Update on my Dad (Slydog11)

Hello everyone, my name is Katie and I think some of you know my Dad, Paul. He was diagnosed last July with StageIVb EC. He participated in a clinical trial at MGH and at first, we were getting really positive results from his CT Scans. I think his last post in November was when the doctors said that the tumor had shrunk 10%. The tumor did not actually shrink though. When it got to the point that my Dad was barely eating and struggled to even drink a glass of water, they sent him for an endoscopy. The tumor had grown so large that they decided to try radiation for 3 weeks, with round-the-clock chemotherapy. The radiation did reduce his pain, but he still had to get a feeding tube. Two weeks ago, the doctors said that are no treatment options left, and Dad probably only has a few months left. A woman from Hospice came to my parent's house today. It's hard to put into words everything I'm feeling right now, and I can't even imagine what my Dad is going through.
Just to tell you a little about our family - my parents have been married for 38 years, and they have six kids (ranging in age from 17-37)and seven grandkids (ranging in age from 18 months to 13 years). My Dad always worked full-time as an accountant and had a bookkeeping business on the side. My Mom works in a doctor's office as a medical secretary. My Dad has been unable to work for some time now, and he is nearly bedridden. I really wish I knew what to do to cheer him up a little. I can't even remember the last time I heard him laugh.
Anyway, I just wanted to update all of you on my Dad's condition, and thank you for all of the stories and advice that you share. I have been reading the posts for some time now, but this is the first post I have made.
Also, on another note, I got a call from the governor's office of Massachusetts today. I sent an e-mail last week requesting that the governor proclaim April EC Awareness Month. I got all of the information that I needed from Kim at ECAN. The woman who called said that the request was granted! She is sending me the information tomorrow. Yay!


  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    It is remarkable that you
    It is remarkable that you are still thinking of others by working to get April as EC Awareness Month while facing your father's difficult condition. I pray that he and your family will be comforted by knowing many prayers are offered in his behalf. What a wonderful family you have. May you continue to have strength to be of support for them. Mary
  • GerryS
    GerryS Member Posts: 227 Member
    So sorry to hear this.........
    Your pain is evident in your post and I can tell you and your family will be very supportive for your dad. Being a father and grandfather myself, I know how much family is important at this time. I can only pray for all of you as you face this disease, God Bless......

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Thanks for the update update
    Thanks for the update update on your dad. I hope that with treatment stopping, he will experience some quality time with the family.
    Know that prayers are being said for your dad and family. Praying For God to surround you with his comfort and love in the days ahead, Sandra
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Prayers for You & Your Family
    So sorry you to hear about your dad's condition. It's so very hard. Seems there are no words at times like these. So...I will just pray that God gives you all comfort, peace and that you can find even a little bit of joy here and there.

    My heart aches for you and your family. I lost my dad 21/2 months ago. I really don't know how I got through those last awful days. But with God's grace and help you will. Just take every moment to sit with your dad, hold his hand and tell him how much you love and appreciate him!

    Hugs & Prayers,
  • slydogsdaughter
    slydogsdaughter Member Posts: 5
    sal314 said:

    Prayers for You & Your Family
    So sorry you to hear about your dad's condition. It's so very hard. Seems there are no words at times like these. So...I will just pray that God gives you all comfort, peace and that you can find even a little bit of joy here and there.

    My heart aches for you and your family. I lost my dad 21/2 months ago. I really don't know how I got through those last awful days. But with God's grace and help you will. Just take every moment to sit with your dad, hold his hand and tell him how much you love and appreciate him!

    Hugs & Prayers,

    Thank you everyone
    Thank you for your kind words and your prayers, everybody. My dad will be pleased to know that so many people are thinking of him...

  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389

    Thank you everyone
    Thank you for your kind words and your prayers, everybody. My dad will be pleased to know that so many people are thinking of him...


    Your Dad
    Dear Katie,

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. It must be very painful to your entire family. I will keep you all in prayer.

    Thank you for keeping us updated.

  • cfight
    cfight Member Posts: 69
    I remember reading your


    I remember reading your father's posts -- he had such a great attitude toward his journey with cancer. I was so impressed on how he approached his diagnosis. I have no doubt that he inspired others.

    I'm so sorry it's reached this stage. I remember how I felt when my father made the decision to accept hospice care. He fought to the very end. I often wondered and tried to imagine what he was going through -- it made me very sad, but then at those moments, I tried to remain positive and reflect on how fortunate I was to have my mother, family and friends who stood by his side.

    I live in Massachusetts so thank you for calling the Governor's office about EC Awareness month - congratulations!

  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500

    Thank you everyone
    Thank you for your kind words and your prayers, everybody. My dad will be pleased to know that so many people are thinking of him...


    KAtie, I am so sorry &
    KAtie, I am so sorry & saddened to read your post---I am still surprised how hearing people's EC stories affect me each time I hear them. But, also being a daughter and only actually knowing 1 other person that had EC---having this site makes us all feel less alone. I also am amazed by the folks, like you that can turn this unbearable pain into action to make it better for people with EC in the future. thanks for what you have done & know that you & your dad are in our thoughts & prayers.
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your Dad
    I am so sorry to hear that your Dad is not doing well. I remember his posts from late last year and he is always so positive about fighting this disease. His posts were always caring and helpful.

    I know it can be difficult to accept hospice but they are caring people who can provide relief from symptoms during this difficult time.

    I will be praying for release from pain and peace for Paul.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    6/21/2010 CT Scan NED
    3/14/2011 CT Scan NED

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!