My sauna detox week

lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
Hi Everyone,

I completed the sauna detox this past week. For those of you who don't know, I agreed to undergo a sauna detox week through my naturopathic doctor's clinic in Encinitas, CA (the Center for Advanced Medicine- if anyone wants to look at their website, it's
Anyhow, I survived it & am glad I did it. It was kind of torture at times, but also really good. Monday wasn't as bad as I thought- started w/ a blood draw and then a dr appt to go over my former bio-meridian testing, discuss what the goal is, what to expect, what my schedule for the week was, etc. I did four 15 min sauna sessions on Monday. Showers and changing cotton gowns in between each session. Tuesday- six 20 min sauna sessions with showers, taking blood pressure, and taking needed minerals and supplements in between each. Also an IV of minerals and a colonic. The colonic was torture for me- a big tube shoved up the rear and flushing out. I didn't think I could go through with it. Due to radiation and whatever, my rectum is quite narrow now and it really hurt. I don't think it would be painful for anyone without my problem. Anyhow, they wanted me to do another colonic Thursday and I bowed out of it- told them I have diarrhea anyhow so I feel pretty cleaned out. I actually had bowel movements after almost every sauna session. Probably the detox/cleansing process. Also had a lymphatic massage on Tuesday- that was actually very nice. Wed- six sauna sessions of 20-25 min each. Tues and Wed were the toughest days- felt ill most of the afternoon and evening those days. Thursday seemed much easier- still six 25 min sauna sessions and an IV, but I didn't feel sick at all that day. Friday- A little tougher again so far as how I was feeling (lots of detox- running to the bathroom a lot). Friday afternoon- met w/ another dr. there and he redid my bio-meridian testing. Retested everything (ranging from pesticides, chemicals, metals, allergies, parasites, minerals, vitamin levels, etc. No parasites this time- I believe I got rid of the crytosporidium and I forgot what the other was- I did some parasite cleanses a couple of weeks back and I guess they worked. Pesticides, chemicals, and metals all were reduced- in the three tested chemical sections, only one of the three even showed up anymore and it was also reduced. I formerly showed candida albicans (which is a form of yeast) and it no longer showed up.

This coming Wednesday, I'm going back for a follow up appt and I'm supposedly going to have my allergies treated. He said I have one of the highest reaction numbers to dairy he's ever seen. He'll work on that, as well as my airborne allergies, wheat, corn, and I think even my cat allergy. For the airborne and cats, I have to bring two baggies- one with some cat hair and hopefully some dander from the skin of one of my cats. For the other one, I am supposed to put a wet cloth outside for a couple of days beforehand to catch all the stuff floating in the air (we live in an area with lots of trees and pollens- you can actually see all the stuff flying around in the air). I feel a bit hesitant in if this will actually work but, if it does, I will be shouting it from the rooftops. I guess during the allergy "clearing", I hold the offending item in the palm of my hand and the doctor "treats" me by using some kind of electronic device along my back and on certain other "meridian" places on my body. Supposedly, in one or maybe two session max, my allergies for these items will be cleared. Years ago, I went for allergy shots- 3 shots a week for 3 years & it really didn't even help me. If this can really work, it will be amazing. It's not that much- $55 for each clearing, so I figure what do I have to lose trying it. I will let you all know how it goes!

I am actually going to do the sauna detox week one more time- the week after next (week of May 23rd). I am hoping all my metals, pesticides, and chemicals will come down to normal. The chemical will always stay a bit elevated due to the chemo, but there was so much chemical in me that it could have been a combo of past chemos, plus I remember my mom used to spray malathion all over our yard all the time as a girl. We used to flea bomb our house too, probably 2 or 3 times a year. The doctor told me all that is so bad and to only use organic insect killers from now on & to definitely never use anything like Raid again!

Oh- for all of you who believe in miracles (or even if you are skeptical), listen to this... Thursday afternoon, one of the nurses came running into the sauna room to tell us about the best friend of one of the doctor's wives. She was apparently diagnosed w/ colon cancer about a month ago (stage IV w/ numerous liver mets). She was told to start chemo right away, but she was hesitant and was wanting to get another opinion, so she still had not done any kind of treatment. She is apparently a strong believer in the Lord and so are several of her friends and all four doctors at this clinic I'm going to. Anyhow, it had been 4 wks since they found it was stage IV & so her onc wanted to do another PET scan. She was in the Center for Advanced Medicine clinic where I'm going that day and asked for her friends to pray over her, as she was very nervous going in for this scan. The results came back Thursday and NO CANCER anywhere in her body... the doctors were amazed, esp since she hadn't even started chemo yet or done anything at all yet. They all said it was a miracle! You know, when I used to hear things like this, I would be happy for them, but sad for myself and talk to God and say "Why not me, God? I'm a believer and have faith that you could heal me too". But you know, I didn't feel that way this time. I was truly excited for her- moved to tears over believing it was the awesomeness of God who healed her, but I really feel like I'm going to be okay and that God has a plan for me, even if it has been 3 yrs, 9 months since my stage IV diagnosis. I have a peace and actually even a joy about it all, I really do.

