Stopping by....

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited May 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
Since I was home sick today, I finally found a few extra minutes to stop by and say hello and tell you how much I missed you all!! I am nearing my 2nd Cancerversary in a few weeks and of course alot of memories surround this thankful occasion. Life does have a way of slowly creeping back to some form of normalacy and it seems that time starts to go TOO quickly!!
What can I say to update you? Well, I recently had a scare last month and underwent lymph node biopsy, but I am happy to announce that they were negative (in my clavical area). Yea....(clapping hands!)
Yesterday, however, I became extremely painful in my joints and have had a butterfly rash on my face for several weeks. Doc ran boocoo blood work (along with some specialized test) and I am currently awaiting the results. I did get some relief though, after 2 shots in each butt cheek and 4 scripts from the pharmacy. (Geesh, I'm trying to ditch pills, not add more!) His suspicions? A childhood disease called Parvovirus or Lupus. Parvovirus is spreading among the children alot around here, but the few adults that he has seen contact it are having extreme symptoms. Once you have it (just like chicken pox) you become immune to it. Wish cancer could be that way! I haven't even begun to think about the possibility of Lupus. I'll wait on the test results first.
I am still working on accepting the fatigue that will never go away, the weight gain that I can't lose, the dry skin, the hot flashes, the night sweats, the lack of energy, the ridged nails, and the fact that trying NOT to eat ice-cream on any diet is just plain torture to myself. Therefore, I will embrace the ice-cream diet without guilt! In case you were wondering what the ice-cream diet was....every diet I am on will INCLUDE ice-cream! (giggling...)
I have not been here in so long that I hope all of you are hanging in there the best you can. I would love to hear how you have been doing. Having Cancer sucks, but when you think about it, we really have no choice but to accept it and embrace it. Do the best we can, which is not always easy. The hardest thing for me was to get back my ability to giggle. As positive as I stayed, I was sad when I realized that having cancer was robbing me of my one pleasure in life....laughter. But I regained 99% of that back and I will keep that as a victory over this ugly disease!
Hope and hugs to everyone,


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Hi Pammy
    So glad to hear you're getting back your "giggle"! I am about 1 1/2 years from diagnosis--finished chemo last May and rads in August. Still having some of the issues you are as well--occasional fatigue, weight gain that doesn't seem to want to stop, pain in the breast, trunk along with lymphedema in those areas. But, you're right--Cancer sucks--but it is what it is and somehow we learn to thrive again and enjoy life.

    I'm trying to embrace all new joyous possibilities and live this "new life" God has given me.

    Take good care.

    Hugs, Renee
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    It is so good to hear from
    It is so good to hear from you ... and congratulations on your cancerversary milestone. I will always remember your descriptions of your BC journey - you are such a fine writer. I can ditto much of your experience...ongoing fatigue, dry skin, and funny nails. It is good to get the giggle back. Cheers. xoxoxox Lynn
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Hi Pammy! I read more then
    Hi Pammy! I read more then post anymore. It's great that life is happening to you. That's the whole point in going through treatment! Big hugs!

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Hi Pammy! I read more then
    Hi Pammy! I read more then post anymore. It's great that life is happening to you. That's the whole point in going through treatment! Big hugs!


    Glad you posted to let us know how you are.I am also on my 2nd year(Aug). Like you I've had a few other things going on.Some testing and some scares but things are fine.That is if kidney stones and a kidney cyst pass as being good.At least those things are better than tumors.Just that after my first year seems all these other things started.I will deal with it.

    I hope you don't have lupus.My sister in law has had it for many many years.She of course takes meds and has spells at times.None lately.Seems the older she gets and the longer she has it things are better.

    I am like you.Ice Cream in my diet.I am wanting to gain a few lbs I lost.I get the ice cream that has lots of calories. Of course I wonder about my kidney stones but I have a wonderful uroglogist who agrees I need the ice cream for my bones.YEAH.Hey he is the kidney specialist.

    I haven't been on the Board long but the time I have I've learned so much.Doctors can't tell us everything.

    Don't stay away so long. Check back with us and let us know how you are doing.

    Lynn Smith
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Nice to find you here, Pammy! :-)
    Early congratulations on your upcoming milestone! You know that I'm several years ahead of you along the road... Totally understand all you describe in your post. Took me many, many - too many! - YEARS to finally ACCEPT the permanent physical changes left behind by treatment. And when I finally realized that no matter what I did - or didn't - these things would not go away, I grieved for my pre-BC self. Acceptance is the key. Then, learning to make adjustments.

    In spite of it all - glad you're doing so well, dear friend. Will HOPE your current health issues all turn out to be minor and easily treatable.

    With hugs backatcha...

    Love, Susan
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Hey Pammy~ thanks for
    Hey Pammy~ thanks for checking in with us! No matter how much we do get on with Life AFter Cancer ( an you of course know that we do!!!!) there are always a few unwanted "souveniers" from the journey, aren't there? I wonder if cancer is related to fuitcake.....

    Love you!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    chenheart said:

    Hey Pammy~ thanks for
    Hey Pammy~ thanks for checking in with us! No matter how much we do get on with Life AFter Cancer ( an you of course know that we do!!!!) there are always a few unwanted "souveniers" from the journey, aren't there? I wonder if cancer is related to fuitcake.....

    Love you!

