What to expect

landbc Member Posts: 10
My Mom was diagnosed with Stage I left breast mammary/ductal ca in 2010. Opted for lumpectomy, XRT, and Femara since it was a small lesion (1.2-cm). Almost a year to the date, her cancer has come back in same area but much bigger--2-cm. ER -, PR +, HER2/neu ??--same as last year. She had a left simple mastectomy and will begin Cytoxan and Taxotere in May.

She is 72 years old.

Any advice on what to expect??


  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    So sorry to hear the news on
    So sorry to hear the news on your mom. I was 41 yrs old, stage 2, ER & PR +, HER2. I was put on Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. This chemo combo is really strong. On Taxotere she will lose her hair, maybe eyebrows and eye lashes. The best advise I can give to help with nausea is to take her nausea meds as directed, keep a good amount of healthy foods like fruit, cheeses, even crakers, just like when you're having nausea when pregnant (funny huh). I found out that as long as I took my meds and ate something every 2-3 hours it really helped keep the nausea in control. I did not throw up not once. Hope some of this helps. Any other questions, dont hesitate to ask.


  • landbc
    landbc Member Posts: 10
    Pinkpower said:

    So sorry to hear the news on
    So sorry to hear the news on your mom. I was 41 yrs old, stage 2, ER & PR +, HER2. I was put on Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. This chemo combo is really strong. On Taxotere she will lose her hair, maybe eyebrows and eye lashes. The best advise I can give to help with nausea is to take her nausea meds as directed, keep a good amount of healthy foods like fruit, cheeses, even crakers, just like when you're having nausea when pregnant (funny huh). I found out that as long as I took my meds and ate something every 2-3 hours it really helped keep the nausea in control. I did not throw up not once. Hope some of this helps. Any other questions, dont hesitate to ask.



    Appreciate the advice, Lupe!!
    Thanks for the quick response, Lupe. This will help alot!! I am trying to get her to call the 800 ACS support number so she does not feel so overwhelmed and alone with this. Everything is happening so quickly for her that she feels she has no control of things.

    She had her port placed yesterday; chemo to start May 3rd. I will keep you posted on how she does!!

    Thanks again!!

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    landbc said:

    Appreciate the advice, Lupe!!
    Thanks for the quick response, Lupe. This will help alot!! I am trying to get her to call the 800 ACS support number so she does not feel so overwhelmed and alone with this. Everything is happening so quickly for her that she feels she has no control of things.

    She had her port placed yesterday; chemo to start May 3rd. I will keep you posted on how she does!!

    Thanks again!!


    My dx
    I was diagnosed with DCIS non invasive.Tumor was 1/2 centimeter.Put on tamoxifin and doing fine so far.My dx was Aug 2009.I am told over and over it will not spread.It is gone.Not coming back.At least not this cancer but the tamox is to help prevent new cancers. Your mom's tumor was just a little bigger than mine.That is a worry seeing what she will now be going through with another surgery and treatment.

    I didn't need chemo or radiation I was told so I can't be help there but so many on here have been through it and will be able to help you.

    Prayers and Thoughts to you and your mom.I am sure this wasn't expected after a good dx/report.

    Lynn Smith
  • landbc
    landbc Member Posts: 10

    My dx
    I was diagnosed with DCIS non invasive.Tumor was 1/2 centimeter.Put on tamoxifin and doing fine so far.My dx was Aug 2009.I am told over and over it will not spread.It is gone.Not coming back.At least not this cancer but the tamox is to help prevent new cancers. Your mom's tumor was just a little bigger than mine.That is a worry seeing what she will now be going through with another surgery and treatment.

    I didn't need chemo or radiation I was told so I can't be help there but so many on here have been through it and will be able to help you.

    Prayers and Thoughts to you and your mom.I am sure this wasn't expected after a good dx/report.

    Lynn Smith

    Thanks, Lynn!!
    So glad to hear your news!! Hopefully you will remain cancer-free, Girlfriend!! : )

    Mom will be put on a different hormonal after completing the chemo. She has been instructed to stop the Famara. Perhaps she will be given Tamoxifen.

