Is this normal? (chemo question)

Altra Member Posts: 26
My dad just started his six weeks of chemo and radiation Monday (May 9th). If the tumor responds, he will be able to have surgery in the near future. We all had high hopes that he would be one of the lucky ones who didn't experience the typical side effects, since he is so fit and has no other medical conditions. The first day or two were fine (he reported constipation, but that is all), but the past few days have been horrible for him- puking constantly, unable to keep any food down. Is it typical to be hit with these symptoms so fast and so early into the treatment? The doc increased the dosage of anti-nausea meds he was taking and he told me on the phone this morning that he was feeling much better and even had a big breakfast. But I am worried and feel helpless to help him, as he is seven hours away in NYC. Any advice from people who have gone through chemo/radiation?


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  • Altra
    Altra Member Posts: 26
    unknown said:

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    Hi William! Nice to talk to
    Hi William! Nice to talk to you again.

    Yes, he decided to stay in Manhattan for the whole six weeks. Friends are stopping by daily and helping him with groceries, etc as needed. It stinks not being able to be there with him, but he believes it is for the best. He'd rather my mom be at home, tending to the garden and farm animals, and I, at work.

    I asked him to get a second opinion, but he didn't want to- he was very anxious to get the chemo treatment rolling, so I dropped the matter. I did inform him about the Jtube, so he is aware.

    I'm not sure which chemo meds he is getting (I will ask him) and remind him to be drinking his fluids. :)