Well, I feel like I was led to this place where I'm going now & I'm going to keep working with them. One thing I also like is that the doctors, even though they're naturopaths, don't completely dis everything western like chemo, like many holisitic type practioners do. They're hoping I'll be able to get to a place where I won't need the chemo, but they recognize that I do need it right now. So, this Tuesday is a chemo week for me & then I'll do another sauna week the next week. Oh- I also get my CEA drawn again this week- should have my results on Thursday. I'm nervous, I'll definitely admit that. It was 295 last time. I will update you when I have more information.

Take care, everyone-
Lisa :)


  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    I was wondering how those
    I was wondering how those sauna treatments were going...thanks for posting how it was going. As a kid I grew up with a sauna in our basement, mom is a Swede (what can I say), it was the best after playing out in the snow all day. My parents always had these aromatic branches with dried leaves on them and you'd whack this plant on your back to open the pores or something..I suppose it was some kind of herbal treatment for them.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    smokeyjoe said:

    I was wondering how those
    I was wondering how those sauna treatments were going...thanks for posting how it was going. As a kid I grew up with a sauna in our basement, mom is a Swede (what can I say), it was the best after playing out in the snow all day. My parents always had these aromatic branches with dried leaves on them and you'd whack this plant on your back to open the pores or something..I suppose it was some kind of herbal treatment for them.

    Dr. Nelson is one of the doctors at the center & is a Swede too. I didn't have to whack myself with a branch, though, lol! We did take niacin first thing when we got there to get a flush, which was supposed to open the pores for more sweating.

    Take care Smokey Joe!

  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    Dear Lisa
    I'm very very glad to know that your detox sauna went well! Please keep up the good progress and I will pray for a good CEA for you.

    I also believe in miracle and believe God heals our sickness and our hearts. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful case with us.

    Take good care and believe God will heal you!
    Love Dora
  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member
    luvmum said:

    Dear Lisa
    I'm very very glad to know that your detox sauna went well! Please keep up the good progress and I will pray for a good CEA for you.

    I also believe in miracle and believe God heals our sickness and our hearts. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful case with us.

    Take good care and believe God will heal you!
    Love Dora

    I was wondering how the
    I was wondering how the sauna detox was going. You are so strong in every way. Thanks for sharing that story. I believe it!
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    what a post some detox, a miracle and some joy
    dear lisa,

    your faith in all things is inspiring. Thanks for sharing your journey and what an amazing journey you are on. if you ever want a little lift watch the video in the integrative medicine post, its really uplifting for me.

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Dear Lisa,thank you for
    Dear Lisa,thank you for sharing all the details of your treatments with us.I am glad it is working and you are doing good.You are in my prayers as always.Pray for great success of your treatments.Wish you the best.Take care.
  • MrsJP
    MrsJP Member Posts: 157
    Thank you
    Just wanted to thank you for sharing.

    Thinking of you.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Hoping and praying that this works great for you. Glad that things are falling into place. Hoping that you feel better after detox and you notice some difference.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Thanks, everyone for your replies. :)

    I'm pretty sure that tomorrow morning before chemo, that they'll be drawing for an updated CEA. The last one was 295. It's gone up, down, up, down each time lately & last time was an "up", so I'm praying this time it goes down again, but significantly. I should have my results by Thursday, so I will let you know what the CEA has done.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    You're THE woman, Lisa!
    Wow. I don't think I'd be strong enough to do that!

  • tootsie1 said:

    You're THE woman, Lisa!
    Wow. I don't think I'd be strong enough to do that!


    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Your Rock! You never cease to inspire me with each and every post. Your love and concern for all on this board, your sharing all the joys and bumps in the road with your own jouney and the journey of others brings more comfort and hope than even you realize.

    Sounds like the week from H*%l so you hang in there and thanks for sharing everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.

    Love ya - Tina
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Just a Quick Note...
    I know we talked via PM, but just wanted to reiterate how proud I am of what you are doing. It certainly sounds like this is an intense regimen to be sure, especially from what you described.

    I know you're at that point of needing to "branch out" and I cannot blame you one bit.

    I sincerely hope that it works the way you drew it up on the map:)

    Continuing to be with you during these trying times and always hopeful for good news from you, Lisa.