    Have you noticed any side effects from it??

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    It's really hard for us to
    It's really hard for us to say what to expect, because we're all so different. Two people with the same dx and the same treatments can react very differently.

    So I have some advice that applies to all chemos. It's really important to stay hydrated, lot and lots of water. Then drink some more. I started hydrating two days before each treatment and for a week after each. I liked Smart Water icy cold, and it has electrolytes. I also liked Vitamin Water.

    If her appetite is effected, eating small snacks throughout the day is usually recommended. The bland foods worked for me...instant mashed potatoes, plain noodles, plain rice, etc. and I liked the stone fruits too. With the advice of a chemo nurse, I kept carnation instant breakfast on hand and that worked well too. I was told in my chemo class to focus on protein and calories. If there is a nutritionist available, be sure and talk with them.

    If friends, neighbors, other family members offer help...accept it. Give them specific things they can do to help (mow the lawn, be sure trash cans are out for pick up, run to the store, send a card or small gift, clean the bathrooms, bring a meal). People usually offer to help and really want to, but aren't sure of the best way to help. If you are your mom's primary care giver it will give you a little break too.

    You might also want to check the posts here for caregivers too. Just like there is a group for breast cancer, there is a group for caregivers. Come back and let us know how you and your mom are doing. And of course, come back with any questions you have.

    I hope this helps.


  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    on the list
    Your mom is on my prayer list.
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    I am so sorry the cancer has
    I am so sorry the cancer has come back. I wish I could give advice, but my first treatment (same thing your mom is having) isn't till next Friday. She is on my prayer list.

  • Hippiechick58
    Hippiechick58 Member Posts: 320

    I am so sorry the cancer has
    I am so sorry the cancer has come back. I wish I could give advice, but my first treatment (same thing your mom is having) isn't till next Friday. She is on my prayer list.


    My thoughts and prayers are
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mom. I am sad to hear that the cancer has returned. That is my worst fear. It sounds like you have a solid medical plan in place. I really don't have any advice to give except to say that she may be stronger than you think! My Mom is 80, stage 4 lung cancer and she has defied all the odds! She is resilient and brave and is an inspiration to me on a daily basis. Maybe this will be your Mom, you never know! God is great and he takes care of his own.

    "May you both be at Peace and May she be Free of Suffering."
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    landbc said:

    Appreciate the advice, Lupe!!
    Thanks for the quick response, Lupe. This will help alot!! I am trying to get her to call the 800 ACS support number so she does not feel so overwhelmed and alone with this. Everything is happening so quickly for her that she feels she has no control of things.

    She had her port placed yesterday; chemo to start May 3rd. I will keep you posted on how she does!!

    Thanks again!!


    Very sorry to read this
    Very sorry to read this about your Mom. The American Cancer Society will help your Mom. I want you to know that I am praying for her.

    Hugs, Jan
  • landbc
    landbc Member Posts: 10
    Mom received her 1st round of chemo yesterday and did REALLY GREAT!! I just checked on her this morning and again, so far, so good.

    While receiving her chemo yesterday, she was introduced to a lady that has is a breast cancer survivor, getting ready to celebrate her 1 year anniversary from chemo. She and Mom had a good conversation and Mom was able to get a lot of helpful advice from someone who has already been there.

    Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.

  • landbc
    landbc Member Posts: 10
    Mom received her 1st round of chemo yesterday and did REALLY GREAT!! I just checked on her this morning and again, so far, so good.

    While receiving her chemo yesterday, she was introduced to a lady that has is a breast cancer survivor, getting ready to celebrate her 1 year anniversary from chemo. She and Mom had a good conversation and Mom was able to get a lot of helpful advice from someone who has already been there.

    Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.

  • landbc
    landbc Member Posts: 10
    Mom received her 1st round of chemo yesterday and did REALLY GREAT!! I just checked on her this morning and again, so far, so good.

