How do you feel on the first day of treatment?

BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
My first day of chemo is coming up soon (T/C) and I was wondering if you notice any difference in the way you feel that day? I have heard others say 3 days later is the worst then it gets better. I have heard about the pain after Neulasta, but no one has said how they feel on the first day of treatment. Comments or advice?




  • sunshine0406
    sunshine0406 Member Posts: 65
    I would just say I felt tired/wiped out, but that was most likely from the Benadril and the other pre meds I got. I do agree my worst days came on day 3. I did not have Neulesta but Neupogen (I think they do the same thing but not sure) I did not have pain after my injections. The only thing I wish is that I would have had my port on my first day, I found out I have poor veins for starting an IV. Other then that I would say drink lots of water and have someone with you for support and driving (I had reactions my first day and could not have driven myself home). I wish you did not have to do this but I will be praying you have a smooth first day.....No what I mean to say is...I hope you have a smooth journey through this whole ordeal.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    First day..
    I had the same chemo first one at 8:30 am..(make sure you eat beforehand, I was told) it took 3 1/2 husband took me for all my treatments...other than some slight discomfort in my knees, I honestly didn't feel any different...we actually went to the grocery store on the way home...My infusions were always on a Monday...with the Neulasta injection on Tuesday Wednesday, my taste buds were gone, for about 6-7 didn't taste bad to me, it just didn't have any reaction to the Neulasta didn't hit me until Saturday night...ouch! No other reaction after the first injection....I did have bad diarrhea starting Thursday- Sunday...had to call my oncologist that Sunday morning...have some extra strength Immodium on hand...and Gatorade....drink drink drink!

    Remember that with each infusion, the side effects are cumulative....tiredness, etc....Don't turn down any offers of help...let people who offer help do for you, be it meals, cleaning,'s all they know to do...people, especially your loved ones, feel so helpless...

    I know and understand how scared you are....that's normal..I always say, one of the hardest parts of chemo, is walking in the door for the first one..! I always was prescribed the lowest dose of Valium, which I took before I had the first helped as I was about to jump out of my skin!

    If you would like to talk to me, send me a private message and I'll send you my phone #...I know you have a thousand questions and are feeling very scared...we've all felt the same....We all think. " I can't do this".....but we can and'll find strength you didn't existed....

    Wishing you the best..
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    MAJW said:

    First day..
    I had the same chemo first one at 8:30 am..(make sure you eat beforehand, I was told) it took 3 1/2 husband took me for all my treatments...other than some slight discomfort in my knees, I honestly didn't feel any different...we actually went to the grocery store on the way home...My infusions were always on a Monday...with the Neulasta injection on Tuesday Wednesday, my taste buds were gone, for about 6-7 didn't taste bad to me, it just didn't have any reaction to the Neulasta didn't hit me until Saturday night...ouch! No other reaction after the first injection....I did have bad diarrhea starting Thursday- Sunday...had to call my oncologist that Sunday morning...have some extra strength Immodium on hand...and Gatorade....drink drink drink!

    Remember that with each infusion, the side effects are cumulative....tiredness, etc....Don't turn down any offers of help...let people who offer help do for you, be it meals, cleaning,'s all they know to do...people, especially your loved ones, feel so helpless...

    I know and understand how scared you are....that's normal..I always say, one of the hardest parts of chemo, is walking in the door for the first one..! I always was prescribed the lowest dose of Valium, which I took before I had the first helped as I was about to jump out of my skin!

    If you would like to talk to me, send me a private message and I'll send you my phone #...I know you have a thousand questions and are feeling very scared...we've all felt the same....We all think. " I can't do this".....but we can and'll find strength you didn't existed....

    Wishing you the best..

    I felt a little "out of it"
    I felt a little "out of it" but mostly form being anxious, tired from being anxious, and some of the pre meds. i didnt have any real side effects for a couple of days.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    I was very lucky not to have any problems with chemo or Neulasta. Tired is a part of the process so that's not counted. About day 3 I just crashed and slept. It was a great way to get out of helping my husband clean the garage! A lot depends on the drugs they give you with the chemo. I had 2 anti-nausea meds first, then steroid, then the nasty stuff. (Also had benedryl with the Taxatere.) I made sure to take snacks, something to do, and to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Before, during, and after. Our treatment center also had snacks available for patients and a frig stocked with water, juice, etc. Pillow and blankets were also provided for the recliners so you could nap and some chairs had TVs. Hopefully you have had a tour. Some people drove themselves but I preferred to have my husband take me just in case. I get kind of wired with steroids so it was a good decision, especially when they added the benedril to the mix 'cause that made me pretty sleepy.

    Hope all goes smoothly for you! Just listen to your body and sleep when you need to.

    Hugs and prayers!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I was 'anxious' to get
    I was 'anxious' to get started - not 'anxious' about starting - I wanted to get on with fighting the 'Monster'. I'm IBC and it had been 17 days since DX so I wanted to get going on fighting 'IT'!

