. Busy night for Tom

ArchTB Member Posts: 150
Hi everyone,

Thank you Susie, William, Linda and others for your thoughts and wishes. Happy anniversary to William! I think this day would be equally memorable for me and Tom.

The surgery went well but not without some commotion. The building had fire alarm going off TWICE during the day. But apparently the OR did not hear anything and was not affected by the alarms and fire safety people running around.

The surgery was nearly 12 hours long, MIE robotically assisted. We saw Tom only briefly after the surgery, since visitors are not allowed to stay long in the post-op unit. He looked like $#!7 of course, but doing good! Heart rate, blood pressure, lungs - everything seem to be normal. The surgeon said that everything went well. So, Tom had a busy night - staying mostly awake to wear off the anestesia, doing breathing excercises, and sitting down and getting up this morning. Right now he is supposed to be taken to his room for few hours of rest after which we can finally see him.

I will keep you posted on our progress. Susie, Brendon, I know your big day is coming up soon. Good luck to you, stay strong!



  • snook717
    snook717 Member Posts: 45
    So Glad to hear the surgery
    So Glad to hear the surgery went well. I know what your feeling right now my Gpa just has the MIE on Monday. The waiting is terrible to say the least! Will keep you guys in my prayers while we go through "the waiting" together.

  • Unknown
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  • Susie_Brendon
    Susie_Brendon Member Posts: 128
    Terrific News!
    I am so happy that you now have the surgery behind you...even though the immediate recooperation will be strenuous for sure. I have been saying prayers the last couple of days for the both of you!! So, Tom is lookin' a little rough around the edges... this too will get better and he will be up bugging you before you know it!!!

    Thank you for the update! I will continue praying for a quick recovery and for you to stay strong and healthy. Be sure to get your rest...he will need you!!!

    We fly out a week from today...the count down is on... BRING IT!!!

    All our love,
  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    be ready for good & not-so-good days
    glad to hear surgery went well! Hang on--there will be good days & not so good days. Take care of yourself too...