    I think of you every

    I think of you every time I have ice cream so that means that I think of you daily. LOL
    Please let us know the results, when you get them, of the tests. I had that butterfly rash long ago and they thought lupus but then decided it was roseacea. When I get flares now it is not for butterfly like but that first time it was classic looking for lupus. Hoping if it has to be something it is the other because that would be here today and gone tomorrow or whenever. Glad you are enjoying life and wow two years has really gone by quickly. yes, there are some things that cancer has left us with, but some like hot flashes etc. might have been in the future anyway. I think that the most important thing that we can do for ourselves is to accept what we cannot change and live our lives to the fullest. We are only promised today and we should make it count. And that's what you are doing. I do miss you here but as long as you check in once in awhile it's okay. Now I must go look for some ice cream.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    chenheart said:

    Hey Pammy~ thanks for
    Hey Pammy~ thanks for checking in with us! No matter how much we do get on with Life AFter Cancer ( an you of course know that we do!!!!) there are always a few unwanted "souveniers" from the journey, aren't there? I wonder if cancer is related to fuitcake.....

    Love you!

    Hi Pammy
    What a coincidenceI am at home sick too.It so nice to hear from you. We miss you too.I hope you will get good results from your blood test and sending positive thoughts to your way.
    It is nice to hear from you. I do have a practical question which I will PM in detail to you.
    I am having a skin rash and hives too. We have been treating it as allergy, however both benedryl and claritan are not working and as of today 90% body is covered.
    Other than that I am doing ok.
    Get well soon, Hugs
    New Flower
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188

    Hi Pammy
    What a coincidenceI am at home sick too.It so nice to hear from you. We miss you too.I hope you will get good results from your blood test and sending positive thoughts to your way.
    It is nice to hear from you. I do have a practical question which I will PM in detail to you.
    I am having a skin rash and hives too. We have been treating it as allergy, however both benedryl and claritan are not working and as of today 90% body is covered.
    Other than that I am doing ok.
    Get well soon, Hugs
    New Flower

    Making me smile!!
    So happy to read everyone's post!
    Thank you all for making me smile!
    I forgot how good it feels to connect and share. I forgot how good it feels to just know that your not going through all this alone or that someone has been through your complaints already. The ones ahead help you make the most of it and the ones behind you hang onto every word, waiting to get there, but with a little more knowledge and comfort. Wether we are lending a helping hand and insight, or asking for some, we are all here for each other.
    What an unexpected gift Cancer left me.....all of you!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Making me smile!!
    So happy to read everyone's post!
    Thank you all for making me smile!
    I forgot how good it feels to connect and share. I forgot how good it feels to just know that your not going through all this alone or that someone has been through your complaints already. The ones ahead help you make the most of it and the ones behind you hang onto every word, waiting to get there, but with a little more knowledge and comfort. Wether we are lending a helping hand and insight, or asking for some, we are all here for each other.
    What an unexpected gift Cancer left me.....all of you!

    To "see" you again Pammy! I, too, have reached my two year cancerversary...first year, all the treatment, etc, then really good months....then unexpected weird symptoms, that have all turned out to not being cancer related...radiation related, but not cancer...yeah!

    Cancer is the gift(I never consider it that) that keeps on in one way or another..
    Keep us posted on your test results...sending up a prayer that all turns out well...
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Miss you and your posts. I do hoe you feel better soon. I'm with you on the ice ceam diet - have you ever had DQ's Dilly Bars???

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Miss you and your posts. I do hoe you feel better soon. I'm with you on the ice ceam diet - have you ever had DQ's Dilly Bars???


    Hi Pammy,
    Just chiming in to

    Hi Pammy,
    Just chiming in to welcome you back!
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    Nice to meet you Pammy, just
    Nice to meet you Pammy, just sorry it's here!

    I'm Nancy and just joined this group about a month ago. I had a lumpectomy in February, more surgery to clear margins in March and started chemo last Friday. I am glad this place is here for us!

    I hope everything comes back negative and am adding you to my prayer list!

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    LOVE hearing from you on
    LOVE hearing from you on these boards. I miss your sense of humor and sweet ways. I pray that rash is nothing, please keep us informed. Lots of hugs.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    natly15 said:

    LOVE hearing from you on
    LOVE hearing from you on these boards. I miss your sense of humor and sweet ways. I pray that rash is nothing, please keep us informed. Lots of hugs.

    Life after 'Breast Cancer' ... I am so happy for
    you, Pammy. Glad to know that you are living 'life', and enjoying yourself!

    Nice to hear from you! We miss you, and your funny postings!

    Strength and Courage in your new life.

    Vicki Sam
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Hi Pammy!
    Good to hear from you! I'm sorry about your recent node scare but glad everything turned out well! Sorry too to hear about the rash ... praying NO Lupus! I didn't know people could get parvo. Learn something everyday!

    Miss you over here. Glad you've checked in. Keep eating that ice cream! :)

    I'm almost done with my reconstruction ... only tats to go which I'll probably get in the fall. Have a test coming up where they're going to check a cyst on my ovary they've been watching. Ugh. Will be happy when that is over ... but everything else is OK.

    Hugs back at ya! Thanks for checking in! I always worry when we don't hear from people in a while and I've been thinking about you. I know you had some ovary issues too.

    Blessings and Love!