How to Access Chat Room

Christine B.
Christine B. Member Posts: 137
I have tried to access the chat room by clicking on "Chat" at the left of the screen and come to a blue page where nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?


  • pstur1
    pstur1 Member Posts: 37
    I am not an expert but....
    Christine, you may need to make sure you have the latest version of java. has been a little slow lately, the site that is and it takes some time once in a while for the room to fully load. Hope to see you there.
  • cfont11
    cfont11 Member Posts: 115
    chat room

    I tried it and got a screen to run something to update Java. After I clicked "OK to run", I was able to get in.

  • sitchy57
    sitchy57 Member Posts: 27
    We would love to chat with you
    Hi Christine we would love to chat with you on the chat sight. As long as you are logged in you should just have to click on chat. The screen will come on and display who is in the lobby. If you let them know that you are new they will help you. They will give lots of support. If you see someones name on the right side of the screen that you would like to chat private with just click 2 times on there name. I use the chat to unwind in the evening before I go to bed. Hope to see you there some night. Sharon