    While receiving her chemo yesterday, she was introduced to a lady that has is a breast cancer survivor, getting ready to celebrate her 1 year anniversary from chemo. She and Mom had a good conversation and Mom was able to get a lot of helpful advice from someone who has already been there.

    Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.

  • landbc
    landbc Member Posts: 10
    Mom received her 1st round of chemo yesterday and did REALLY GREAT!! I just checked on her this morning and again, so far, so good.

    While receiving her chemo yesterday, she was introduced to a lady that has is a breast cancer survivor, getting ready to celebrate her 1 year anniversary from chemo. She and Mom had a good conversation and Mom was able to get a lot of helpful advice from someone who has already been there.

    Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    landbc said:

    Mom received her 1st round of chemo yesterday and did REALLY GREAT!! I just checked on her this morning and again, so far, so good.

    While receiving her chemo yesterday, she was introduced to a lady that has is a breast cancer survivor, getting ready to celebrate her 1 year anniversary from chemo. She and Mom had a good conversation and Mom was able to get a lot of helpful advice from someone who has already been there.

    Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.


    So happy your Mom got thru
    So happy your Mom got thru her first chemo. Praying that the rest of her treatment will go easily for her.

    And, how wonderful that she met someone that could help her and offer her information and advice.

    Praying for your Mom,

    Sue :)
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ritzy said:

    So happy your Mom got thru
    So happy your Mom got thru her first chemo. Praying that the rest of her treatment will go easily for her.

    And, how wonderful that she met someone that could help her and offer her information and advice.

    Praying for your Mom,

    Sue :)

    I am so sorry I just read your post to me.I get to reading so many but I always check when new ones come up.Anyway you asked about tamox side effects.Nothing that is serious but a little hair loss( which I didn't need) and some fatigue(which is probably me overdoing it.) I am known for that. Fortunately with me having a total hysercotomy I don't worry about uterine cancer but my friend is a 16 year survivor and took tamoxifin.She has some slight vaginal bleeding but her pap smear and her ultrasound was neg.Some womne just have bleeding according to my doctors.

    I am so happy your mom's chemo treatment went well.I hope the same for the rest of her treatments. Nice she met someone who has been taking chemo for sometime.I have some friends dx with BC so I can talk to them but it has been years since their dx and me I am just starting 1 1/2 years.

    I might add I am terrified of taking new meds.Of course you read those horrible side effects which makes it worse.I waited for almost 6 weeks before starting tamox.Like someone else on here awhile back said they just pondered taking it.Now I am fine with it.In a few years it will be another pill I have to worry about.

    Keep us posted on how the chemo treatment is for your mom. I am sorry the bc came back so soon after your mom's first dx.

    Lynn Smith
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    Ritzy said:

    So happy your Mom got thru
    So happy your Mom got thru her first chemo. Praying that the rest of her treatment will go easily for her.

    And, how wonderful that she met someone that could help her and offer her information and advice.

    Praying for your Mom,

    Sue :)

    Hey B,
    You remind me so much of myself, if this were my mother I'd be doing the same things you are. My mother is in her mid 70's and I am the oldest girl of 5 siblings. Mom relies on me the most with insurance questions, bill paying and normal every day living. She is diabetic so medication is also part of our routine. I know from experience that your mothers health is going to effect you just as much as it effects her. So you take care of yourself too. Learn the process and ask lots of questions.

    I am glad to hear Mom's first chemo went well. Mine did too, but as the treatments accumulate the body wears down. It's amazing with medication what they can't control. The other ladies offered some sound advice, much of which I followed during my own chemo routine.

    I pray your mother has an easy go at this, and please let her know we are here supporting her (and you) as well.

  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    I am so sorry your mom's
    I am so sorry your mom's cancer came back. I started that same regimine last Friday so I can't share much, but so far my biggest complaint has been the wiped out feeling. As long as I took my anti-nausea meds that seemed to be controlled. It may hit your mom a little harder though since she's 20 years older than I am. Prayers!