    I started with neo-Adjunct dense dose A (Doxoeubicn,Adriamycin)/C (Cyclophosphamide,Cytoxin) every 2 weeks. Before starting an infusion I was given pills that included Benadryl, Dexamethasone, Ondansetron(Zolfran) and Aprepitant (Emend) and took them for 3 days after each infusion - well not the Benadryl -only took it on infusion day. I always fetl great on infusion day - 2 days later I would get a bit tired for 2 days and then back to 'normal' but napping helped on those 2 days of somewhat tired. I drove my first 'Powder Puff' Mud Bog 3 days after getting my second infusion and made it farther around the course than Son did and came in Second in the class - not bad for a 63 y/o bald 'broad'.

    For me - Pegfilgrastim (Neulasta) wasn't bad at all - no pain at all. All it did to me was, almost to the minute, 2 hrs after getting the injection I'd go to sleep for 2 hrs. So on those days I had to hurry home as it's close to an hr drive to Ft. Meade (all my other treatment was covered at the local CCI - 20 mins from home) but they wanted to do the Neulasta at the VA facility.

    After surgery, I then did 12 weekly Paclitaxel (Taxol). With it I was given via IV before infusions Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Dexamethasone, Famotidine (Pepcid). I also took Ondansetron (Zolfran) pills on infusion day and for 3 days - took Dex pils too for 3 days after. The IV Benadryl would put me to sleep within seconds of starting it in and I'd wake up about 15 minutes before the end of the infusion.

    Remember that we are all unique - there is no way you can know how your body will react based on anyone else.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    other than the day was very long I was fine. I got the Neulasta shot the next day and 2 days later slept the weekend away. By Monday I was fine again.
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    other than the day was very long I was fine. I got the Neulasta shot the next day and 2 days later slept the weekend away. By Monday I was fine again.

    I just felt relieved that it was done. Physically, I felt the same coming out as when I went in. It took a few days to feel bad, and then it wasn't that bad. I had Neulasta on the the last 2 cycles, and I had no side effects at all from that.

    Best of luck. We'll be here for you as you progress through your treatment cycle.

  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358

    I just felt relieved that it was done. Physically, I felt the same coming out as when I went in. It took a few days to feel bad, and then it wasn't that bad. I had Neulasta on the the last 2 cycles, and I had no side effects at all from that.

    Best of luck. We'll be here for you as you progress through your treatment cycle.


    Thank you my new friends for
    Thank you my new friends for all your support and suggestions! I am so glad I found this site and am getting to know all of you. You have already been a tremendous help to me and I know you will continue to be through this journey.

  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    The first couple days I feel
    The first couple days I feel a little "hazy" or "foggy" minded. It is hard to explain, I guess I just feel medicated. I think it has a lot to do with the steroid and anti nauseua meds. I become more tired around day 4 through 7 and feel more like myself by day 8. I am still able to do most of my daily routine with the house and kids. I just need to take more naps to preserve my energy.
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    Cinkal said:

    The first couple days I feel
    The first couple days I feel a little "hazy" or "foggy" minded. It is hard to explain, I guess I just feel medicated. I think it has a lot to do with the steroid and anti nauseua meds. I become more tired around day 4 through 7 and feel more like myself by day 8. I am still able to do most of my daily routine with the house and kids. I just need to take more naps to preserve my energy.

    Thanks Cinkal! It really
    Thanks Cinkal! It really helps having an idea of what to expect. I have taken all of the following week off (I teach Kindergarten) and am now glad I did that.

  • ElizabethB
    ElizabethB Member Posts: 89
    first day
    My first day was ok infact my husband and i went out to dinner thrn the 2nd day i got my shot for the white count boost . On day 3 I was starting to feel a little weird i had red checks and chest i think from the steroids they gave me pryor to the chemo it last a couple of days i was a little tired but not to bad very doable.i drank lots and lots of water to flush evrything out asap . I also to my sick pills exactly like i was told don't wait until your sick prevention is way better once you get sick it is harder to stop so listen and dod what your doctors say....anything unuasal call them let them know hugs a nd kisses there will be better days ahead take one day at a time
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I feel OK the first three
    I feel OK the first three days. However after the neulesta (did I spell it right?) shot I feel pain on bones, weak and disoriented. That lasts for a couple of days. Another side effect I get is severe constipation. :-/

    p.s. I really dislike the color red on that chemo.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    carkris said:

    I felt a little "out of it"
    I felt a little "out of it" but mostly form being anxious, tired from being anxious, and some of the pre meds. i didnt have any real side effects for a couple of days.

    Wish I could offer you some
    Wish I could offer you some advice, but, I didn't do chemo. Just know that I am sending hugs and good luck to you.

  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358

    I feel OK the first three
    I feel OK the first three days. However after the neulesta (did I spell it right?) shot I feel pain on bones, weak and disoriented. That lasts for a couple of days. Another side effect I get is severe constipation. :-/

    p.s. I really dislike the color red on that chemo.

    Thank you to all of you for
    Thank you to all of you for your wisdom and encouragement!

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Thank you to all of you for
    Thank you to all of you for your wisdom and encouragement!


    Wishing you good luck
    Wishing you good luck Nancy.

    Hugs, Angie