    I realize what I've gone through is nothing in comparison to you - whenever I feel sorry for myself, I always think of what Lisa is doing and then I zip my mouth - well, most of the time, LOL:)

    Well, back to work - I stepped back into a ring of fire this week and am working with vendors in the lab this week, so there was no time to breath - just head long back into it.

    The best always!

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    You Go Girl!
    Other Lisa,

    Like Craig we've "talked" by PM but I wanted to tell you on here how proud of you I am. I know how hard it is to do the what goes against the "norm" but mostly I know exactly what you mean by being desperate. There are so many emotions involved with cancer but that feeling of being desperate is one of the tougher ones.

    The one thing I remember the most about the differences between eastern and western approaches were the amount of time and money invested. Money only because our health insurance doesn't pay for any of the things yet. One day I hope they figure how that it really is about health and wellness and not about financially supporting an outdated and narrow minded medical industry.

    The time and energy needed for eastern vs western is very different. It's not just about popping a pill, there is so much more awareness involved. I am still amazed at how much I have learned and I love seeing all the new data coming out confirming that we can positively impact our outcomes and help prevent recurrences.

    You are one of the true examples of a pioneer here and we all respect and admire you for what you are doing and how honest and open you have been sharing your experiences.

    Thank you so much!
    Lisa P.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Hi Graci,

    The "first Lisa" you met probably would not have done this- you are right! But, you get more desperate, you do more desperate things! My current chemo (and there does not seem to be any more chemo combos that my onc knows of to use anymore)- well the current chemo is not doing the job I'd like it to do- that is make tumors shrink and go away! I just find all of these alternative/holistic treatments so fascinating.

    I will let you know how the follow up and allergy tests go. I'm still a bit skeptical on them & I don't understand how it's going to work either, but it's not a huge amount of money and my allergies cause me such misery that it's worth it to me to try it, since I really don't even get much relief from my antihistamines or nasal spray. The biggie that they'll be working on (in addition to the airborne allergies) will be the allergy/sensitivity to milk products, wheat, and corn. Those are what cause most of my gut upsets- I will be able to eat a lot more food without problems anymmore if this actually works.

    Take care,
    the "new Lisa" (smiles)
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    scouty said:

    You Go Girl!
    Other Lisa,

    Like Craig we've "talked" by PM but I wanted to tell you on here how proud of you I am. I know how hard it is to do the what goes against the "norm" but mostly I know exactly what you mean by being desperate. There are so many emotions involved with cancer but that feeling of being desperate is one of the tougher ones.

    The one thing I remember the most about the differences between eastern and western approaches were the amount of time and money invested. Money only because our health insurance doesn't pay for any of the things yet. One day I hope they figure how that it really is about health and wellness and not about financially supporting an outdated and narrow minded medical industry.

    The time and energy needed for eastern vs western is very different. It's not just about popping a pill, there is so much more awareness involved. I am still amazed at how much I have learned and I love seeing all the new data coming out confirming that we can positively impact our outcomes and help prevent recurrences.

    You are one of the true examples of a pioneer here and we all respect and admire you for what you are doing and how honest and open you have been sharing your experiences.

    Thank you so much!
    Lisa P.

    Craig and Scouty
    Hey Craig- thanks for the reply. I am amazed that you say what you've been through is nothing compared to what I've been through. Are you kidding??! You've been through a gazillion surgeries and procedures, it seems- I haven't had to do that- just one surgery (liver) and one time of doing a few weeks of radiation. I know I've had a lot more chemo than you have, but I still say you win the "prize" of having been through more. I guess what we've been through is just different from each other- we've both been through a lot. I suggest you look into a naturopath yourself, Craig. You want to keep those nasty cells at bay and keep your body strong! Best wishes in going back to work this week!

    Lisa/Scouty- you have truly been an inspiration to me to start down this naturopathic/holistic road- so thank YOU!! :) I'll keep you posted!

    I'm glad my sharing my experiences is appreciated! My husband saw my post and also what I mentioned on Facebook & he was truly distressed... "WHY would you want to share your personal medical information with strangers?? Do you have a need for attention?" he asked me. I don't think he'll ever get it- I do have a need for communication and support and a need to share my information so I can possibly help and encourage others. He just doesn't get it. 5 years ago when he had stents put in his heart, he wouldn't let me tell anyone outside the family. It was really hard, cause I had to take some time off work when he was in the hospital & he got upset when he heard I told a few people I worked with why I was taking off. I can't understand why he WOULDN'T share the news with at least a few others. His thought is "it's no one else's business!" My thought is I need the support and prayers of others & I am more than happy to do the same for them when they are in need". Not trying to be "holier than thou" (as he accuses me of being when I say this)- just don't know how else to be. This is who I am. I have to respect his wishes for what he wants for himself, but it is hard sometimes. To hold things inside causes me stress. To tell others causes him stress.

