Bottled Water and Plastic

LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
Hi my lovely pink sisters!

I wanted to start a topic on plastic and bottled water because I have heard so many stories. I wanted to know what your thoughts and knowledge was on this subject. What do you think about drinking from plastic bottles and using plastic in general, in relation to cancer?

Thanks for your opinion.

Blessings to All of you.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have heard much talk
    but I STILL con't to use it! Plastic that is! I ONLY buy bottled water (I KNOW not spring) just for convience and then refill the bottles. (clean them of course)

    I do not use plastic wrap in micro etc.

    MY very good friend who died of cancer in Aug...grew her own veggies etc..ate healthy, never ate junk etc..and had cancer multiple at times I THINK it's just in our genes! MY mom had cirrhosis & was not a drinker! I have ulcertive colitis (18 yrs now) and BC 3 yrs one else in family has either..

    so I THINK in someways it's the toss of the dice and some is life styles..

    so I DO NOT avoid plastics!

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    I have heard much talk
    but I STILL con't to use it! Plastic that is! I ONLY buy bottled water (I KNOW not spring) just for convience and then refill the bottles. (clean them of course)

    I do not use plastic wrap in micro etc.

    MY very good friend who died of cancer in Aug...grew her own veggies etc..ate healthy, never ate junk etc..and had cancer multiple at times I THINK it's just in our genes! MY mom had cirrhosis & was not a drinker! I have ulcertive colitis (18 yrs now) and BC 3 yrs one else in family has either..

    so I THINK in someways it's the toss of the dice and some is life styles..

    so I DO NOT avoid plastics!


    I wonder about it
    I wonder about plastic. I like my bottled water.I cook with it alot.I am not a big water drinker.I don't drink our well water and if we had city water would def not drink that.It contains alot of chlorine. Many people in the small town near me won't drink the city water for the chlorine.

    I am like Disney.We never know.There is a family history of BC and I had benign tumors for years but I think it happens and we never know who it will happen to(or when).I'm not a healthy eater but my garlic and Fusion drink keeps me with vitamins I need.Lots of antioxidents.Cooking my lunch now.Broccoli smothered with cheese.The only thing I need to rid myself of is candy.I love sweets.

    Lynn Smith
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I'm a big drinker - water that is
    I love water and have always drunk a lot of it iced. All that I drink now is 'bottled' - yes in synthetic containers but that hasn't always been true. Many places we've lived was able to have nice well water but our "City" water here is horrible and I will not drink it or cook with it. I even HATE batheing in it or washing anything with it or watering my plants. (Reminder to self to get a copy of the latest report on it when I pay the water bill tomorrow). It tastes HORRIBLE (not just from the chlorine) and it does pass the bacteria tests done on it but it is always above what it should be for radiation in it (don't remember exactly which one) but it's some form of uranium (it's in the ground here) IF I remember right.

    I think that there is much in today's world that does possibly contribute to cancers. In my family there has been no cancer for at least 4 generation - until me. I'm IBC which is not known/believed to have any genetic relationship. There are a lot of things in my life that may have contributed to it singly or in conjunction with each other. I had radiation to my throat before I was 2, I live in the West when there was a fair bit of 'testing' being done, I live on or very near USAF and 'fly' Navy bases almost all my life, I was a hair dresser and did screen printing (long before the 'kinder' chemicals used today). I was an upholester. I lived for about 8 years within about 150 yrd of a high power electric distribution line. So many possibilities.

    Is ther some correlation - probably but i will continue to drink my bottled water as the other option for water is worse - in my opinion.

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    No plastic here
    But not because of chlorine because we are on a tested private well with great tasting water. I do avoid cooking with plastic and drinking out of plastic in part because of the research on the oil by-products that leach into water when heated. I bought myself a stainless steel coffee mug that is virtually unbreakable and use that at the gym and in the car. It is cheap. The water is free plus the cost of pumping it out of the ground. It doesn't give an off taste to the water and will make a dandy weapon if anyone tried to attack me at the gym. Mind you, I go to the gym at 5:30 AM and never carry muoney so an attack is not very likely. . .
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    I've worked for the first
    BPA-free baby bottle company for the last 3.5 years. I have seen study results on rats that show that BPA contributes to mammary cancers and acts like an estrogenic compound.
    AFter learning this, I have tried to stop drinking from plastic bottles or using plastic/plastic wrap in the microwave.
    The "safe" plastics (that have no known health effects) are #1,2,4 & 5. I always check on the bottoms of containers to see what number they carry.
    At least this is a start.
  • 1acme
    1acme Member Posts: 77
    I live in big city and our watter is "smelly", even take a shower especialy in summer months are not pleasant.