    Hugs to everyone again-
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Craig and Scouty
    Hey Craig- thanks for the reply. I am amazed that you say what you've been through is nothing compared to what I've been through. Are you kidding??! You've been through a gazillion surgeries and procedures, it seems- I haven't had to do that- just one surgery (liver) and one time of doing a few weeks of radiation. I know I've had a lot more chemo than you have, but I still say you win the "prize" of having been through more. I guess what we've been through is just different from each other- we've both been through a lot. I suggest you look into a naturopath yourself, Craig. You want to keep those nasty cells at bay and keep your body strong! Best wishes in going back to work this week!

    Lisa/Scouty- you have truly been an inspiration to me to start down this naturopathic/holistic road- so thank YOU!! :) I'll keep you posted!

    I'm glad my sharing my experiences is appreciated! My husband saw my post and also what I mentioned on Facebook & he was truly distressed... "WHY would you want to share your personal medical information with strangers?? Do you have a need for attention?" he asked me. I don't think he'll ever get it- I do have a need for communication and support and a need to share my information so I can possibly help and encourage others. He just doesn't get it. 5 years ago when he had stents put in his heart, he wouldn't let me tell anyone outside the family. It was really hard, cause I had to take some time off work when he was in the hospital & he got upset when he heard I told a few people I worked with why I was taking off. I can't understand why he WOULDN'T share the news with at least a few others. His thought is "it's no one else's business!" My thought is I need the support and prayers of others & I am more than happy to do the same for them when they are in need". Not trying to be "holier than thou" (as he accuses me of being when I say this)- just don't know how else to be. This is who I am. I have to respect his wishes for what he wants for himself, but it is hard sometimes. To hold things inside causes me stress. To tell others causes him stress.

    Hugs to everyone again-

    Hi Lisa , praying for good results on your CEA!
    Have a big hug!
  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Craig and Scouty
    Hey Craig- thanks for the reply. I am amazed that you say what you've been through is nothing compared to what I've been through. Are you kidding??! You've been through a gazillion surgeries and procedures, it seems- I haven't had to do that- just one surgery (liver) and one time of doing a few weeks of radiation. I know I've had a lot more chemo than you have, but I still say you win the "prize" of having been through more. I guess what we've been through is just different from each other- we've both been through a lot. I suggest you look into a naturopath yourself, Craig. You want to keep those nasty cells at bay and keep your body strong! Best wishes in going back to work this week!

    Lisa/Scouty- you have truly been an inspiration to me to start down this naturopathic/holistic road- so thank YOU!! :) I'll keep you posted!

    I'm glad my sharing my experiences is appreciated! My husband saw my post and also what I mentioned on Facebook & he was truly distressed... "WHY would you want to share your personal medical information with strangers?? Do you have a need for attention?" he asked me. I don't think he'll ever get it- I do have a need for communication and support and a need to share my information so I can possibly help and encourage others. He just doesn't get it. 5 years ago when he had stents put in his heart, he wouldn't let me tell anyone outside the family. It was really hard, cause I had to take some time off work when he was in the hospital & he got upset when he heard I told a few people I worked with why I was taking off. I can't understand why he WOULDN'T share the news with at least a few others. His thought is "it's no one else's business!" My thought is I need the support and prayers of others & I am more than happy to do the same for them when they are in need". Not trying to be "holier than thou" (as he accuses me of being when I say this)- just don't know how else to be. This is who I am. I have to respect his wishes for what he wants for himself, but it is hard sometimes. To hold things inside causes me stress. To tell others causes him stress.

    Hugs to everyone again-

    Hi Lisa
    I know how you feel about holding things inside causes stress! I am the same. At the beginning I wasn't able to tell my husband about joining this board. He is your husband's type who likes to hold things inside. He is extremely good at 'keeping secret'. My 'strategy' was gradually let him know that I will 'talk' to you guys here and seeking support here. I will tell him something bit by bit about how brave you all have been fighting, how supportive you all to each others... It works! He asked me to show him my profile picture here the other day! haahaa
    Lisa, please keep us update about your progress! I'll continue to pray for you till you get your latest CEA count!
    Love Dora
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I hope you get great CEA results!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    WOW, What a "hottie"!!

    I am so very proud of you. You are walking an amazing path and you have experienced a miracle as openness of heart to receive this journey while you share with others from your experience and your research. The fact that you are doing sauna detoxes and colonic irrigation (I had two or three--aside from the coffee enemas I used to give myself), that you're even consulting with a naturopathic doctor is a miracle to me!!! ;-) God heals in all different ways according to our needs.


    peace, emily jeremiah 30:17