    * I drink watter from plastic bottles when I am out of home.
    * Home I have Brita filter which seems to work well on municipal water,
    but I am planing to buy Aquafina filter for my kitchen & shower.
    * do not sue plastic containers for cooking
    * just recently gave up my microwave (heating food in stove or small pots)
    * no plastic containers in freezer

    I have Triple Negative BC without any family history. I am 37 y/o who never smoke, drink alcohol, used narcotics (even try) and I was medication free till I was diagnosed.

    BUT I was exposed to another factors:

    * WiFi electomagnetic radiation 24/7 - at work and home (I live in Condominium) my neighbours have WiFi that I cannot do a much about it. My internet is Ethernet (via cable to plug in my laptop)
    * Most of my life living in large cities - so Air Polution and Lead poisoning (car's exhaust)
    * Spend few years living in Europe in 80' when Chernobil accident occured and ALL Europe was poluted without any warning
    * Working several years on Night shift and sleeping over the day - out of balance natural clock (Day/Night)
    * exposed at least 12 hrs a day to LED lights at work during working night shift
    * exposed to X-ray daily at work - working at airport and X-raying parcels

    They say that Triple Negative BC is caused by DNA damage and over the time I think that I was exposed more then harmful radiations & air polutions
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    1acme said:

    I live in big city and our watter is "smelly", even take a shower especialy in summer months are not pleasant.

    * I drink watter from plastic bottles when I am out of home.
    * Home I have Brita filter which seems to work well on municipal water,
    but I am planing to buy Aquafina filter for my kitchen & shower.
    * do not sue plastic containers for cooking
    * just recently gave up my microwave (heating food in stove or small pots)
    * no plastic containers in freezer

    I have Triple Negative BC without any family history. I am 37 y/o who never smoke, drink alcohol, used narcotics (even try) and I was medication free till I was diagnosed.

    BUT I was exposed to another factors:

    * WiFi electomagnetic radiation 24/7 - at work and home (I live in Condominium) my neighbours have WiFi that I cannot do a much about it. My internet is Ethernet (via cable to plug in my laptop)
    * Most of my life living in large cities - so Air Polution and Lead poisoning (car's exhaust)
    * Spend few years living in Europe in 80' when Chernobil accident occured and ALL Europe was poluted without any warning
    * Working several years on Night shift and sleeping over the day - out of balance natural clock (Day/Night)
    * exposed at least 12 hrs a day to LED lights at work during working night shift
    * exposed to X-ray daily at work - working at airport and X-raying parcels

    They say that Triple Negative BC is caused by DNA damage and over the time I think that I was exposed more then harmful radiations & air polutions

    we have well water...
    I have tried misc refillable bottles...some taste tiny to me...I just refill my deposit bottles...when I travel to Disney or other places with funky tasting water I just carry flavor packets to cover the taste>

  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    I avoid plastic water
    I avoid plastic water bottles because they contain Bisphenol A which is a known hormone disrupter. Canada has already banned it from baby bottles and I think you'll see more companies in the future get rid of it. Coca Cola is presently under fire from it's shareholders because they will not remove it from the lining of their cans. It's also found in the lining of canned foods and canned fruit juices. It's in cash register receipts and the white fillings in your teeth. There is a great deal of info about it on the internet. Some say it's only small amounts but others have found there to be a cummulative effect. Having said all that, if I'm travelling I will buy bottled spring water for convenience cause my trips are usually 11 hrs. We used to reuse water bottles but found that the plastic is not meant for reuse and starts to break down.

    At home we are on a well but our water contains manganese and some iron so we have a water softener and also a purifier at the sink. Haven't used a microwave since 04 and don't seem to miss it.

    I am the pioneer in my family when it comes to cancer and I was also a strong advocate for alternative medicine and natural/organic products. Everyone else did what they wanted and seem to be fine.

    I have/had ER+ breast cancer and often wonder how this came about. Other than the normal exposures that most people have had, I spent a number of years working night shift driving gas/jet fuel/propane/liquid nitrogen tankers delivering fuel to gas stations and airports. I've had an incredible amount of stress over the years..MIL dying of breast cancer, husband with colorectal cancer, FIL with prostrate ca, moves, changing careers, etc. I also drank....not heavily but I did enjoy it. Since "they" cannot say how I got it except that I have exceeded my lifetime quota for estrogen, I can only assume my occupation played a part. I then changed careers and work in a hospital as a pharmacy technician. Wow, didn't think I was going to ramble so much....sorry :)
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Thanks Jonnastar for giving us the numbers to look for. I just checked what I use in the freezer and most of it is 5. I have changed over to BPA free water bottles. I think we have a combination of factors that can lead to cancer. For instance I picked blueberries as a kid and forgot not to eat the sprayed blueberries. I grow my own vegies now but I know because I live within a mile of the highway that there is some lead in the ground that floats over from the highway and ends up in the soil. None the less I grow my own anyway as I have no idea when I buy vegies how far they are from a highway or what other contaminants might be there.

    There is a study (maybe more than one) that indicates that stress shortens the teleomeres (on our genes) when we go through stress. Telomeres protect us from cancer. We want long telomeres. I have undergone a lot of stress having a husband who is disabled. It means I pull the benefit train for the family. Having been of a lower socio-economic status I always seemed to have stressful jobs with low pay and often no benefits. My teenagers were cain raisers. I got an eduction while working two jobs. I have always worked two jobs until I got my diagnois of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I blame it on the stress for me. I probably had enough stress to be dead already. I also think because I have a positive way of looking at things that it has mitigated some of the stress. (Hence, I am not dead when I probably should be). I am one blessed lady any way you look at it.
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398

    Thanks Jonnastar for giving us the numbers to look for. I just checked what I use in the freezer and most of it is 5. I have changed over to BPA free water bottles. I think we have a combination of factors that can lead to cancer. For instance I picked blueberries as a kid and forgot not to eat the sprayed blueberries. I grow my own vegies now but I know because I live within a mile of the highway that there is some lead in the ground that floats over from the highway and ends up in the soil. None the less I grow my own anyway as I have no idea when I buy vegies how far they are from a highway or what other contaminants might be there.

    There is a study (maybe more than one) that indicates that stress shortens the teleomeres (on our genes) when we go through stress. Telomeres protect us from cancer. We want long telomeres. I have undergone a lot of stress having a husband who is disabled. It means I pull the benefit train for the family. Having been of a lower socio-economic status I always seemed to have stressful jobs with low pay and often no benefits. My teenagers were cain raisers. I got an eduction while working two jobs. I have always worked two jobs until I got my diagnois of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I blame it on the stress for me. I probably had enough stress to be dead already. I also think because I have a positive way of looking at things that it has mitigated some of the stress. (Hence, I am not dead when I probably should be). I am one blessed lady any way you look at it.

    I say this because I live in Canada and we spent the better part of the last 20 to 25 years removing suspect chemicals from our production and food sources only now to have them re-entering into our chain because of all the Importing we are doing now thanks to loosing our manufacturing to countries that have cheap wages. We are wasting valuable money trying to keep lead out of toys and toxins out of our food something we have to write laws in our books for. We actually do less inspecting here because that too costs money so how much are we actually finding.
    Our water tables are contaminated flowing right of the glaciers like that and we know it.
    I live in a city that pushes Sustainability by increasing population though there are no new roads to handle the traffic. I have seen in 6 short years the air quality decline drastically because of the traffic just sitting for blocks by me. I can hardly stand to sit outside now because I can taste it in the air. I quit smoking 14 years ago and now isolating myself from all my friends that smoke trying to stay a little healthier but not sure it is working lololo...
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398

    Thanks Jonnastar for giving us the numbers to look for. I just checked what I use in the freezer and most of it is 5. I have changed over to BPA free water bottles. I think we have a combination of factors that can lead to cancer. For instance I picked blueberries as a kid and forgot not to eat the sprayed blueberries. I grow my own vegies now but I know because I live within a mile of the highway that there is some lead in the ground that floats over from the highway and ends up in the soil. None the less I grow my own anyway as I have no idea when I buy vegies how far they are from a highway or what other contaminants might be there.

    There is a study (maybe more than one) that indicates that stress shortens the teleomeres (on our genes) when we go through stress. Telomeres protect us from cancer. We want long telomeres. I have undergone a lot of stress having a husband who is disabled. It means I pull the benefit train for the family. Having been of a lower socio-economic status I always seemed to have stressful jobs with low pay and often no benefits. My teenagers were cain raisers. I got an eduction while working two jobs. I have always worked two jobs until I got my diagnois of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I blame it on the stress for me. I probably had enough stress to be dead already. I also think because I have a positive way of looking at things that it has mitigated some of the stress. (Hence, I am not dead when I probably should be). I am one blessed lady any way you look at it.

    I say this because I live in Canada and we spent the better part of the last 20 to 25 years removing suspect chemicals from our production and food sources only now to have them re-entering into our chain because of all the Importing we are doing now thanks to loosing our manufacturing to countries that have cheap wages. We are wasting valuable money trying to keep lead out of toys and toxins out of our food something we have to write laws in our books for. We actually do less inspecting here because that too costs money so how much are we actually finding.
    Our water tables are contaminated flowing right off the glaciers like that and we know it.
    I live in a city that pushes Sustainability by increasing population though there are no new roads to handle the traffic. I have seen in 6 short years the air quality decline drastically because of the traffic just sitting for blocks by me. I can hardly stand to sit outside now because I can taste it in the air. I quit smoking 14 years ago and now isolating myself from all my friends that smoke trying to stay a little healthier but not sure it is working lololo...
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thank you..
    for your replies. I guess nothing is ever certain in life.

    I dislike using plastic at all times. And now I am questioning the bottled water. I drink Spring water. Should I switch to better method? How much can we do to prevent things from happening? Wish it was easier....